Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Adding a handle to your clear mounted stamps

Just a quick tip today, something I found useful when using clear stamps that are mounted onto thin acrylic blocks. I realise this is a bit of a niche problem that I found a solution too, I'm sharing just in case anyone out there finds it useful too!
This post contains affiliate links to the products I used. If you purchase an item using a link you will not be charged any extra but Sum of their Stories will receive a small commission.
custom made clear stamps
I was originally going to call todays post "How to use clear stamps mounted on thin acrylic blocks with a traditional office ink pad without getting your hands dirty" Snappy title eh? 
A few months ago Sum of their Stories had a makeover and a bit of a rebrand. I designed myself a new logo and the lovely Fran at Little Stamp Store made me some custom stamps. I am SO pleased with my stamps and the custom service from Little Stamp Store was amazing. 
I use my stamps for a few things, one goes on the back of greeting cards that I make for sale, one is just the logo which is handy for all sorts of things and one I used for mass producing my business cards. 
recycled business cards
I make my business cards from old greeting cards and packaging. Kleenex tissue box are one of my favourites, they are so pretty and perfect for turning into business cards. 
When I make these I use a regular office style ink pad and this was where I ran into an issue with my lovely mounted stamps. 
I didn't take any before photos so this is a bit of a spoiler! You have to imagine this but without the cork.
adding a handle to clear mounted stamps
See how my fingers end up in the ink? I know for fancy stamping you are supposed to do ink pad to stamp so the whole thing is upside down but for speedy mass production on business cards or stamping on the back of 20 handmade greeting cards I want to do a quick stamp, stamp, stamp.
The solution was easy. I glued a cork to the stamp and now I have a fine and dandy handle. 
adding a handle to clear mounted stamps
For some reason I felt an action photo was necessary. Maybe I felt this would be too hard for you to visualise! 
adding a handle to clear mounted stamps
You just need to make sure you use a super strong glue. I used Gorilla Glue 60ml which expands as it sets hence it is a bit messy around the join, but this baby is not going anywhere. I'm sure other strong glues would work just as well. 
adding a handle to clear mounted stamps
That's it, old corks turned into handles for my mounted stamps.
I have a small collection of clear stamps, the rest are the cling ones (mostly freebies that have come with magazines) that you pop on and off the acrylic blocks. I have a couple of the acrylic blocks which are thicker so this issue doesn't arise with them, it was just these Sum of their Stories ones that were already attached to their thin blocks that left me with inky fingers. Anyone who stamps will know once ink is on your fingers it's on your work, your table, your face - everywhere!
Anyway, this has worked for me. Maybe one day you will have a similar issue and have a vague recollection of this simple solution.


  1. Such a great idea and a good excuse to 'have to' drink a nice bottle of your favourite tipple!

    1. Ha ha, exactly! I keep all corks, they just seem so 'useable for something' I just can't throw them away!

  2. The simplest solutions often create the best results. This would seriously improve the handling of the stamps and reduce the chance of smudging. Great work around.

    1. Thank you Leanna, it's definitely worked for me on this occasion anyway.

  3. Such a great way to keep the ink away!

  4. I've used clear stamps by sticking them to the end of a long ruler. Not great and ink everywhere! Your idea is much better :). I love the idea of using old cards for business cards and stamping the other side.

    1. I guess it's a case of using what you have. I have used a jam jar, you just roll the stamp onto the card, that works ok, but it's not so easy to get the placement right.
      I am pleased with my business cards, so far it's working really well and I have an almost endless supply of either old cards or pretty packaging to make them from, even some cereal packets have suitable sections. The family are getting used to seeing me pulling things out the the recycling bin now!

  5. What a clever idea Julie - I wish I had thought of this when Stamping !!

  6. Well arent you the lever girl, a bit of improvision, I would say, perfect!!
    Oh and the idea of using kleenx boxes for post cards is amazing, never waist the pretty designs again. Beautiful, but wheres you sell things you make?

    Thank you for sharing on #OHGFF this week, Im so glad you did!!
    I do hope you will stop by again soon.
    Shared and Tweeted your post!
    Have a great week!

    1. Hi Karren, Thanks!
      I sell locally at the moment with plans to open at Etsy or maybe Folksy shop soon.


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