Wednesday, 25 February 2015

My Favourite Finds February

I often find I fall over some beautiful ideas of things to make, mostly on the internet but sometimes in real life, books, magazines too.
my favourite finds february

I pin them mostly, but stumble, g+, tweet and generally try to share them as much as possible but now I'm thinking maybe I'll be a bit more organised, collect them up and share them once a month for you here.
It's not all brand new stuff, just things I've come across over this month, liked and think you might like too.

Aren't these paper lanterns gorgeous? Just a little different from the regular ones we used to make as kids.
They are from Melissa Esplin, who makes all sorts of pretty things and does the most beautiful caligraphy.

I love this Babouska Rose Crochet Blanket. No idea when I will get time to try it but it's going on my to do list. Maybe I could make a smaller project, a cushion cover or bag.
It's from Sewing Daisies and the pattern is a chart rather than words - just to warn you!

I know Valentines day has been and gone but these matching gifts are just too cute not to share. They would be lovely for an anniversary engagement or some other romantic event that I can't think of right now.
They are made from Sculpey oven baked clay by One Artsy Mama

And if it's too late for valentines day, why not too early for Easter! I love this cute little bunny printable.
It's free and there is a pink chevron option too. You can find them at the fabulous Paper Charm Designs. I definitely have plans for this printable this Easter, you'll be seeing it again!

Finally isn't this painted chest of drawers just beautiful?
It was just plain wood until Denise from Spittin Toad got her hands on it, that bicycle was painted freehand. It's just so pretty!

So there you have it, a little collection of some of the goodies I've come across this month. If you want to pin any of them please click through to the original sites and pin from there, that just good pinning etiquette isn't it? There are loads more lovely ideas on my pinterest boards if you want to check them out.


  1. Julie, Thanks so much for the feature of my bicycle chest of drawers!! It was such a pleasant surprise to scroll through your lovely post and see it. :) And that crochet rose blanket is to die for!
    Have a great day,

    1. Hi Denise, your chest of drawers is just too lovely not to share!
      The blanket is gorgeous isn't it, I really do intend to have a go at the pattern some time, when I get a minute!
      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Those are great finds, Julia. I especially love the bunny! :)

  3. THe crocheted blankie looks lovely.

  4. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave such a sweet comment on my 57 Shades of Gray!!


  5. I just love the painted drawers! I'm always looking for unique pieces for our home, and something like this is such a simple statement piece. Thanks for sharing!

    1. They are fab aren't they? I think I would need to copy carefully as my freehand drawing skills are nothing like this good but it's wonderful inspiration.


I love to hear your thoughts/comments, thank you for taking the time.