Friday, 12 December 2014

Bakers Twine Effect Crochet

Christmas crochet anyone?
give crochet a bakers twine effect edging
Way back in January I shared some grey crochet flowers I'd made with super bright accents.
A number of people have asked for a more detailed tutorial for the over-sewed edging on the roll up rose flower. So this year, for Christmas, I have been playing with the idea some more and taking some step by step photos as I go which hopefully will help.

I'll start with the Roll up Rose again.

This is what you need:

  • Scraps of wool/yarn, I've not weighed them but what is shown here is enough for a flower or a bunch of hearts
  • A crochet hook, I used a 4mm one
  • A big fat sewing needle
You can find the crochet pattern here. Once you've done it, it should look something like this.
Leave yourself nice long tails as they are handy later, longer than photographed here is better.

Now thread your sewing needle with a nice long length of contrast colour wool.
Start at the small end of the crochet strip, the one with the little petals, right side facing you. Bring your needle up through the middle of the first stitch. The photo shows it best but please do remember we are looking at the stitches here and ignoring the state of my nails!
I just left a tail and sewed it in afterwards.
Now just come up through the middle of the next stitch. I've skipped a few stitches here but this was the clearest photo.
Pull gently
Stop when it looks like this
Don't pull to tight or this will happen
Just keep going until you want to stop. On this big flower I stopped when there were 5 petals remaining so the last "round" will be plain. You can carry on to the end if you prefer.
To finish the red wool I just gave a couple of little over-sew stitches and then wove the end in.

Now start rolling from the little end
You can roll these as tight as you want, I've seen similar roses really quite round and packed together, or really flat and loose. It's up to you. I like the base to be flat like this.
Then I just use the long tails from the original crochet to sew long stitches, criss crossing across the base, catching all the layers.
And that's it!
crochet with bakers twine effect edging
I've also made a smaller one, just by making the original crochet chain shorter and doing less stitches in each petal. I will write the pattern up some time but I need to test it a few times first.
how to give a crochet flower a bright edging
Then I just couldn't stop and made this cute little heart garland too.
how to give crochet a bakers twine effect edge
I found the little heart pattern here at Craftaholics Anonymous. The tutorial there is fab - so clear and easy to follow.
I over-sewed round the hearts in exactly the same way as the flowers and then attached them to a simple red chain.
crochet heart with bakers twine effect edging
crochet heart with bakers twine effect edging
I think they are so cute!
When I have time I'd like to make a longer garland too. The flowers will most likely be used on someone specials gift wrap this Christmas, but you can probably think of a million uses for them! They would look great sitting on dark green leaves too, or on a wreath, tied on a mason jar, as a brooch.....

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I'll be linking up to all these great link parties, why not go and have a look!


  1. That's so cute! Very festive for the holidays.

  2. G'day Thx for stopping by and sharing this at our #SayGdayParty Pinned
    Please make sure to return if you haven't already say G'day to the hosts and someone at the party! Cheers!
    Joanne @ What's On The List

  3. Oh so cute! I wish I had seen this when we were doing our Yarnbombing event in July. Will definitely try this out for our next yarn project!

  4. I love this idea!! I first thought you had crocheted with two strands of yarn. It really makes the roses "pop" and reminds me of candy canes. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Christmas crochet? Err YES PLEASE!! x

  6. These are so cute. Crochet is one of the things I want to learn how to do in 2015!

  7. wow, that is a great tutorial thanks for taking the time to put it up. Like the coloured edging, as an extra zing to the flower

  8. How cute! I've seen lots of crochet flower patterns but none with the little pop of color around the edge. These would make cute present toppers.

  9. Thank you for posting to Motivation Monday!

  10. I love the 'candy cane' effect by using these colours, they're really pretty :)

  11. Lovely. I've only ever made one rose but should make more as they are quite easy. I like the idea of sewing in a contrasting color to the rose and the hearts. Best wishes, Tammy

  12. Love all of these and want to try some also.

  13. I love the heart garland. Very cute.

  14. Hristina Petkova13 January 2015 at 12:51

    I like this tutorial, because this flower and hearts are very close to the custom we have in Bulgaria to prepare objects for the first day of March from white and red strands called martenitza (мартеница).

  15. Love your bakers flowers

  16. Fabulous roses & I really love the heart garland :o) x

  17. Super cute! I love the hearts!

    Thanks for linking up to the Yarn Fanatic Party! I look forward to seeing you there again!


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