Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Doctor Who Scarf Bracelets

It's Baaaccckkk - Doctor Who - 23rd August. I'm just a teeny bit excited!
I may have mentioned once or twice that I am a huge Doctor Who fan. (My level of fan-ness is huge, not me, I'm regular sized!)
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
Being a child of the 70's and growing up actually hiding behind the settee (yes, we really did that) Tom Baker as the 4th Doctor was My Doctor. I love the other Doctors too and have high hopes for Mr Capaldi but the truth is the Doctor you grow up with will always be your Doctor, that's just how it is. Tom Baker had the awesome scarf and I've made a tie for our son, (pattern here) inspired by that scarf. For myself I thought I would make a bracelet.
I've been experimenting and made two versions.
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
On pinterest I found the original BBC scarf pattern here which said I needed these colours of DK wool : Purple, Camel, Bronze, Mustard, Rust, Grey and Greenish Brown.
After extensive research this is what I chose:

Version 1 - a wrap around bracelet:

This was my original idea, a long bracelet version of a long scarf. I think it's a bit bulky after all - see what you think.
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
Printable version here
Using 2.5mm needles, cast on 10 stitches in purple.
Using knit throughout work the stripes like this:
3 purple row
26 camel
8 bronze
6 mustard
10 rust
4 purple
10 green
4 mustard
8 camel
6 rust
4 bronze
6 purple
20 green
4 mustard
8 grey
4 rust
10 camel
6 purple
6 green
4 mustard
8 rust
4 purple
18 bronze
4 grey
16 rust

change to mustard and k1, cast off 2, k4, cast off 2 k1

k1, turn the knitting round, cast on 2, turn it back round, k4, turn it round again cast on 2, turn back and k the last stitch. (you've made 2 little button holes that will line up when you join the side seam. I don't know if this is a standard way to make button holes but it works for me. If you know a better way, use that!)
k4 more rows in mustard then cast off.

Doctor Who inspired bracelet
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
This is the right side,
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
and this is the wrong side, with all the colour changes.

Fold the knitting in half length ways, then using one of the ends for each colour (doesn't matter which one) over sew the side seam. It is a bit of a pain, having to keep rethreading your needle but it looks better when you use the same colour as each stripe and you don't have to worry so much if your stitches are not very neat.
The other "ends" I just trimmed a little bit shorter and then left, they will be hidden on the inside anyway.

Now you need to turn it right side out. This was a bit tricky, but just keep gently pulling it through - don't be rough with it or you'll pull it out of shape. 
Doctor Who inspired bracelet

This is how my button hole ended up:
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
Add a small button on the non-button hole end and you are done.
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
What do you think? I like it but I don't luurve it.
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
(Can I just point out - whooo, look at me with nail varnish on - fancy!)
Doctor Who inspired bracelet

Version 2 - a cuff bracelet lined with felt:

Doctor Who inspired bracelet
Using 2mm needles and purple wool cast on 10 stitches and using knit through out work the pattern like this: printable version here
1 purple row
12 camel
4 bronze
2 mustard
6 rust
2 purple
6 green
2 mustard
8 camel
4 rust
2 bronze
2 purple
10 green
2 mustard
4 grey
2 rust
12 camel
2 purple
2 green
2 mustard
6 rust
2 purple
8 bronze
k4, cast off 4, k2
k3, turn knitting round and cast on 4, turn back round and work the last 3 st on row. (this will make the button hole)
k another row with bronze
change to camel and work 1 row
cast off

Doctor Who inspired bracelet

Doctor Who inspired bracelet
See the button hole at the end.
All your colour changes should be on the same side. Now you just need to sew all those bloomin' ends in!
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
Once all the ends are sewn in it looks like this, a little bit bumpy along the edges and not very even.

Cut a piece of felt just a fraction smaller than the knitting and pinned it centrally onto the knitting. Then using regular sewing thread, over-sew it in place as neatly as you can. 
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
As you stitch the felt in place try to even out any slight unevenness of the knitting. Ease the narrower sections out a bit, the felt will hold them in place. 

Finish it off with a button and "Robert's your Father's Brother!" (Does that expression even work internationally?)
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
I love it! Hurray! 
Doctor Who inspired bracelet
I mostly used bits of wool from my stash, the grey was the only one I bought new and that was for the tie. The good thing about that is I hardly spent a thing, that bad news is the different makes of wool are all slightly different thicknesses. That's what made it all a bit uneven, but in the end that didn't seem to matter too much.

Now I'm off for a nice cup of super heated infusion of free radicals and tannin, and a Jammy Dodger.

