Sunday, 1 January 2017

Handmade Monday #6

Hello, welcome to Handmade Monday, the place to share your adventures in crafting!
Happy New Year everyone. I hope you had a good Christmas break and are feeling ready for 2017. We've had a good mix of relaxing and busy busy seeing friends and family. I am happy to report I did get to spend Christmas early evening watching Doctor Who and eating mince pies. I loved it. (Doctor Who not the mince pies, though they were pretty good too) It was the right level of slightly cheesy, lots of fun and not too scary that we've come to enjoy at Christmas. Not quite as good as last years but that was one of my favourites.
I'm happy to welcome you to this first Handmade Monday of the new year. Share your latest crafting projects and ideas here and then take a few minutes to see what other people have been up to.  

Here are the features from the last Handmade Monday of 2016.

This hand tied snuggly quilt from Chrissie D is so lovely and Chrissie makes it look so do-able too with links to her easy to follow tutorials and tips. 

Claire from Pillar Box Blue made these lovely heart ornaments from old maps, she has ideas of how to make them into brooches or keyrings too

Congratulations, here is a "Yay! I was featured" button for your blog.

Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

And now for this weeks linky.
Remember every entry gets pinned onto our Handmade Monday pinterest board too, if you'd like to join the board and pin directly just send me a message with your pinterest email.

The rules are pretty straightforward:
  • Did you make it? Is it craft related? Yes - hooray, we'd love to see what you've been up to. This is not the place for shops, link parties or posts with just other people's work. Giveaways are fine as long as they are craft related.
  • Add the link to your blog post, not your main site URL.
  • Link up to 3 posts each week, but try to make sure it's something you've not linked up here before.
  • Have fun! Mingle - visit some of the other links - that's the whole point! Leave them a comment, maybe share on pinterest, twitter or your other favourite social media. Let's support one another and grow our craft community.
  • If you'd like to follow me in some way (buttons to find me are on the side at the top) then that would be just lovely. If you'd like to tell others about Handmade Monday then that would be just lovely too.


  1. Happy New Year to you too.

    Love Chrissie's quilt, such an inspiration. Hearts for Valentines day or any day

    1. The quilt is so lovely isn't it, and great tips for working with the fleecy fabric which I'm sure will come in handy.
      Hearts are lovely for all year round I think - spread the love!

  2. Some lovely ideas here! Great gifts for friends or family!

  3. Happy New Year - here's to 2017 and whatever it holds. Thanks for keeping Handmade Monday alive:)

    1. It's a funny time isn't it Vicky, looking back and looking forwards. Who knows what is to come. Wake up, do your best, sleep, repeat - that's all we can do!

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my map hearts. Happy New Year.

    1. You're welcome Claire, thanks for stopping by again. Happy New Year.


I love to hear your thoughts/comments, thank you for taking the time.