Saturday, 10 December 2016

Christmas Windows with Chalk Markers

Simple designs drawn on the window in fantastic Chalkola chalk markers that just wipe away in the new year.
Christmas Window doodles with Chalk markers
I was lucky enough to receive some Chalk Marker pens from ChalkOla in exchange for a review. 
Scroll down to the bottom for a 20% off discount code.
ChalkOla Marker pens
I have loved trying these Chalkola Chalk Markers out. They are so simple to use, smooth to write or doodle with and the colours are way more vibrant that I was expecting. They contain a high density chalk ink and it takes a couple of minutes to get them going when they are brand new. You pump the nib down a few times (like you would for any paint marker) and the nib gradually fills with colour - then you are ready to go. After that the ink flows pretty constantly even vertically like I was using them. If the ink flow slowed a little I just gave them a shake, depressed the nib again then it flowed freely again.

I've tried a few idea out with them so far, the first is a Christmassy wreath and greeting on the doors to our back garden.
That IS glass, it's just evening. Here it gets dark pretty early (about 4pm) this time of year so most crafting has to happen in the dark!
Start by drawing round a side plate with a white chalk pen.
Then add a very simple sets of leaves and then twiggy lines to make a wreath design.
Christmas Windows with Chalk markers
Add a few dots with a red Chalk Marker pen for just a little touch of colour. You could do your wreath in green if you prefer, the sets from ChalkOla have loads of colours to choose from.

This next bit I did a bit earlier the next day so daylight - yay! This is what I had so far.
Christmas Windows with Chalk markers
Next print your chosen greeting onto regular printer paper. I used a font called Bromello which I downloaded from DaFont. You might need a little trial and error before it is the right size for your wreath, I got lucky with mine. Or you could be super organised a measure everything properly first.
Blue Tack the greeting to the glass outside lining it up centrally.
Christmas Windows with Chalk markers
Doodling Christmas Windows with Chalk markers
Now you just need to trace over the words with your Chalk Marker pen. I found I needed one eye shut to do this, I'm not sure why, it just made it easier!
Christmas Windows with Chalk markers
It looks like I was a bit off with the tracing, but remember the camera is off the the side so it's a bit of a weird angle.
Christmas Windows with Chalk markers
Next just thicken up the down strokes next to give them a little more of a modern calligraphy look.
Christmas Windows with Chalk markers
The white pen shows best where there are no curtains or binds as once it's dark the design really shows beautifully. I'm going to try the other brighter colours on our front windows, where we have shutters, if I get time before Christmas.

In the daytime, with gorgeous dull grey UK skies the effect is more subtle but still pretty festive.
Christmas Windows with Chalk markers
Christmas Windows with Chalk markers

These are the UK links to the products I tested :

Christmas Windows with Chalk markers
I've had SO much fun playing with these pens already and have more ideas to share with you using them. Photographing anything on glass is a challenge though! Hopefully you get a good idea of the fun and vibrant effect you can get with these pens. And as long as you use them on a non porous surface they just wipe away easily when you've had enough of them.
Update 7th Jan 2017
Just to reassure everyone that they really do just wipe away here is a quick photo from last night when I finally cleaned off our window wreaths using a damp cloth.

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  1. SO pretty! I love the idea of using a print out to copy!

    1. Thanks, I dabble with handlettering but it takes me so long to get something I'm happy with the printed option seemed much better for this.

  2. Really love your ideas and these pens are fantastic. Would have to convince Mr N that they will wash off or he would have apoplexy. The wreath looks so effective.

    1. Ha ha, yes they really do just wipe off - I did a tiny test mark first, let it overnight and it just wipes off with a cloth.

  3. You did sooooo good! So festive and such a brilliant idea!!

    1. Thank you Andrea, glad you like it. It's nice to have cheerful festive windows for a little while.

  4. Love this, want to give it a go but I'll have to do it with stencils - can't get at the outside of my 23rd floor windows ;D

    1. Ha ha, good heavens no! Can you even imagine?! You could free hand it - I wasn't brave enough but maybe you have mad handlettering skills? Stencils seem like a very good compromise, or just avoid the need for letters at all and doodle a tree and ornaments or something. I've been trying to do a winter scene and snowflakes on the front windows but it's not quite right so I'm not sharing it here just yet (if ever)

  5. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing!

  6. What a good idea. I can imagine snowflakes looking good too.

  7. I love these, what a stroke of genius! Your house will definitely be the best dressed this season x

  8. What a clever idea! Looks beautiful! And it looks really simple to do - that's always a bonus :)

    Sarah Bell
    Trendy & Tidy

  9. This is so brilliant! I love the look of wreaths in my windows, but need to be able to close the curtains at night to keep the cold out, this will make that possible and it looks so great! Thanks for sharing at the Wednesday Showcase party!

  10. So unique and lovely, Julie. Thank you for linking with us at #HomeMattersParty . Happy Holidays :) We would love to have you again once the party starts next year on Jan 6.


I love to hear your thoughts/comments, thank you for taking the time.