Sunday, 24 August 2014

1 Year Blogiversary

Cake for my 1 year blogiversary
I can hardly believe that this week it's a whole year since I took the plunge and pressed that Publish button.
I've been wondering what to do to celebrate. I even googled "Celebrating my Blogiversary" to get ideas. (and my phone auto corrected to "Celebrating my Block Eraser" ????? really?)
  • Should I pass on all the bloggy wisdom I've learn't in the last year? Most of the technical stuff is on my Blogging Stuff Pinterest board, and really I still feel like I'm swimming in custard half the time! I'm not really the best person to be giving advice. Apart from "Be Yourself" and "Enjoy" I don't know what else I could say.
  • Should I do a give-away? Hummm, what about international postage costs? A lot of you lovely  readers are not in the UK.
  • Should I share my most popular posts? Just check out the sidebar - they are all there!
  • Should I share 365 facts about myself? That would probably be way too much information and besides a look at my pinterest boards probably says more about me than anything else!
So instead, I've decided to just thank all the people who have helped me.
Papercut thanks for My 1 year Blogiversary

First my gorgeous family.

They've put up with me photographing everything I do. They've taken photos of me and for me. They let me take pictures of them modelling the things I've made. They eat weird meals at weird times because I've got carried away with something else (sometimes even slightly burnt food - honestly honey, it's supposed to be crispy!) usually eaten off trays as I've got my latest project spread out all over the table. They give me blogging/craft related presents. I hog the computer, I hog the camera and they hardly ever moan. Love you guys x
Button thanks for My 1 year Blogiversary

Next The Craft Blogging Community:

What a lovely bunch of people you all are! I've had so much help and advice from other bloggers. I don't know if all bloggers are like this but craft bloggers are so generous with their support. They follow you on a whole host of social medias, they tweet, Google+, stumble and pin the heck out of your projects. Thank you so much if you have done any of the above!
scrabble thanks for My 1 year Blogiversary

Next the inspirational women in my life who are no longer with us:

The whole reason I starting this in the first place, you can read about them here.
yarn thanks for my 1 year Blogiversary

Finally You:

You are here, reading my post. Wowza, that's really cool. Thanks for stopping by. Hopefully you will have a nosey round and be inspired to try a craft or two, maybe you will even stop by again another time.
Here's to the next 12 months!


  1. Congratulations! I love all those photos, what a lovely way of saying thank you! :)

    1. Thanks Clare, I had fun finding ways to spell out thanks!

  2. Happy Blogiversary! Glad you are still doing it!

  3. Huge congratulations hon! a fantastic achievement. Your blog is so lovely and full of great stuff! xx

    1. That is so kind of you to say Jen. Glad you like it.

  4. Happy Blogiversary, mine's a few months older than yours but its amazing how much they grow over the course of a year isn't it.

    1. Thank you Lucy, it's kind of crazy isn't it ! (fun though!)

  5. Congratulations on your first year anniversary of blogging! :) -Deanna {sewmccool}

  6. Congratulations - Love the way you say "Thank you" with the pictures! Very Cute.

    1. Thank you Agy, it was fun to put together, once I had decided what I was doing!

  7. Congratulations! 1 year goes fast in the blog world doesn't it?! x

    1. Crazy (and scary) fast Emma! Thanks for stopping by.

  8. What a sweet tribute to all who have helped you! Congratulations and thanks for linking up to Motivational Monday!

    1. I definitely learnt you can't do it all alone - supporting one another is the way to go! Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Congratulations! Such a nice, hearftelt tribute! :)

  10. Happy blogiversary! Such a great accomplishment. Big pats on the back. :D

  11. Congrats!! So has the time gone by really fast or does it seem like it's been a long year? Blogging is really fun, isn't it! And I loved how you thanked your family. Haha, they are the ones who have to put up with the most of our craziness-- here take a picture, oh hey, stop and do that again-- I'm always annoying my kids and husband. But I love it!

    1. I'm loving blogging, but seriously, my poor family do put up with quite a lot bless 'em!

  12. HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY! That is so exciting and your post is such a cute way to say "thanks". I will be pinning this so that when i hit my 1 year on (you should stop by sometime and chat) I will always remember this amazing idea!! I cant wait to look around more and maybe pick your brain someday :)

    1. Thanks, I'm popping over for a look round now :-)

  13. Congratulations on your one year anniversary blogging!

  14. What a great way to celebrate your blogiversary! Congrats and keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing with Hump Day Happenings!

    1. Thank you Jenna, always fun to stop by at Hump day happenings!

  15. Congratulations on a year of blogging!! It's a lot of work, but fun, too. Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. =)

    1. My pleasure Natasha. and thank you for visiting me!

  16. Happy Anniversary, takes lots of work and in some cases lots of patients.
    Thanks for visiting to share your milestone on Weekends Are Fun
    Have a great Labor Day Weekend
    Oh My Heartsie Girl

  17. Congrats on hitting a 1 year anniversary! that's a BIG milestone!

  18. G'day and Happy Blog Annivsary and thanks for sharing at our #SayGdayParty! Please make sure to stop back, if you haven't already and say G'day to someone else at the party and perhaps you can answer a question or two for me!
    Cheers! Joanne What's On The List?

  19. Congrats on your 1 year blog anniversary. I love the creative ways you said thank you. so cool. I wish you many more to come,

  20. Happy 1 year of blogging to you! I have great respect for craft bloggers--I like crafting but that would take a lot of mental energy to keep up with crafting so often and blog about it too!

    1. I have to admit the blogging bit is WAY more time consuming that I ever thought it would be! I really just like making things too.
      The worst bit is when your project is all finished and you are sitting down to edit your photos and realise you have missed an important step! I tend to draw little pictures and hope that's enough!

  21. This is an amazing milestone! Congrats to you! For my blogiversary I did a cash giveaway and it was a nice one since everyone in the world could enter. I just let them know that any fees and taxes would be on them. Paypal lets you send cash to friends and family for free so it didn't cost me to send the winner the money. :) I did kick in some cash to help towards the cash prize with my other co-hosts though. It was a lot of fun. I think what you did in this post was just fine though. Very happy for you and thank you for sharing this milestone with us at the Creative Style Linkup! :)

    1. What great advice Brittnei, Thank you so much. Until you try something it can be hard to even know where to start!
      Maybe for my 2nd year anniversary!


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