You might also be interested in:
Harry Potter Scarf Pattern
Harry Potter Scarf Pattern
Day of the Doctor Tribute
Day of the Doctor Tribute
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Origami Cash Gift Card Wallet
Doctor Who knitted scarf tie
Doctor Who Knitted Scarf Tie
I'll be linking up at these great link parties


  1. I love these bracelets. They'ld make a great first-day-school-gift for the teacher ; )

    1. Very funny! (but only if they were sprinkled with pixie dust)

  2. Really cute idea! I love The Doctor and #4 was the first Doctor I was introduced to (but 9 & 10 stole my heart ;)).

  3. Love it!! I am a huge Doctor Who fan and have been contemplating making a Doctor Who dress...

    1. Do it! There is some amazing stuff floating about on the internet! I liked the idea of something subtle rather than going for the whole cosplay thing but maybe I'm working my way up to it!

  4. These bracelets are so cute! I can't wait for the new season to start :)

    1. It was good wasn't it! I've recorded it and will be sitting down to watch again later today!

  5. These are great. I really like that they are easy enough for kids to make. Pinning to my boys craft board :)

  6. Fantastic - as the 9th Dr would say!
    Great idea....
    .....looking forward to Saturday!

    1. Thanks, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

    2. It was Fantastic! looking forward to the rest of the series and more developments in the Drs character!
      Happy Blogiversary too!
      Ali x

  7. too great! love this doctor who bracelet! must.make.now!

  8. These are absolutely adorable! The section of colors you chose is amazing!

  9. Oh, I have to learn how to knit now so I can make these. Hope you have a great day!

    1. It's a great beginners project as it's all knit and it's super quick.

  10. I think both bracelets are cute...I have never watched Dr. Who....but I think I need to..I hear it is a pretty wonderful show.

    1. I love it (can you tell?) so I assume everyone else will too. I have heard rumours that people exist who don't like it but I'm sure that's just because they've not watched properly!

  11. Great bracelets, thanks for stopping by and sharing, I just pinned!

  12. Great bracelets! I don't watch the show but my sons do. Thanks for sharing how to make them.

  13. I like number two best too. Honest I thought that before I had read what you thought. So what did you think of the new Doctor?

    1. Love him! I've only watched it once so far but it is recorded so I can watch again as see all the subtleties I missed first time round. I liked how they had plenty of familiar characters in the episode and addressed lots of the concerns people have been spouting on the internet. I think he's going to be really good.

  14. They're great, I'm sure lots of Doctor Who fans would love to have one.

  15. I absolutely love this!! I'm a huge Doctor Who fan, too. Thank you so much for linking up this awesomeness with The Caffeinated Crafters!!

    1. Thank you so much, always nice to meet a fellow fan!

  16. I like these bracelets a lot. They are really great and you very clever in crocheting.
    I found your blog thanks to Wendy's linky party and I follow you with pleasure!
    a hug

  17. Replies
    1. Also - Just wanted to let you know I featured you over at Creative Spark this week. Feel free to grab a button!

    2. Thanks Kristy, that means a lot, I'll pop over right now.

  18. Hi Julie, Your being featured this week with your lovely post and knitting pattern diy! Come see your feature and grab a featured button if you like. Please feel free to share any posts you would like to again this week. Theresa @DearCreatives You can find your feature here: http://www.dearcreatives.com/inspiration-spotlight-party-linkup-108-crafts-diy-decor-recipes/

    1. How exciting Theresa, thank you so much for letting me know. I'll be sure to pop by on Saturday.

  19. I have no idea how this pertains to Doctor Who because I still haven't watched an episode, but I love these bracelets! I did share this post with a Doctor Who blog friend because she loves that show. I do need to see what it's all about because I keep hearing about it. Thanks so much for sharing these really creatively awesome bracelets with us at the Creative Style Linkup!

    1. Thanks Brittnei, The long stripy scarf is a reference from a Doctor way back in the 70's, so not so much in the show now. Do check it out if you get chance, it's funny, exciting, slightly scary (I would say for 7 and over really) both simple and complicated at the same time and has lots to teach us all about being better people.

  20. Ah, Capaldi's pretty good isn't he? The fiance and I are having a Doctor Who themed wedding next year, and this is perfect to walk down the aisle with! I'll also be making the long scarf! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    1. A Doctor Who wedding, how exciting, sounds fab!
      I'm really liking Mr C, and I've enjoyed the mix of scary, moving and funny so far this series.


I love to hear your thoughts/comments, thank you for taking the time.