Sunday, 23 March 2014

Washi Tape Berry Boxes

Washi Tape Berry Boxes
Easter isn't too far away now so in a spirit of preparation and not leaving everything to the last minute I have been thinking about Easter gift ideas.

I discovered a very simple tutorial for making super cute little Berry Boxes by Claire on her lovely blog Fellow Fellow. You know when you find a blog that is just so pretty and full of lovely things and you want to stay all day? That's Fellow Fellow (you should definitely check it out - once you've finished here of course!)
Be warned - once you start making these cute little boxes it gets pretty addictive!
I followed Claire's instructions, with just a few adjustments (I'm sorry I just can't help myself) and made this cute little box. 
Washi Tape Berry Boxes
Then I started to play and replaced the top paper band with Washi Tape. I also made my boxes slightly shorter. Seriously, once I started I just couldn't stop, they only take about 10 minutes each!
Washi Tape Berry Boxes
 Washi Tape Berry Boxes
This is what I did:
Using a pencil & ruler I marked out my grid on card, cut it out and scored, then folded up the sides
Washi Tape Berry Boxes
Washi Tape Berry Boxes
Washi Tape Berry Boxes
I took my Washi tape and carefully started sticking it to the top edge. 
Washi Tape Berry Boxes
At the corner I left a little gap and then carried on
Washi Tape Berry Boxes
Once I got back to the beginning I just did a little overlap, shame the pattern doesn't match better, but it's not too bad
Washi Tape Berry Boxes
Now the only tricky bit, I applied Washi Tape to the inside too. The trick is to go slow and not unwind masses of tape too soon. The tape is pretty good at letting you unpeel and have another go if it puckers though.
Washi Tape Berry Boxes
And that's it! Now make loads more!
Washi Tape Berry Boxes
Washi Tape Berry Boxes
I also had a go with ribbon, I just applied some of that roll-on double sided tape. It looks good but was more fiddly than Washi tape as it kept sticking to itself.
Washi Tape Berry Boxes
There must be a million uses for cute little boxes like this. To turn them into Easter gift baskets for our numerous nieces & nephews I made some little matching gift tags (made from the square corner offcuts and a little more tape) 
Washi Tape Berry Boxes
A bit of tissue paper and some mini eggs to finish off.
Easter Basket from Washi Tape Berry Boxes
They are teeny (5cmx5cm) and hold about 8 mini eggs. We do have a lot of nieces and nephews, if I made bigger boxes it would cost a fortune to fill them all! I have got a few more to do now but they are quick and fun so don't feel too sorry for me!
Easter basket from Washi Tape Berry Boxes

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I'll be linking up this project at all these lovely link parties, pop over for a look at loads of projects from other blogs


  1. These are lovely Julie, and as always you have taken such great photos! I agree that they are the perfect size for a little Easter token but won't cost a fortune to fill!

  2. I really must invest in some washi tape!!! They look great:)

  3. These are the perfect gift boxes for so many occasions, what a great idea! x

  4. Oh Julie, these little Easter baskets are adorable! How fun. And, I love the companion card that matches them. Very nice!

  5. Julie,
    These are so adorable! The berry boxes are so versatile - I can see myself using them for gifting baked goods. The washi tape and other decorations make them even cuter! Love it. I pinned it as well. Thanks for sharing!

    1. They are just so darn cute aren't they? And you can make them pretty much any size so the possibilities are almost endless!

  6. Wow, these look fantastic! Great job.. I love the addition of the washi tape! :)

  7. They are really cute, and a great little Easter gift.

  8. I've never used washi tape but I have seen so many lovely projects with it, including yours, that I must look out for some. I particularly like the bicycle one and would love to get hold of some.

  9. So cute and easy to make! I'm thinking about how I could modify these as an activity for my Daisies and Brownies. I may have them put the tape on the corners first to hold the box together before running the tape around the opening.

    Thanks for linking up at Motivation Monday!

  10. These are adorable! I keep buying washi tape because it's so adorable and then I never use it! So I'm always looking for good ideas like this!

    1. I only have 4 rolls, but Mothers day is coming, and then my Birthday so fingers crossed! (Hint Hint kids!) It's very versatile stuff.

  11. I don't know how people like you are so creative with washi tape. Yet another brilliant use. I love this idea for gifts for my students!

    1. Hello Mrs Stewart, thanks for stopping by. You can "production line" these and make them really quickly if you need to, and because they are tiny the card doesn't have to very thick. The blue I used was an old cardboard ring binder divider that I fished out of the bin at work, the tab had got all mangled so someone had thrown it away. Recycle, reuse, repurpose!

  12. These are just adorable! Where do you buy washi tape?

    1. Hi Elizabeth, the bikes and the bunting are from hobbycraft the La de range from Grant Studios, I don't know if they are available anywhere else. The red check I've had for a while so I can't remember but I think it was in a pack with some sort of Christmassy ones.

  13. These are adorable! Love the idea! Thanks for for sharing with us at Your Designs This Time, Mondays 8:00am EST.

  14. Your berry boxes are so pretty! Thank you for the tutorial. I really have to get me some of those washi tapes. :)

    1. It's such fun stuff to play with, the problem is once you have one or two rolls you just want more!

  15. The Washi tape on the boxes is just fab..... And they are so perfect of Easter! with those cute little tags.... Great idea!!!

  16. These are just lovely boxes! I can see them, in assorted designs, on a mantel or maybe a shelf storing all sorts of paperie goodies. Visiting via "Wine'd Down Wednesday" linkup

    1. Good idea barb, They could be in descending size or rainbow colours - wow, I want to make more now!

  17. Love this idea for a sweet little gift box! It would make a great way to send a small gift for Teacher Appreciation Week! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks Ashley. We don't have teacher appreciation week in the UK, or maybe we do and my kids are just too old to tell me about such things! Most Primary school kids take something on the last day of the school year for their teacher though ranging from the very simple to the really quite extravagant. If only I had thought of these back then, you are right, they would have been perfect.

  18. These are just so cute! What a great favor idea for all kinds of parties!

  19. These look so cute with matching tags. If you have not shared at Bacon Time linky yet, please do. Have a great weekend.

  20. I have some actual berry boxes I saved from last Summer. I also have some washing tape sitting around. Now I'm inspired Saw your link on the Be,You,tiful Link Party.

  21. I always love a quick & simple craft for creating adorable packaging for homemade gifts! Also fantastic idea for favor containers. ~ Erika @

  22. Thanks for linking to Create Link Inspire at The Crafty Blog Stalker. You have been featured and pinned! Thank you for sharing.

  23. These are so cute! Definitely wanna try those.

    xx MaDonna

  24. Back again, this time to tell you I will be Featuring these this week at the linky party!

  25. Super cugte and looks very easy. Can't wait to try this out.

  26. And this is what they called simply creative! I made boxes before but it turns out disaster, I guess it’s not my work of art to made one. This idea will surely help me make one for the kids Easter party. Love this!

    Sebastian Chuter


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