Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Refashions Part 1: T-shirts and Tops

Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
I love a good clothes refashion/makeover. Turning stuff I already have into something that looks and feels like new. 

I've shared a few refashions (listed at the bottom) but I have quite a few items that I've revamped over the years PB (pre blog!)
Sadly no "before photos" and no super duper little tutorials to show you. However I thought I could share some finished items and a few words to explain what I did which might be helpful if you have a pile of stuff just waiting to be transformed or maybe just tweeked.

This time is T-shirts and Tops, I have some skirts/dresses which I will share when I get some photographs sorted.

Pink Top with Lace
Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
This started life (a good few years ago) as a long tunic type t-shirt, mid thigh length and plain, it had a little tie belt made of the same fabric. The washing machine made a couple of those annoying teeny tiny holes in it an inch or two from the bottom hem so I chopped about 6 inches of the bottom and hemmed it.
Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
This round neckline was just asking for some pretty pretty (that's what my Nan called any sort of lace or trim). This lace was good as it went round the curve really easily. I just hand stitched it on. I had to stitch both edges of the lace as it curled when I tried a short cut and only did the top!
Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
You can just make out some of my little stitches on the inside.
Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
(Loving the shadow lines of the washing line across me here!)
Button Swap Top
Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
This white long sleeved waffle t-shirt had 3 grey buttons, 3 silver rivets and grey stitching between each button. I replaced the buttons with coloured ones and stitched over the grey stitching with zig zag on the sewing machine.
Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
The rivets were a bit harder to sort out. I prized one off with pliers and a screwdriver but it really didn't want to come off so it left a little hole. The yellow button is covering the hole but I didn't want to risk any more. I covered the remaining two rivets with nail varnish, one green and one blue. It's been through the washing machine dozens of times and they are still good.

White Top with Lace Hem
This is probably my favourite and therefore most worn refashion ever.
Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
(I'm sure it's more flattering than this in real life though, hummm...)
This white top was gathered onto a wide ribbed band round the bottom originally. It made me look like a balloon so I took it off and just hemmed it. Unfortunately the hem just kept rolling up, especially round the back so I added this wide band of lace and now I love it.
Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
 Right side.
Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
Wrong side.
Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
This lace was originally gathered as a collar from a 1980's dress which had been chopped up for other things a long time ago. I knew it would come in for something eventually.

Button Swap Cardigan
Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
I nearly didn't show you this one, I've just swapped the buttons on this little white summery cardie. Not the most inspirational thing on the planet!  
Top And T Shirt Refashion Inspiration
They are a little brighter than the photo shows and though I like it I do think it needs something more to make me love it. 
Maybe a line of coloured thread around the button band, or cuffs, or on top of the ribbing. Or maybe some all over embellishment or embroidery, or appliqué, something coming down from the shoulders perhaps? There is a little seam going across the front mid shoulder level, maybe something there?
I think pastel or bright or white on the white would look nice (I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!)
Any ideas?

These are the other refashion's I've shared before - more instructions here, proper tutorials and everything!
Embroidered Gloves
Embroidered Gloves
Lace Top Refashion
Lace Top Refashion
Evening Cardigan Makeover
Evening Cardigan Makeover
Heart Elbow Patch Cardigan Makeover
Heart Elbow Patch Cardigan Makeover
Stripe T-shirt with Floral Trim
Stripe T-Shirt with Floral Trim
Stripy T-Shirt Refashion
Stripy T-Shirt Refashion
I'll be linking up at these great link parties, go and have a look if you have a minute or two!


  1. Cute refashions! They look great. It's amazing what a change of buttons can do for something white.

  2. I love how resourceful you were with doctoring the rivets with nail polish...good thinking. I think the lace top is darling.

    1. I thought the nail varnish might just come off in the wash but it's been really good, it's been washed and washed and no touch ups needed at all.

  3. The button swap was so simple, but made such a huge difference. Love it! Thanks for linking up to On Display Thursday!

  4. Great job. I especially like the white one that you added the lace bottom edge too. It looks like it was made that way.

  5. That white lace top is very flattering on you, don't worry! Thanks for sharing on Hump Day Happenings : )

    1. That's very lovely of you to say Megan. You know that feeling though, when you see a photo and think "Oh, that's not quite what I see in the mirror!"

  6. Great job on all the items I liked the button swap

  7. you've made a great job of those refashions - I never thought f cutting off the gathered bit on a 'balloon top' (I have a pink one!) I also have that little white cardi - I love the coloured buttons idea and maybe a bit of Liberty applique would look good - got me thinking about my cardi now!

  8. Very cute!! The white top is my favorite too but all of them are fun. I love giving new life to old things.

  9. I love your creativity! I can sew a little but have no confidence at all when it comes to clothes. Once I'm done with a shirt I just can't see it in another light.

    1. Thanks Melissa. There are loads of blogs and website with ideas, I'm a member of this pinterest group of you need a little inspiration! http://www.pinterest.com/MammaNene/%2B-a-refashion-obsession-the-mood-board-%2B/

  10. What cute makeovers. Thank you for linking up to the My Favorite things Link Party :)

  11. Loving all the button swapping, colourful buttons always brighten things up :D

  12. Great ideas - I love changing things rather than throwing them! Thanks for linking up with Tuesday Tutorials #pintorials

  13. Love the buttons with the pop of color!!

  14. What a great idea to repurpose clothes that seem to get old! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us at the Be.You.Tiful Link Party!

  15. Great re-fashions! I love that white top with the lace hem - so pretty! I need to go through my closet and do this - instead I keep making more tops to wear!

    1. Making new tops is fun too Kimberlee, it's just nice to have things that are a bit more unique isn't it?

  16. Great ideas! I'll know I have a shirt or two to refashion after reading this! Thanks for sharing @DearCreatives party! I'll be giving your DIY a shout out. Theresa

    1. Thanks Theresa, let us know if you post any refashions, I'd love to stop by and look.

  17. Very cute and creative! I need to repurpose a lot of my clothes. I just need the time and the space! Thanks for sharing with Creative Style!

  18. I adore all the pretty pretty you added to your tops! They really make a big difference and you look so cute in them.
    Thanks for sharing such a great idea on Project Inspire{d}.

  19. Adorable ideas! Thanks for sharing with us at Your Designs This Time!
    Emily & Erin

  20. Great re-fashions, the white lace top is just gorgeous!

    1. Thanks Josie, I do love that one. Cool and comfy in this hot weather too.

  21. The button swop idea definitely does wonders to a garment. Adding that to my to do list!

  22. What wonderful refashions. After your last t-shirt one I headed to my wardrobe and sorted out a pair of jeans I'd had for years but didn't wear as they were too long. Now you've inspired me to get a couple of tops out that need a good hacking and I can wear them again. I love the fact you've just changed the buttons and made such a difference to the garments. Can't wait for more.
    Ali xx

    1. That is just so exciting Ali, all I really want to do is share my ideas and hope that people feel inspired to have a bash themselves. The fact you actually have and have come back to tell me is just lovely.

  23. These are great! I have been meaning to swap the buttons on my cardie for ages as I have a set of rainbow buttons!x


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