Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Rainbow Pom Poms

Rainbow Pom Poms are a brilliant way to use up all the little bits of yarn left over from other projects.
How to make rainbow pom poms
This is easy and quick, let's get stuck straight in!
You will need:
Sharp Scissors
Yarn, wool whatever you call it you'll need some different bits and pieces in a few bright colours. 
This is what I pulled out of my stash. You don't need this much - there is enough here to make about 30 pom poms! Just use up scraps, it doesn't matter what weight the yarn is, if it's fluffy or textured, it all works just fine.
Cut an arm length of one of your yarns. Choose a strong acrylic one (one that doesn't snap when you really pull it) Double it up and lay it between your middle finger.
How to make rainbow pom poms
Now start wrapping your different coloured yarns. Do between 8 and 10 wraps of each then change (1). Just leave the ends dangling. Stop when it looks a bit like photo(2) The more you wrap the fatter the pom pom will be.
How to make rainbow pom poms
Pull the length that you left between your fingers together and knot (3). Pull it as tight as you can then slide the bundle off your fingers (4) Pull the knotted yarn really tight and knot again. Wrap it round the bundle a couple of times and knot again.
Holding the pom pom by the long lengths of yarn cut the loops on both side.
How to make rainbow pom poms
You should have something that looks like this, a bit messy but nearly there.
How to make rainbow pom poms 
Now grab your sharp scissors and start to trim. Hold the pom pom over a bin to catch all the little bits.
Trim a bit, give it a shake, fluff it in your hands and them trim a bit more until you are happy with your lovely rainbow pom pom. 
How to make rainbow pom poms
I love making pom poms like this, I don't have a fancy plastic pom pom maker and this is SO much quicker than the old cardboard ring method. I know some people think it is wasteful because you trim away a load of yarn but it honestly doesn't seem too too wastful to me. Here is what ended up in my bin after 1 pom pom:
I suppose how big your pom pom ends up depends on how big your hand is, I feel my hand is pretty average grown up lady size and my finished pom poms are about 2.5" (6cm) in diameter.
How to make rainbow pom poms
I LOVE these rainbow pom poms, I'll show you tomorrow what I used this one for.
I'll be sharing this project at these link parties


  1. How fun! I love the colors...and I can't wait to see what they become!

  2. That is such a happy and colorful pom pom! I make mine the same way, but I never thought of doing multiple colors.

  3. I love pom poms! But I never used my hand to make them! I usually use a fork. Thank you so much for this great idea, Julie. Kisses, my friend.

  4. Lovely colour and I like your method. I learnt to make pom poms when I was in school many moons ago, but we used cardboard. I never really tried to do it for my crafts, but I must say that I would like to knit my own hat and add a pom pom. Maybe a #handmadeMonday project for the future :).

  5. I love a pom pom and your colourful ones are delightful. I've not used my hand before to make them though, I must try this. I use a wire coat hanger to make about 6 pom poms at once.

  6. Nothing more satisfying Julie. Super cute. Jo xxx

  7. These are super cute and a great way to use up left over wool. They would look great on a white cushion cover.

  8. Pom poms always make me happy, I do cheat though and have winder thingy that does the work for me. Have fun x


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