Monday, 21 September 2015

My Handmade Fair Highlights

I spent this Sunday at the Handmade Fair 2015 at The Green, Hampton Court Palace.
The weather was great which made the whole marquee based event SO much nicer than it would have been in the rain.
The place was an absolute bunting/garland fest! They were EVERYWHERE and very cute and pretty they were too.
I hadn't signed up for an of the workshops so we just ambled round looking at all the lovely stalls selling beautiful things. Here are just some of my highlights:
Fabric fabric everywhere - so tempting!
These bead and wire chickens from BOA are so fun!
These fab pineapples are from acorn and will. I really kind of love these - I'm sure my nan had something similar when we were kids!

This giant decoupage cat is both super cute and a teeny bit scary!
This absolutely beautiful thick matt wrapping paper is from Imprint, they had the most gorgeous note books too.
They had such cute actual teddy bears as well as these kits on the stall from Amazing Craft and the lovely lady on the stall gave me some advice to fix the bear I made as a teenager whose arms ended up on backwards. 
I really like the idea of fabric printing with carved wooden blocks like this from The Art Crafty Place.

This photo really doesn't do justice to these amazing little pieces of art. They are by Sarah Westwood and somehow she layers up paper and wax to create the most lovely textured blocks and pictures. 

That's just a tiny selection of everything that we saw. It was a great day out, the only negative was the dreadful traffic we got stuck in both on the way there and the way home. But all was well, we got home in good time for the first of the new series of Downton Abbey! (which, if you haven't seen it yet, is everything you want it to be - I won't say any more - spoilers!)


  1. Wow looks wonderful and just my kind of place, not that far from us, well not unreasonable just not good with crowds. May have to pluck up the courage next year.

    1. It was pretty busy at one point Carolee, but the Sunday was a good day to go apparently, some of the stall holders told me the Saturday was heaving.

  2. I had fun there last year but didn't make it this time around (poorly dog etc) but it looks like it was great! (I didn't miss the awful traffic, that's for sure!) xx

    1. Yes, M25 on a sunday evening - not my favourite place to spend an hour!

  3. I went on the Friday, when it did rain but still had a good time. Like you I didn't do any workshops but just had a good look round and succumbed to yet more fabric for my stash.

    1. Oh, what a shame. As we sat in the sun having our lunch and cuppa we commented on how lucky we were with the weather. I imagine it was a different experience in the rain. Everyone wanting to be under cover at the same time for one thing!
      Fabric was what I bought too!


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