Thursday, 8 January 2015

I Didn't Throw it Away!

Do you have anything you have kept for more than 20 years? I do, so when I was invited by Agatha to join the Blog train from Green Issues by Agy sharing things we have really hung onto my only problem was narrowing it down to just a few items!
I've picked just three things to show you, two that I know to be useful and one that I believe to be beautiful.

First up is the imaginatively named Ted. 
Apparently he was given to me when I was born, which makes him WAY more than 20 years old! He was my most favourite cuddly toy and he went to bed with me every night. His poor forehead is worn away because I used to kiss him a lot. That bit actually wore away when I was still a kid because if you look closely you can see some pretty terrible repair attempts.
He didn't have a mouth when he was new, I remember asking my mum to sew one on him for me. I don't think I actual see what he really looks like when I look at him, to me he is beautiful.

Next up these fabulous cake tins.
These were my mum's and I love them. The little arm thing is such a good idea, I don't need to line them with baking paper, I can just grease and flour them just like my mum used to.
You can see them in use on my chocolate cake recipe.

My final choice is my brilliant 3 tier cooling rack.
I bought these about 25 years ago from a UK company called Lakeland Plastics. They are just called Lakeland now and still sell a similar one (but obviously mine is better!) It is such a great space saver in our pretty small kitchen, I use them every time I bake without fail so they must have been used literally 100's of times.
The box is pretty mashed up, as I photographed it I did think maybe it should take a one way trip to the recycling!

You can see this cake rack in use in almost all my baking related posts.

This post is part of a blog train hosted by Agatha from Green Issues by Agy on "I Didn't Throw It Away".

We have become such a throw-away society, but there are some things in our households that we still keep. Why is that so? Perhaps this blog train can unlock the reasons behind it! Follow the daily posts on this blog train and read about the stories behind the things we have kept for many years and why we didn't throw them away.  

Tomorrow it's the turn of Mira from Fafafoom, her site is a feast for the eyes with fashion, DIY projects, Japan fashion and culture, and travel stories. 

Why not check out some of the previous posts in the Blog Train, see what other people have been holding on to for years?
Christmas Break!!

Do you have anything you have kept for YEARS? Is it just really useful and well made or more of a sentimental thing? 


  1. Hello Julie! I do agree that we sometimes look beyond the tiredness of an object - have a teddy that was also given to me when I was a baby and it resides at my mum's. You know, I am beginning to wonder why they stopped making the baking pans without that little arm - it makes perfect sense to have it. I think it's a conspiracy between the pan and grease proof paper manufacturers! Thank you so much for joining :-)

    1. Thanks Agy, Did I mention that I love those pans so much!!! I never thought of it before but your conspiracy theory kind of makes sense!

  2. I have several stuffed animals and dolls from my childhood as well as a few things of my Great-Grandmother's that I will never get rid of. When you spoke of the terrible repair attempts I giggled as I have a stuffed doll who's leg was sewn on backwards but she is still beautiful to me! Thanks for sharing.

    Much Love,
    Lysa xx

    1. Thanks for stopping by Lysa. I think small imperfections (or even big imperfections) make toys all the more precious and loveable don't they?

  3. Hi there Julie,

    I love this concept of 'what I didn't throw away!' So glad you didn't throw that adorable bear away. I'm about 85% sure I had the exact same bear!! How about that? I wonder if my mom threw it away, because I don't have it. sniff, sniff. Have a lovely weekend.

  4. What a great idea - what I didn't throw away. Ted is so lovely, and makes me think of the Velveteen Rabbit story. Ted clearly looks as though he has been loved enough to have become real. I've been pondering what I would post, but as I am a bit of a hoarder am slightly spoiled for choice.

    1. I had plenty of items to choose from - this is really just the tip of the iceburg I'm afraid!

  5. Love your cake tins!! What a clever way to have the little arm. And, wonder why I never see this in shops?

    1. I have never seen them anywhere for sale, which is such a shame as they really are very useful. Maybe one day someone will wise up and bring them back.

  6. Oh I recently got rid of my teddy of 40 plus years. I am now wondering if I shouldn't have but hey ho he lived in the wardrobe so he wasn't enjoyed much. Your teddy certainly looks like he was well loved. Have a lovely week.
    Ali xx

    1. But Ali, did your teddy get thrown out or given away? Given away to be loved by someone else is way better than a lifetime in the wardrobe!

