Saturday, 2 January 2016

Laundry Hamper Makeover

Giving an old laundry hamper a makeover was really quite straightforward, even though I managed to make hard work of it! But with a saving of £45 from the one I had seen in the shops I am perfectly happy with my final result.
An old laundry basket given a revamp
This was my predicament: 
Our old laundry basket was a round, natural wicker colour. It stood perfectly well outside the bathroom in our old house and serviced us well. 
I find it really difficult to replace things that are perfectly good but the old basket just didn't fit well in our new house. We'd had it as a wedding present 23 years ago so actually it is not too wasteful or extravagant to replace it really! 
We are in a 3 story town house now so the mid point, the first floor landing, is where we want the family laundry hamper. I'm not someone prepared to go round the house emptying multiple baskets I'm afraid, it goes in here or it doesn't get washed by me. However this first floor landing is just a small square and it's all doors and stairs, no where to put a big round basket.
I saw some lovely tall thin grey woven baskets in the shops but the best fit was £50. £50 for a thing to put dirty clothes in - really?! 
Then I just happened on this little gem in the charity shop just around the corner - bingo!
My charity shop laundry basket before it's makever
For £4.99! Or as I like to think, a £4.99 donation to charity and a free laundry hamper.
At this point I REALLY hope the person who so lovingly did this stencilling is not reading this blog! I also hope you don't all love the before more than the after - that's always a danger with a makeover post. 
Anyway, it was a bit marked and not to our taste so I bought a can of grey spray paint got busy.
Sadly, as you can see, when I had finished and put it into place I realised the colour was completely off. Oh dear! 
The spray paint colours are limited and I couldn't find a better match so then I brought a couple of little tester-pots of grey paint at the local DIY shop for less than £2 and mixed them until I had a better colour to go with our carpet. It was just a regular emulsion, like you would put on the walls. I put it on with a brush, using a swirling technique to make sure it got into all the nooks and crannies. 
This time the results were much better. I finished off with a fine brush just adding a little white detail on the plaited edge. The white I used was a little pot of Painters Touch from Rust-oleum.
Laundry basket makeover
To finish, just to try to make it durable, I gave the whole thing a coat of clear sealer.
I love this stuff. I bought it to coat the bangle you can see it the photo, I used it for the comic book glasses case (which I saw being used again just the other day and still holding up well to everyday use)
It just covers and protects without changing the surface noticeably. It does stink though, so use it outside!
Finally, just to add a touch of reality amongst all the glamour here is our inexpensive, perfectly sized for the space, carpet matching laundry hamper in use!


  1. It looks fab! I did a similar thing with a kidney shaped version of yours. Mine went from horrible pink and gold to white, I wonder what possesses people to decorate them in such vibrant ways?!!

    1. Ha ha, who knows? Sometimes I like a bit wacky and kitsch, but not too much and not on my laundry basket I guess!

  2. I love spray paint, isn't it amazing how it can transform an object? Your 'new' laundry hamper looks great and I love the color you selected for it!


    1. Thanks Carrie, I think it's an improvement and it was cheap as chips!

  3. You did a great job! I love the new color!

    1. Thanks Cara, it looks so much better now it tones with the carpet!

  4. Love seeing people save money on their decor! I think your hamper looks great (and how cool is that glasses case?). Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday!

    1. Thanks, The glasses case is still a favourite project of mine!

  5. What a great idea...this turned out so cute!


    1. Thank you Laura, I'm happy that it's an improvement, so it's nice when others agree.

  6. It looks great and sometimes going neautral is better because it fits in better with the room. Also your make over looks less busy! Happy New Year!

    1. I agree Mary, I like made patterns sometimes but not too much all together!

  7. Congratulations! This post is going to be featured over at Diana Rambles tomorrow and has been pinned in the Featured at Diana Rambles board at Pinterest and Tweeted. Please grab a featured button off my button page or via the post guidelines graphic. Thanks for sharing this awesome idea!

    1. What a lovely surprise Diana, thank you so much for letting me know.

  8. Hi Julie. Your great hamper renew is featured at Two Uses Tuesday today! Hope you will stop by!

  9. This laundry basket revamp turned out wonderfully. Great Job!

    Thank you for sharing with us at Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop.

    Olivia- Co-Hostess
    Reinvented Collection

    1. My pleasure Olivia, and thanks for stopping by to comment.

  10. Great job! The final color looks great with your carpet and I love the white trim you added. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Snickerdoodle Sunday! Pinning and tweeting to share :)

    1. Thank you Laurie, glad you approve, thanks for sharing.


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