Sunday, 22 January 2017

Handmade Monday #9

Hello and welcome to Handmade Monday. 
This is the place to share your makes, bakes and other handmade craft ideas and to find some new inspiration.

Back in November I shared photos of a patchwork bedspread my nan made for me when I was little, you can see that here if you missed it, and some of you were kind enough to offer some ideas of what I could do with it. During the Christmas holidays I found time to finally take it apart and this weekend I've been remaking it into something new. I'm writing a proper post all about it but for now here is a sneak peek.
I won't say too much now, except I'm really happy with what I've been able to do and some of it involved Chrissie D's tutorial on a hand tying technique. 
Now here are the features from last week's Handmade Monday.

Anna from Tea and a Sewing Machine has lined an old wooden box with fabric and given it a whole new lease of life.

Mary from The Boondocks Blog also gave a box a makeover, but this one caused her some real headaches. Luckily it all ended well and she filled this pretty Valentine's Day wooden gift box with chocolates.

Congratulations, here is a "Yay! I was featured" button for your blog.

Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

And now for this weeks linky.
Every entry gets pinned onto our Handmade Monday pinterest board . It's a group board so you are welcome to join, just send me a message with your pinterest email and I'll send you an invite.

The rules are pretty straightforward:
  • Did you make it? Is it craft related? Yes - hooray, we'd love to see what you've been up to. This is not the place for shops, link parties or posts with just other people's work. Giveaways are fine as long as they are craft related.
  • Add the link to your blog post, not your main site URL.
  • Link up to 3 posts each week, but please try to make sure it's something you've not linked up here before.
  • Have fun! Mingle - visit some of the other links - that's the whole point! Leave them a comment, maybe share on pinterest, twitter or your other favourite social media. Let's support one another and grow our craft community.
  • If you'd like to follow me in some way (buttons to find me are on the side at the top) then that would be just lovely. If you'd like to tell others about Handmade Monday then that would be just lovely too.


  1. Ooh that looks interesting! I've always wondered what those little tied bits are on patchworks! You can tell I've never done it! x

    1. I've learnt loads on this one Clare, some is what not to do next time but you can't get everything right first time!

  2. Thanks for featuring my box xx

    1. You're welcome Anna, thanks for stopping by again.

  3. Thank you for doing HM, you are a treasure, have a good week xx

    1. Thank you Caroline, you are a treasure too - for always visiting and joining in, always visiting other blogs (I see your comments..I know how good you are) You are the opposite of a 'link and runner'!

  4. Julie, I hope what I linked is acceptable. I didn't know if DIY/upcycle fits in the category. I hope so. Thank you for this party.

    xo Dianne

    1. Hi Deanie, welcome to Handmade Monday, I've seen your upcycle storage idea, perfect, just the kind of thing we like to see shared here. Thanks for joining us.

  5. Julie thank you for the feature. There are so many great Valentine's day projects here. Enjoy your week

    1. You're welcome Mary, there is definitely love in the air at the moment isn't there (well in the craft blog world anyway!)

  6. Some really fun things this week!


I love to hear your thoughts/comments, thank you for taking the time.