Friday, 13 May 2016

Cross Stitch Planter

The simplest of cross stitch to upcycle an old tin into a plant pot.
recycled tin cross stitch planter
I used to do a lot of cross stitch. I designed and sold a range of kits at craft fairs and had a few of my designs published in Cross Stitch magazines back in the late 80's/early 90's. Then I had kids, cross stitch went out of fashion a bit and that was the end of that! I made the kids samplers with their birth details but not much else since then.

I think cross stitch might be due for a bit of a revival. On pinterest I've been seeing quite a bit of really nice cross stitch again and as part of my post moving house sorting out ("why on earth did I keep this?" you know the sort of thing) I found some 14 count Aida. This is the big stuff for beginners with large squares. We used to use this at primary school to make coasters and other lovely gifts for our parents! It has 14 little squares to the inch, hence the 14 count!

Just as I was thinking that I may as well use this Aida fabric to make something, at work my boss finished the last of her tin of Yannoh. It's a weird (sorry) coffee substitute thing that she drinks but it comes in a nice tin with no sharp edges and an easy to remove label. It's a recyclers dream!

To make your own cross stitch Planter you need:
  • An old tin or container to cover (plain is best as any label will show through the holes in the fabric a bit)
  • 14 count Aida fabric or similar
  • Embroidery threads in your choice of colours
  • Needles, scissors, hot glue gun
  • Something to line your tin if it's not watertight
Remove the label from your tin if you can.
Cut the fabric to fit round your tin.
Using 3 strand of embroidery thread, stitch a design centrally on your strip of fabric. 
You can get the chart for mine here or just right click on the chart below and then print. 
You should end up with something looking like this.
simple cross stitch planter
Wrap the fabric round the tin then fix with a couple of lines of hot glue on the short edges, just where the fabric joins. I couldn't photograph this stage, hot glue on a metal tin cools pretty quickly so you need to be quick. Also I have only 2 hands! Here is what it looks like now. The glue is clear so any small bits that ooze though the holes in the fabric don't show too much.
cross stitch planter from an old tin
This tin is not watertight so I've lined it with a piece of thick plastic bag. The plant is still in it's original plastic pot, just dropped into the fancy planter.
I shared some problems I'd had with tins as planters last week here and how I got round them.
After saying last week that herbs were a bit to much work for a windowsill I have backtracked and now have some flat leafed parsley in my Cross Stitch planter. 
recycled tin cross stitch planter
It was from an IKEA set of 3 paper wax lined cups with seeds to grow mint, basil and coriander that I was lucky enough to get as a gift at a baby shower. The mint didn't germinate at all so I just have cups of coriander and basil that are doing rather well at the moment. The IKEA cup fitted perfectly into the tin so for a little while I am actually back to living my dream of herbs on my kitchen windowsill - lovely whilst it lasts!
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I'll be linking up at these great link parties, why not check them out!


  1. Julie, you know I have a soft spot in my heart for needlepoint. This would put me in needle point heaven. Too cute for words!

    1. Thanks Mary, it took an hour tops to sew so you could make your own in a jiffy!

  2. This is such a pretty idea, I would never think to decorate a plant pot this way - love it! :)

    Lyndsay xx

  3. I love to do a bit of cross stitch now and then. I love the idea of these planters.

    1. It was fun to get back into it after a long break, I definitely see more cross stitch in my future now, thanks.

  4. Very cute! I haven't attempted cross stitch in forever, but I remember it being very relaxing. Lovely work. Sue via #MakingHome

    1. I was exactly the same, it had been a long time since I had cross stitched anything but I really did enjoy this. Keeping it super simple helped too of course!

  5. Simple and gorgeous :) a great way to use up aida

    1. Thanks, I'm thinking of doing more cross stitch soon as it was fun to get back into it.

  6. Your pot cover looks fantastic. Must admit I have several 'started' x stitch projects that must be finished at some point, may get them out and have another go.

    1. Have a few really simple projects Carolee - that's the key to getting them finished! Then revisit more complicated long term beauties in between!

  7. What a great idea, love how it has turned out! Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays, off to pinn :)

  8. Very cute and unique way of using cross stitch :) x

  9. What a lovely way to recycle old tins and get plants looking extra pretty!

    1. Thanks, we can all do with something to make us extra pretty now and again!

  10. This is so clever! I love this idea. I've also picked up cross stitching after putting it down for several years and am inspired by this - truly! Thanks for the inspiration :)

    1. Cross stitch is a pick up and put down kind of thing anyway I think. I'm definitely a fan of really simple and quick designs at the moment.

  11. This is such a lovely idea. I think I am going to try and do a yellow based one for my desk! #MakingHome

    1. Yellow would be lovely, I'm already collecting tins to make more. I fancy a pen pot for the desk when we finally do up our office space.

  12. I couldn't agree more... It should make a come back. Mind you I was never that good but it's such a lovely craft. Really love your bit of Upcycling, looks fantastic xx

  13. This is so lovely, and such a neat idea for dressing up a plain container! My mom did cross stitch when I was a kid, and she would help me do smaller projects so we could work together. I agree - I think cross stitch is making a comeback! Thanks for linking up with Merry Monday last week!

  14. This is darling! I agree that it is time for a cross stitch revival. I used to love cross stitch and have really gotten away from it too. Thanks for sharing this great idea.

  15. This is adorable! I see you attend link parties and would love to see you at mine next week, great exposure as I always feature all the best projects, and there are many! hope to see you there, opens Saturday for those in the USA.

  16. I haven't done Cross Stitch in years! I used to love it. This is such a cute project, I'm glad you were able to use your Aida cloth. Thanks for sharing with us at Creatively Crafty #ccbg :)


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