Thursday, 4 September 2014

Guest Post at It Happens in a Blink

Hello, I'm very excited as today I'm Guest Blogging over at It Happens in a Blink

Melanie has started a "Lets Write a Note Challenge" to rekindle our relationship with old fashioned snail mail. I love all our modern super fast, instant communication, but sometimes there is nothing quite like a handwritten note. A card, postcard or lovely piece of writing paper. I guess it's a bit like the difference between a book and a Kindle. 

So as part of the series I'm sharing a fun way to make plain boring envelopes a little bit more exciting.
Pop over to It happens in a Blink to check out the full tutorial.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my!! I just love those lips. I'm going to need to do this :)


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