Thursday, 3 April 2014


Whoop Whoop - today is my SITS day! Welcome, SITS visitors, I hope you have a cup of tea/coffee at the ready and a few minutes for a look round.

In case you don't already know, The SITS Girls is a great site packed with help and advice for bloggers, with forums, hints and tips. They also feature blogs and today is my turn! Check them out if you haven't already, their button is on my side bar. 

I've only been blogging since August last year and still feel like a complete beginner most of the time. I am loving it but the housework has taken a serious hit, I figure you can't have it all! 
I am just here to share my ideas and things I've made, I'm no sort of expert, just an enthusiastic crafter who has yet to try a craft they don't like (except tatting, I tried that when I was about 11 and just got a tangled mess - Ooooo, maybe it's time to revisit tatting, if you know a good site with help and tutorials please let me know in the comments below)
I get ridiculously excited and enthusiastic about making things; ideas whirl round my head so I have about 10 projects on the go at any given moment, and another 10 half written blog posts. There's no schedule here I'm afraid, when it's ready I share it.

So have a little look around, see if anything inspires you. It would be great if you came away feeling like you can have a go at making something, but if you don't - no worries, I'm just happy you stopped by to say "Hi!"

Oh and one more thing, I've recently taken the plunge and signed up for Twitter, so if you want to take pity on me and follow my poor almost followerless "Billy no mates" twitter self, please do.  I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm sure I'm gonna love it once I get the hang of it! 
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Geometric Bangle Refashion
Geometric Bangle Refashion
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Simple Speech Bubble Cards


  1. Hi Julie! I am clicking over from SITS... your header and story just looked/sounded so cheery (I love crafting too) that I had to check it out. I don't have much time for crafting these days with two young kids, but I manage to squeeze it in occasionally!

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for stopping by. I didn't get much chance for anything when the kids were little, but they do grow up and then need you less which is kind of liberating!

  2. Happy SITS day! Hope you get lots of comment love! :)

  3. Have a very happy SITS Day! I am enjoying your blog and can't wait to see more.

  4. Happy SITS Day! I hope you have a great one! :)

  5. Hi! And Happy SITS Day to you! I have a feeling we are going to become great friends. LOL I have lots of projects going at the same time as well, with plenty of ideas buzzing around in my head. My husband doesn't like it, as they take over the space in our home. Oh the life of a crafter, I suppose. :-)

    1. Ah yes, space, there is just never enough is there! I need a craft room really or maybe a shed at the bottom of the garden!

  6. Happy SITS Day! Everything about your blog is cheery and very creative. The header is awesome! Stopping by from SITS to share some comment love. :)

    1. Hi Yvonne, thanks for stopping by. A few people have commented on my header, it was only when I started collecting a few of my craft supplies together that I realised how much I like red!

  7. Wow! You have so many ideas here! I just pinned your carrot treat bag... actually as an idea for May baskets. :) I do crafts from time to time, though I am always knitting. What I don't have patience for is creating tutorials about them on my blog, so I am thankful for those of you who do, because I always learn a lot. I hope to get some time to poke around here a bit more. Thank you for sharing and happy SITS day!

    1. Hello Nicole, I glad you are finding things you like to look at here. Tutorials are quite time consuming, all that stopping to take photos every 5 minutes! My family all think I'm nuts, I don't make anything with out taking pictures now, just in case I can rustle a tutorial out of it!

  8. So glad to see you enjoying your SITS day. My hat is off to anyone who can do crafts. You have quite the talent. Have a blessed day.

  9. Hi Julie, love your blog! I love crafting, mostly because it challenges me. I have never had the best hand and eye coordination and crafting forces me to work on that! Happy SITS Day to you! Seems weel deserved to me :-)

    Love and Luck,

    Laurali Star

  10. I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only blogger whose housework has suffered! Good luck with your blog! It looks great for being a fairly new blogger.

    1. Hello Lisa, I don't think we are the only ones either, have you ever seen the Monday Messes posts at The Experimental Home, makes me feel better every time I stop by! This was the latest one:

  11. You're crafts look great! And I can totally relate to the housework taking a hit...unfortunately I can't use crafting as my excuse. ;) Hope you're having a great SITS day!

  12. Love all your fonts and 'handwritten' graphics! Your site looks amazing....would never have thought you a new blogger. Lovelies everywhere. Visiting you on your SITS day. Enjoy to the fullest.

  13. Hello! I came over from SITS and I noticed you have a TARDIS in your post. You have been bookmarked. I love craft blogs and I'm looking forward to seeing all of your projects :)

    1. Hi Andrea, thanks for visiting. You spotted the Tardis then, I was just doing a little doodle of all things I love and couldn't miss Doctor Who out! (As it happens I have a couple of Doctor Who based projects I've been working on recently ready to post any day now)

  14. I'm so excited to find your blog! I love craft bloggers because you all do such amazing creations! I cna't wait to see more and am so happy it's your SITS day!

    1. I'm happy you found me Adrienne! I hope you enjoy looking around.

  15. Hi Julie! Whoop Whoop is right, what a fun day for you!! I love the red on your blog, it's so cheerful! I am not much of a crafter or brave enough to try DIY projects but I love to learn about them. Kind of weird I know but it's the truth.

    1. Hi Daidri, I'm sorry you don't feel confident enough to have a bash at making things. I think I was really blessed to grow up thinking that was what everyone did. Maybe I just have the Dr Pepper attitude, what IS the worst that can happen!

  16. Love your blog Julie. You sound like me... I have several loves when it comes to crafting and always have several project going at the same time and many more brewing in my head it seems!

    Thanks for stopping by the Little Vintage Cottage!


    1. So many project, so little time! Things like "going to work" and "feeding the kids" just keep getting in the way, sigh!

  17. Oooh congratulations! I love everything about your blog... and I tat too. Infact we do a lot of the same things. I taught myself to tat online and there are a lots of fantastic places to learn, share, show care and promote. Hop over... I am at WordsnNeedles(dot)com

    Your layout is fantastic!

    1. Thanks Aysh, I'm officially inspired to try tatting again. At some point in 2014 I will have to give it a go.

  18. Hi Julie, I just noticed that you were a featured blogger on The SITS Girls and congrats to that and how exciting. Take care and Have a nice week.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

    1. Hi Julie, my SITS day was great. I've met lots of bloggers from all over the world.


I love to hear your thoughts/comments, thank you for taking the time.