Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Embroidered Photo Mother's Day Card

Embroidered Photo Mothers day card
Mother's Day here in the UK was back on 6th March this year but in different parts of the world it happens on different days. In the USA it's on 8th May so today I'm over on The Pinning Mama sharing how to make a Mother's Day card using an old photo and some simple embroidery stitches. It's the one I made for my mother in law this year.
I found a fab 1970's photo of my mother in law with all her children and got to work.
Embroidered Photo Mothers day card
There is a full step by step tutorial over on The Pinning Mama here if you know a mum who might appreciate something like this the next time Mother's day comes round in your part of the world.


  1. This is so clever. It's a great way to use an old photo creatively.

    1. Thanks Louisa, it was well received which is the main thing :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Jo. It was so easy, the hardest thing was finding a suitable photo!

  3. Replies
    1. Great, it's really easy to make and not expensive if you have basic embroidery bits and pieces already.

  4. What a neat idea! I often make my own cards for Mother's day but never thought to use something with an old photo. I love this.

  5. I love this idea. My mom has always been a fan of homemade gifts so this would be up her alley. Thank you for linking up with Funtastic Friday!

  6. This is a great idea, I'll bet that your MiL loved it, it makes a great keepsake.

  7. Great idea! Thank you for sharing it on the #HomeMattersParty

  8. The card looks great, I'm sure she loved it


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