Saturday, 28 February 2015

Adipose Cushion

What do you make for a Doctor Who fan for their Birthday? When it was my nephews birthday recently I thought I'd have a go at making him a Doctor Who themed cushion.
In case you are not a fan these are Adipose, little alien babies made of fat (yeh, I know...) from a very funny episode back in 2008.
This is my contribution to the

as I had seen and pinned these little toy Adipose from tuts+ . I just scaled the idea up a bit to make a cushion.

To make one you need:
White fleece fabric 
2 black buttons
A scrap of black felt
Stuffing - I used the inside of an old pillow but you could use proper wadding or toy stuffing
A fabric marker pen (mine is one of those that disappears after a bit)
Tape measure, scissors, thread

I found this fleece throw at The Range for £3.99, I often find fabric is cheaper if you buy something like a throw or bedding - why is that?

First mark out the shapes needed using the erasing fabric marker pen. Double up the fabric so you are cutting the back and front of each piece at the same time.
body - cut 2 (front and back)
arms - cut 4 (2 x front and 2 x back)
legs - cut 4 (2 x front and 2 x back)
The body

The arms

The legs
This is not properly to scale, when I made this I made the legs too long and ended up cutting them down a bit. So the photos show the "too long" version, but the method is the same.

Pin then stitch round the arms and legs leaving the ends open.
Then turn them right side out.
Stitch three 1" lines on each hand and foot to make fingers and toes.
Stuff the arms and legs, I used all the little off cuts of the fleece fabric.
You could add the face at this point - I didn't as I wanted to make sure the placement was right but it was a bit of a fiddle and would probably be easier to do it at this stage.
Lay the back body flat on the table and position the arms and legs facing inwards. I put one arm angled up and one down so it looks like he is waving (the Adipose waved in the episode) No photo of this so I've drawn a little picture.
Place the body front on top and pin all round marking a gap at the top of the head for turning.
Stitch round and turn out.
Stuff through the hole in the top till it has a nice shape, then pin the gap and stitch as neatly as possible.
I added the buttons for eyes at this point and a little felt mouth, which I just sewed on with a few stitches and black thread.
He came out pretty cute!
I'm guessing that maybe you have to be a fan of the show to understand this one, but trust me, if you know a Whovian they will probably want one of these. 
"Adipose..and the fat just walks away!"

This is my contribution to the Pinterest Challenge 2015 for February, where a group of bloggers are sharing each month things they have made inspired by some thing they saw on pinterest, check out what the others have been up to by following the links below. 
All the top quality photos in this post were taken by our daughter, you can find her website here
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I'll be linking up at these great link parties


  1. Oh this is too cute! And I am a huge Whovian :) Hi from #SitsBlogging

    1. Thanks for stopping by, always nice to "meet" another fan!

  2. Hehe so fun! I'm not a Doctor Who watcher but now I know why the cushion is in the bath! So nice of you to make something personal for your Nephew :)

    1. Hi Emma, yes, it must have seemed a little bit odd to the uninitiated! He was too big for a photo call in the sink so the bath it was!

  3. I'm such a Doctor Who fan, this pillow is awesome! I totally want to make one right now!! So glad I found you on the ultimate pinterest party!!

    1. Hi Janine, always nice to "meet" another fan! It was fun to make and well received as a present, though I really didn't want to give him away once he was finished!

  4. seriously so cute! this is one of my favorite episodes.

    1. Oh yes, the Doctor and Donna "talking" through the windows is in my top 10 Doctor Who moments of all time!

  5. This is soooo cute although I have to admit I couldn't remember this from Dr Who but when I asked my husband, he knew exactly what I was talking about without even looking! I'm sure your nephew will adore it :)

    1. Worth a watch when it comes on a repeat if you are even the slightest bit interested in Doctor Who. It's a fairly light episode with some very funny moments and super cute fat babies - what's not to love!

  6. Such a sweet idea :)

    Thanks for linking up to Creative Mondays

  7. Brilliant! My husband and I are both Dr Who fans and I loved that episode! I have made my husband a dalek cushion, a tool belt and a bolster style cushion from a Dr Who bed spread bought on ebay - much cheaper than buying the official fabric. Fleece too is often cheaper in a ready made throw as you said.

    1. It's nice when loved ones share your fandom isn't it? I love the sound of the things you have made. Thanks for stopping by to comment.

  8. So cute, not watched Doctor Who for years

  9. Doctor Who is completely wasted on me but the children and Mr Larkin love it! However we can all agree to love your cute Adipose cushion! Such a well written tutorial x

    1. Ah, in our house it's the other way round, me & the kids are fans, my husband - not so much! I'm glad you like the tutorial, sometimes I think I write WAY too much much I want to make sure it's clear for beginners if possible. Nothing worse than starting a project then half way through realising you have no idea how to finish it!

  10. He is seriously cute, I don't watch much doctor who but I do remember this episode.

  11. What a fab idea, I'm not a big fan of Doctor Who but it looks really cute. I bet your nephew was over the moon with it.

  12. Totally adorable! I've never seen the show, but you did a great job at recreating the original. Your nephew is lucky to have such a talented aunt!

    1. Never seen the show - oh my!
      Seriously though, thank you for your lovely comment!

  13. The adipose cushion is adorable! What a great gift idea!

  14. ha! This is such fun! Saying hello from #CreativeMondays at Claire Justine

  15. I have no idea what an adipose is but it's so frigging cute!

    1. Thanks for this great comment Corinna! I realise this may be a niche sewing project!

  16. This is so cute. Great tutorial. Stopping by from #Wine'ddownWednesday

  17. This is great. My boys and hubby are big Dr. Who fans. They would love this. Thanks.

    1. Thanks Michelle. I think there are a lot of us about (Who fans - Doctor Who, not the band although they have lots of fans too....I'll stop now!)

  18. So cute! I'm a teen librarian & my teens looooove Doctor Who. Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty :)

  19. So cute! I watched Dr Who when I was a kid but they don't show it where I am living now.

  20. Oh my goodness! What a cute project! We are all Whovians in our house, and this is a particularly favorite episode of ours. What a fun gift idea, definitely pinning! :)

  21. I love this SO much! Eep! Me and the hubby LOVE Doctor Who and this is just too adorable :)

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. How cute!

    Thanks for contributing this post to the Sunday Brunch Magazine,

    All the best,

    Eliza & Bel x

  24. What a great idea! He is so cute, and I'm sure he was well received.


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