  7. Oh what a lovely teddy and my mum used to have those baking trays too. I had to laugh that you still have the original box for the baking trays,that's the kind of thing I do too. Great post. X

  8. Aww Ted is adorable! Love the baking stuff too, its a lovely feeling to use things you've had for forever isn't it :) x

    1. It really is isn't it? Makes you feel connected to the past and the previous owners/users of the things.

  9. Lovely to see your items what wonderful memories. My daughter has a teddy that she had when she was first born, he too has been repaired on many occasions. :)

  10. I love this post and to see what memories you have kept alive with these treasures. The teddy is adorable and my grandma used to have those wonderful pie tins. Have a wonderful week.

  11. My mom used to have cake tins just like those...I wonder what she did with them. I keep harrassing her to give me her cookie press. It's all metal and I haven't been able to find anything like it. All the new ones have plastic parts that break (I know because I have a cool new one with plastic parts...and it's broken). I still have my child hood bear. I've had him for as long as I can remember (I need to go through old photo albums to see exactly when I got him. His name is Sleepy Bear (because his eyes are closed and he wears (a now thread bare) night shirt :)

    1. Good luck acquiring the cookie press - maybe you could ask to borrow it then just keep forgetting to give it back???!
      Sleepy bear sounds fab!

  12. I still have my teddy bear that I was given when I was born. I only stopped sleeping with him when I turned 18! x

    1. Aawh, how sweet! I hope he hasn't been moved too far away, the bottom of the wardrobe or attic is just not good enough you know!

  13. I have a t-shirt that I still wear (super comfy!) that I bought when I was 12 and still wear sometimes and I'm 41! :-)
    Maple Sugar from

    1. Ain't broken - don't fix it eh! (I'm impressed that it still fits!)

  14. Those cooling racks are genius! I am a perpetual thrower-outer but my dad saved all of my homework when I was in grade school (even the ones I didn't get 100%). It is beautiful to look through those old scapbooks sometimes. Thanks for sharing on Merry Monday.

    1. They are great aren't they!
      It's fun to keep just a few books from school days, even if you want to burn the lot on your last day! They are great to look through with your own kids later on - gives everyone a good laugh!

  15. I have a few of those cake pans (from my mother too). And I am really jealous of your baking rack.

    found this on Come Along Ponds

    1. You can still buy the stacking cooling rack, it is a bit different (probably been "improved" over the years!) but still better than the ordinary non stacking one in a small space.

  16. I'm a professional organizer, and people generally think we are all about the art of throwing things away. But it's quite the opposite...we love to see people buying fewer quality things and using their well-made items FOREVER. Your post is a great example of that. Thanks for sharing.

    1. What a lovely comment, it's nice to hear a professional back up my lack of throwing away-ness! I really do think that most of the time they "just don't make 'em like they used to!"

    2. Wow, that's a great piece of advice!

  17. Julie, I have those same baking pans with the arm! I love them too, and you are right, the arm is an inspired idea. I have a teddy bear from childhood named, Softy, he too is a little worse for wear. What a fun post idea. :) Please come share your blog posts over at the Home Matters Linky Party! We'd love to have you for a visit. The Door is OPEN. :)

    Life With Lorelai

  18. Julie, I LOVE your bear and the fact that you still have it...I had a stuffed dog as a child named Henry that I just adored. Unfortunately, he was thrown away somewhere along the years and sometimes I still yearn for the comfort he brought me.

  19. I liked this post. I am a sentimental saver - not to be confused with a nutty hoarder :) - so I would totally save something like that adorable teddy bear you have. My parents threw away a bunch of my old toys unfortunately - 80's toys no less!

    I save birthday cards and holiday cards I get.

  20. Mmm....those cake tins and cooling racks! And thanks so much for introducing me on the bottom of the post. Here's my blog train entry if you'd like to read it:

    Thanks for sharing,

  21. This is such a neat idea for a post! I still have some childhood toys that are more than 20 years old. I'll probably keep them forever just for the memories.

    Thanks for joining us for Hump Day Happenings!

  22. Oh, my! You made me want to pull out my childhood doll, Allison, from my trunk and give her a hug. Thanks so much for linking up at the Totally Terrific Tuesday Link Party. I hope you stop by again tonight at 10pm!

  23. I also still have my childhood comfort toys! I had a Minnie Mouse puppet and an Ariel beach towel I carried with me EVERYWHERE. They comforted me through so many times in my childhood, I don't think I could ever throw them away even though they're yellow with age. Thanks for sharing on Hump Day Happenings!

  24. Hey, I think it's okay to keep some stuff that long! I hope to still have my favorite stuffed animals 20 years from now. My husband and I are both in our late 20s, and we still sleep with four stuffed animals between the two of us.

    Those cake pans are pretty awesome. Sometimes older designs and technologies are actually better than updated ones.

  25. Definitely something to think about in our "disposable" society! I have many things that are old and well used, but they still are used and loved! Thanks for linking up with the Creative Spark Link Party!


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