Monday, 24 August 2015

2nd Blogiversary

I can't believe another year has gone already.
close up 2 tape measure
Today is my 2nd Blogiversary - well that went quick!

In this last year there have been a few changes:

I've become a contributor on The Pinning Mama. That has been a fabulous experience, the lovely Kimber (the Pinning Mama) is so generous with her experience and expertise and I've thoroughly enjoyed sharing just a few of my ideas with her readers.
2B pencil
I finally took the plunge and joined instagram. Turns out it's not just for celebrity selfies! It's fast becoming one of my favourite social medias, it's so easy to loose yourself on their for 15 minutes. (who am I kidding, more like an hour!) 
2mm knitting needle
I've been a regular participant in the Pinterest Challenge, where a group of craft bloggers share something they've made inspired by something they saw on Pinterest once a month. I love this sort of collaborative thing, other craft bloggers are so inspiring.
2oz weight
I've tweaked rather than changed my blog layout. I know lots of people regularly change their look but I'm really loathe to change my header, it was the first thing I did in preparation for starting the blog and it still says everything I want to about Sum of their Stories. I also get compliments about it and that's always nice! One person who was especially generous in giving their advice on achieving some things I have tweaked was the lovely Jennifer from The Life of Jennifer Dawn. Thanks Jennifer x

Most things are exactly the same though. I'm just sharing the projects that I've enjoyed doing and hope you might feel inspired enough to try making something yourself. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Happy 2nd Birthday, time does fly when having fun

  2. Happy 2 years! Looks like you've got plenty up your sleeve for the next 2!

  3. PS: Don't change your header image!! It is startlingly beautiful! I was admiring it when I first came to your page before I saw you'd mentioned it in your blog today!

    1. Awh thanks Jemma - that's it then - it's definitely staying!

  4. Congrats on your anniversary! Wishing you the best :)

    Survived my 5th last month! Can't believe that I've been doing this for so long either! - Then again, I really have NO Life! ;-}
    Anyhoo, KEEP IT UP!
    :-D *hugs*!

    1. The crafting can really take over sometimes can't it! Congrats on 5 years , that's pretty impressive.

  6. Keep thinking about changing my header on my blog, but it seems to fit! Not sure how long I've been going will have to check. Carry on crafting and have a lovely week :0)

    1. Ain't broken don't fix it! I've seen your header and I think it's just lovely!

  7. Happy blogiversary. Here' to many more x

  8. Happy Blogiversary! Looks like your doing really well and having fun with it too.

    Visiting from Saturday Sharefest today :)

    p.s I your header is lovely

  9. Happy belated blogaversary!!! How exciting! :) And welcome to Instagram! Personally, I love it, but I don't share much on it. I can't wait to see what you share!


I love to hear your thoughts/comments, thank you for taking the time.