Tuesday, 23 February 2016

CHSI stitches 2016

I was lucky enough to go along to the bloggers breakfast at the CHSI stitches (Craft Hobby & Stitch International) show this week.
CHSI stitches show
This show is the largest trade show in Europe for the art, craft, needlecraft and hobby sector. What a lot of lovely people I met and what a lot of lovely things I saw. Way to much for one post so I'm going to have to split this up into themes, today yarn, next time fabric and other bits and pieces.

First off, the thing that everyone was talking about "Yarnia".
Yarnia at the CHSI stitches show 2016
My photos don't nearly do it justice, you start with a knitted brick wall and wardrobe with mannequins fully dressed in all knitted and crocheted outfits, even the suitcases were made of yarn.

Yarnia at the CHSI stitches show 2016

Yarnia at the CHSI stitches show 2016
Then you walk through the yarn wardrobe into yarn Narnia - "Yarnia" see what they did there!
Yarnia at the CHSI stitches show 2016
Mr Tumnus, the lamp post, the Ice Queen, rabbits and foxes, even a wolf all a mix of knitting and crochet.
Yarnia at the CHSI stitches show 2016Then there is that tent ....... knitted!
This was created by The Creative World of Crafts and made with Bernat, Lily Sugar 'n cream and Caron yarn. I am assuming it is now going all over the place so lots of people can be as amazed and impressed as I am!

My other yarn based highlights were:
What a fun table cloth, some lovely ladies moved their drinks so I could take this photo but I'm afraid I didn't notice what stand it was - ops.

These lovely little fellas come in a kit from a Danish company called Go Handmade, so cute, and the kits contains everything you need to make both. They have loads of different designs too.

I see this bag in my future... It was on the Designeryarns stall and it's made with the most beautiful yarn from Noro called Obi. Designeryarns are the UK distributors and I don't know if it's sold worldwide but worth looking out for in your local craft shop. Actually I'm loving the colour way on the cardigan behind, that is another lovely Noro yarn called Ginga.

Could these toadstools be any cuter? This is another kit this time from The Crafty Kit Company. They ship worldwide too - hooray!

I think weaving is going to have to be added to my crafts to try list too, I really like this wall hanging from Juko Designs.
You can buy it as a kit from their etsy shop and they are another that ship worldwide - hooray again!
They also had kits to make a woven bag. 
The weaving was happening on both sides, going round and round, apparently there is no sewing up to do at the end. Sound like magic to me!

CHSI stitches is a trade show so it was all about looking at products, seeing new lines and trends and talking to crafty people. Nothing I saw was available for me to buy on the day, can you imagine seeing this: 
... and not buying a thing! 
I did get a lovely little goody bag courtesy of DMC and one of the treats in there was this lovely soft cotton yarn and quite possibly the prettiest crochet hook I've even seen!
This did soften the blow of not being able to buy yarn. I need to think carefully about what to make with it, any suggestions?


  1. I finished a cowl last night but the yardage is short so you could make a hat. Jo x

    1. Do you think it is stretchy enough for a hat? I was thinking the cotton wouldn't have much give, let me know when you share pictures of your cowl, I'd love to see it.

  2. So many wonderfful projects around! I remember weaving one of those bags when I was in high school, but back them we didn't use kits, just a piece of cardboard and some yarn. And no, there's no stitching involved, unless you want to ad a zipper in the end. Thank you for sharing this at The Really Crafty Link Party this week!

    1. I'm really tempted to give the weaving a try, thanks for stopping my Teresa.

  3. Not able to buy the yarn? What madness is that? And cruel. So so cruel.

    1. I KNOW!!! At least I was able to come away with something :-)

  4. wow! The YARNIA was amazing!
    BTW, that yarn wall is what my STASH would look like IF I had the "room" for those shelves!
    And NICE "goodie" yarn! - Although, there really isn't enought there to crochet with. But you might just have enough to KNIT a hat...

    1. The Yarnia was just brilliant.
      I'm now thinking maybe flowers or bunting of some kind with the yarn, I know crochet is very yarn greedy compared with kntting. For now I am still contemplating!

  5. Wow not been to CHSI for years, not good with crowds now but I can read your blog tales and relish the journey. Thank you such wonderful creations.

    1. It wasn't too bad crowd wise really, some stalls have lots of people round them but the hall is massive. And I live really close which is a complete bonus!

  6. Wow, what a great show! I love the look of yarnia! I'm not sure what you could make but I bet whatever you decide on will be fabby and super soft with that yarn. Xx

    1. I just don't want to waste it or end up running out and undoing! I'll find something at some point I'm sure.

  7. Looks like a great event. I love the toadstools, so creative :)

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

  8. It looks like you had a wonderfully entertained time. Love the yarn, I think it would make a lovely flower brooch. I love weaving, you should give it a go :)


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