Friday, 29 May 2015

Divide and Conquer Drawers

When it comes to organising your drawers it seems divide and conquer is the way to go.
DIY drawer dividers

It's time for another pinterest challenge, where a bunch of creative bloggers all share something they've made that was inspired by a pin or two.
This month I chose one of the most pinned pins I've ever seen. SO many times I spotted this on someone organising ideas board. I think it's pinned so much as it is just a really good idea.
Simple, cheap drawer organisation - fab!

So let's get started! The pin that inspired me is here and the tutorial over at IHeart Organising is here.
This is not my first attempt at this idea. I'd done it at our old house where we had a large shallow top drawer to a built in wardrobe/dressing table. I brought the boxes with us and put them in one of the small but deep top drawers of our lovely new Ikea Hemnes chest of drawers, the one with the fancy new glass knobs.
As you can see, it didn't really work. The new drawer is twice the depth and everything just got piled up, I was finding it quite hard to find anything in this mess!
I didn't deviate from the tutorial at IHeart Organizing very much except for a few tweaks.
  • I used wallpaper samples to cover my boxes
  • I cut some of the boxes to fit my drawer in a way that I found to be dead easy.
First collect a load of boxes, cereal packets are ideal - you've already bought them full of cereal so no additional purchasing is necessary. 
Arrange them in your drawer, it's much easier if you take the drawer out if possible. Then using a pencil, draw along the sides at top of the drawer height.
I found it easier to flatten the box and cut straight across with scissors as I don't have a box cutter.
Remake the box and tape up the base.
I was able to get two dividers from each cereal box, one each end.
To make smaller boxes I just chopped the flattened box in half, slid one half into the other as necessary then taped it all up.
Once you are happy with your box arrangement you could just stop there. Perfectly serviceable, nothing wrong with that and at the end of the day how often to people go poking about in your drawers?

If you want your drawers to make you happy each time you open them though, then carry on and make them pretty.

Cover the boxes with paper following the easy to follow instructions on IHeart Organizing. That original tutorial used scrapbook paper - you could do that, there are load of beautiful papers about and anyone who does a lot of crafts might have some lying around.
I used wall paper samples that I had left over from another project. (all part of my "changing what we have to make it go nicely in the new house" plan) 
Some wallpapers are not easy to stick with tape but good enough for this purpose and they were free which is even better!
easy way to get your drawers in order

Once I was done I filled up my drawer dividers as neatly as I could. Much better!
Easy way to get your drawers organised

Apart from a couple of old receipts that I threw away everything that was in there before went back in and there is a load of space at the back - amazing eh! 
Easy to replace if they get damaged at all and the whole process took me about 2 hours start to finish. I took it all downstairs and did this whilst I watched tv.

Here are the other great pinspired projects for this month. 


  1. Those look really nice and easy to make. I hate my messy drawers and have been eyeing making some organizers myself, I just need to do it now.

  2. Very nice idea! And so useful!

  3. What a great idea! They look so good, too!

  4. I so need to do this! My drawers are so messy!

    1. It really does work Emma, I'm surprising myself with how I'm putting things away properly. Tidy is NOT my middle name!

  5. Those dividers look so good and very effective way of keeping stuff where it should be.

  6. This is really fantastic I am thinking of making the same in my socks drawer. I already collected some cardboards. BTW I liked your logo picture a lot. It is so creative.


    1. Thanks you Sweet N Tidy (cute name!)
      I'm definitely saving more boxes to do this in another drawer once I have enough, it's working really well.

  7. What a great idea, I can never find anything small!!

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays...

    1. The cereal boxes turned out to be really versatile and we get through loads so it didn't take too long to collect them up.

  8. That is a great idea and yours looks great! My drawers are in much need of that treatment!

  9. Such a great idea!! And I love that you covered the boxes with pretty paper and things. :) I love a good organized drawer; it makes me happy!! :)

  10. Thanks so much for linking up at The Pretty Pintastic Party, and for pinning the features!
    We love your post so much we have decided to feature it at the party this weekend! We hope you'll join us, grab a badge, and link up some more fabulous posts!

    1. Thanks Jamie, what lovely news. I'll definitely stop by.

  11. They are so pretty, such a great way to store everything.

  12. Thanks for sharing at Tips & Tricks! :)

  13. What a great challenge! I love that you guys are actually trying out Pinterest tutorials. Thanks so much for linking up on Merry Monday! I'll be sharing your post via my Fb page today! Have a great weekend!

  14. Turned out very nicely! Gah, Pinterest. It's either helpful or VERY time-consuming LOL Thanks so much for taking the time to come and link up with us over at the #HomeMattersParty - we hope to see you again on Friday!

  15. Julie I love this idea, I've been trying to implement it in my drawers too (that sounds naughty) but one of my kids seem to not want to understand what the dividers are for.


I love to hear your thoughts/comments, thank you for taking the time.