Sunday, 30 November 2014

A Little Tribute to Pearl part 2

 Granny Square blanket
Anyone who has read the story behind the name Sum of their Stories will know how much I owe to the ladies who inspired me to make things as I was growing up. So each year, on what would have been their birthday, I plan to share something they made.
November 30th was my Nan Pearl's birthday and this "Thing of Beauty" is the blanket she made for me about 40 years ago.
A traditional granny square blanket
I LOVED this blanket when I was growing up, I had it over the end of my bed, ready to pull up on chilly nights. I would be covered by it when I was poorly and off school, lying on the sofa watching TV and dozing. 
More recently our daughter has used it on her bed. She had a cabin bed and cleverly draped it over the side bars then tucked it under the mattress. It stopped anything (books, diary, Ipod, phone etc) from falling through the gap and down onto the floor. Pretty and functional - Pearl would have approved!
Multi coloured granny square blanket
It's made from 200 granny squares almost exclusively from baby wools so it is super soft. It has been washed and washed over the years and is a little bit bobbly in parts and a little bit felted here and there.
Multi colored crochet granny square blanket
I called it my Happy Blanket, because it made me happy (awh, what a sweet little thing I was!!!) I hope you like it too.
You can see the other tributes I've shared here.


  1. What a beautiful blanket. I love the flashes of brighter colours mixed in with the baby pastels.

  2. Gorgeous blanket x I love that it is still functional and loved and still looks so modern after so many years x

  3. IT's GORGEOUS! And, has held up well from your pictures. A testament to good craftswomanship! - That's a LOT of work involved. I "know", as "assembly" was the one bit about doing Granny-Squares that I absolutely *hated* to do! And, WHY I stopped doing them 40 years ago! -- But, *not* "square"-styled Blankets. I just make them in ONE piece now!

    Anyhoo, KUDOS to your AUNTIE!!

    1. It is gorgeous isn't it?! I hate the sewing up too so always use the join as you go method for granny squares - even then there are enough pesky ends to sew in. My Nan was super quick with everything she did but also thorough, it must have taken her hours just to sew this together.

  4. How gorgeous. It's lovely that you write these tributes to the talented and inspirational women who have been part of your life x

  5. It's beautiful, what a fabulous heirloom to own and use.

  6. I'm not surprised you love this blanket so much! It's gorgeous. I love the idea of doing a project like this but I'm not sure I have the patience for darning in 200 granny squares worth of ends! x

  7. I have handmade quilts or afghans from each generation in my family - on both sides (maternal and paternal). I'm very sentimental about them. I'm glad I'm in good company!

  8. A beautiful blanket with an equally beautiful story, thank you so much for this uplifting post xx

  9. That is absolutely gorgeous! What a talented lady x

  10. What a beautiful story and a a beautiful blanket! It has held up very well at 40 years old. Thanks for sharing on Merry Monday!

  11. I love all the colors and the size of the squares you made, your little afghan will be around a long long time. Thanks for stopping by Oh my Heartsie Girl to share.
    Enjoy this wonderful week!!!

  12. so sweet and lovely :) Warm memories, warm heart and warm blankie!

  13. Thanks for sharing on Tuned in Thursday

  14. Gorgeous! I love the colors and the pattern! Such a lovely blanket!

  15. I love how you share their stories. I have a few items my great aunt made me that I cherish dearly. Thanks so much for linking up at Creative Spark Link Party last week. Hope you link up again today!

  16. This is so sweet - what a nice memory! And it's pretty to boot! Thanks so much for sharing them at On Display Thursday! We hope to see you again tonight at 9 pm central!


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