Friday, 24 July 2015

Wedding Day Emergency Kit

When my lovely friend and colleague got married a little while ago I gave her an emergency jar full of little things she might need on the day.
decorated jar for a wedding day
Back in February I'd seen a couple of really beautiful wedding gifts using jars by Desiree at 36th Ave, check her's out here and here, they are just gorgeous. Now I look again, mine are nothing like Desiree's masterpieces. I improvised and used what I had, let's just say I was "inspired by" rather than actually attempting to recreate!

Really what I did here was a tweak of the Gold Heart Pot I made for my makeup brushes, I did this at the same time using mostly the same materials.

To make one you need:

  • A jar with a lid. Mine was just an old chocolate spread jar. Another time I would use a bigger jar, it was hard to fit everything in here that I wanted to
  • Gold spray paint
  • A sticker, mine was a heart
  • Washi tape or low tack masking tape
  • Paper
  • Ribbon or thread
  • A button with a shank
  • Strong glue - mine was superglue
  • Small bits and pieces you might need on your wedding day
I washed and dried the jar then prepared it in the same way as the Gold heart Pot. A sticker in the middle and washi tape to secure paper to the top.
As my jar had a ridge top and bottom I used that as a guide and used the washi tape and paper to mask off the top and bottom areas.

The whole thing got a coat of gold spray paint.

Then I peeled off the washi tape and sticker. The lid also got a spray of gold but apparently I didn't take any photos.

As the wedding had a blue colour scheme I made a simple tag in Picmonkey, you can right click on the image below and save it to your computer if you'd like to use it, but it is very easy to make your own.

Once I printed and cut that out I assembled the contents.

You can include whatever you like, depending on the size of your jar. I added:
Mini deodorant
Breath freshener
Sample size perfume
Lip balm
Sewing kit
Headache tablets

I attached the gift tag with blue twine and then as a finishing touch glued a sparkly button to the lid. I chose one with a shank (I think that's what you call that sticking out bit) so it would stick up and form a knob of sorts.
If I do this again I would use a bigger jar, just so I have more options with what to include. I would also think ahead and find a small drawer knob or similar to use instead of the button. I think the button is ok on this small jar but would be too small on a larger jar. 
decorated jar for the bride
You might also be interested in:
Gold Heart Pot
Gold Heart Pot
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Rings and Things Dishes
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Personalised Wedding Picture
Personalised Wedding Picture
I'll be linking up to all these great link parties, why not go and have a look!


  1. Cute! Spray painting the jar added just the right touch.
    Thanks for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty Can't wait to see what you share next!

  2. My Mom made me one of these for my wedding day. Her version also had bobby pins and safety pins and those came in handy too.

    1. Good ideas May, and they would hardly take any space up either! I think the little sewing kit had a safety pin or two in it but I can't remember.

  3. I'm going to have to make this for my Sister for her wedding! Very cool idea!

  4. A gift in a jar a wonderful idea and something so different for the bride

  5. This is such a great idea. It could really be a life saver for someone. Thanks so much. I like the bobby pin idea too.

  6. Such a great idea, love this :)


    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

  7. What a lovely idea - I'm sure your friend really appreciated it.

  8. Julie, this is Amazing!!! Such a great idea and so tastefully done! I like your ideas. I'm sure your sewing kit had safety pins in it but I'd also add a small roll of sellotape too as the bride was frantically looking for some at a wedding I went to recently. Wish I'd had headache pills at my wedding, I had an awful head all day.x

    1. I have to wonder why the bride needed sellotape, but some times I guess you just do! I think I'd include WD40 and a roll of duck tape if I could (then the bride could fix anything!)
      I'm sorry to hear you suffered a bad head on your wedding day, I guess it can get pretty stressful and hard to remember to drink plenty (of water!).

  9. Such a cute idea! I feel like you could do this for other special occasions and such too. Love it!

  10. Such a great idea- thoughtful, practical, helpful, and cute! Thank you for bringing your fabulous post to Snickerdoodle Sunday- hope to see you this weekend!

    Sadie Seasongoods

  11. This is so cute!! I love how you decorated the jar!

  12. This is a wonderful idea! Who doesn't need this? Thanks for sharing with us at Merry Monday:-)


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