Friday, 7 March 2014

Stripy T-Shirt Refashion

Two ill fitting t shirts turned into one well fitting top

I saw this lovely top in very nice department store a few weeks ago.
It's from Dickins & Jones, it's very lovely, and it's £35. Ah.

I already had this stripy t-shirt.
Stripy T-Shirt Refashion
It was a bit too short, a bit too wide and it has 3/4 sleeves. I may have mentioned before, I don't really "get" 3/4 length sleeves. Surely it's either cold enough to need your arms covered or it's not! Anyway, this top has it's faults but it is a really nice quality thick jersey fabric.

I scoured our local Charity shops until I found this little beauty for £1.99:
Stripy T-Shirt Refashion
Ideally I wanted red but pink is nice too. The fabric is a nice thick quality, not quite as thick as my white/navy stripe but almost. The neck is soooo tight, I had to undo the buttons just to get it over my head, but perfect for a t-shirt mash up! 

The pink T-shirt was a good width on me, you can see here how the white top is too wide:
Stripy T-Shirt Refashion

You can also see here the white top has a slightly wonky front edge:
I chopped about 4 inches from the bottom of the white top, straightening it up. That's the good thing about stripes like this, it's easy to get things straight. That brought the bottom of the white top to just below my waist level which is where I want the coloured stripes to begin.

Next I sorted out the "too wide" issue with the white top. The easiest way to do this if it's not too massively ill fitting, is to put the top on inside out
Then just pin two new side seams (one each side) where you want them to be. Now take the top off carefully so you don't stab yourself. This can be done with safety pins if you are clever and sensible.

As you can see this only needed to come in an inch or so:

I stitch down these seams, but on the left side I left a gap of about 2 inches at the bottom edge, like so:
This gap is so I can attach the pink border on the bottom.

I chopped carefully cut a 7 1/2" wide strip from the bottom of the pink t-shirt, and then cut off the left side seam to make one long rectangle. I did not photograph this stage. I have no idea why, sorry, you'll have to imagine a long rectangle of stripy pink and white fabric. The old bottom hem of the pink t-shirt will become the bottom hem of the new top, no need to make work for yourself!

Next I attached this long pink rectangle to the bottom of the white top.
Right sides together, I lined up the two intact side seams and pinned - the picture shows it better than I can describe:

I then carefully pinned the pink strip to the bottom of the white t-shirt. Do this carefully, making sure the pins match the strips on both sides, Stripes are good for following when you are cutting or sewing straight along them but if you make a mistake it will show!
This is that same seam opened out whilst still pinned, i.e. before stitching - just to check it's straight.

On the left side seam on the white top - where I left the gap, it looked like this:
This is where I started and finished stitching my carefully pinned seam, I used a very slight zig zag stitch as this is jersey fabric.

I just stitched up the side seam, pressed it all with the iron then gave the join seam two rows of top stitching so it now lies nice and flat. 

Next extending the sleeves. The 3/4 sleeves on the white strip top are 9" wide and 7.5" too short to reach my wrists. So I cut 2 rectangles of the remaining pink t-shirt 9.75" x 10" (this allows for a hem at the wrist and seam allowances)
I turned one long edge and gave it two rows of top stitching to form a cuff. 

Next I turned the rectangle into a tube by sewing up the long edge leaving a 1" seam allowance and then turned it right side out.
I just slid the tube into the white top sleeve, lining up the seams and pinned it in place. At this point I tried it on to make sure the sleeves were the right length, then attached these new sleeve extensions with a simple row of top stitching.
Lengthening 3/4 sleeves with part of another t shirt
Lengthening 3/4 sleeves with part of another t shirt
Stripy T-Shirt Refashion
Stripy T-Shirt Refashion
Stripy T-Shirt Refashion
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I'll be linking up at these great link parties.


  1. Wow, I love it. I prefer your top to the one from the shops. Pretty sure it is way above my sewing skills, but I wish I could do something like this.

    1. Thanks Sarah, It really wasn't that difficult, it's actually way harder to describe in words than to do! I was a bit nervous about publishing my close up pictures as some of the stitching isn't especially perfect!
      The thing is once your are wearing something no one stops you to examine if your top stitching is evenly spaced! The best way to learn is to have a go, the worse thing that can happen is you end up having to cut it all into squares to make dusters and end up with less clothes and more dusters!

  2. I love refashioning clothes! This is too cute, what a great pairing. I cut up a dress and sweater that had both seen better days and made a new cardi set that I love so much more than when they were two separate pieces

    1. Sounds lovely Emily - do you blog anywhere or have a picture on pinterest so I can see it?

  3. Brilliant refashioning. It looks wonderful and you've saved yourself £35. You've got me heading to the wardrobe to see what I can chop up : )
    Ali xx

  4. Love it! Just wanted to let you know that I featured the first picture on my blog. It's linked back with both photo and text links. Happy Sunday!

    1. Thank you so much Heidi, I feel so honoured to be featured.

  5. It looks lovely, what a great job, I'm with you on the 3/4 sleeves, I always want to pull them down :) although when I wear long sleeves I often push them up !!
    I like the way you have paired it with a matching pink necklace.

    Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan. Yes, I push long sleeves up to sometimes - but 3/4's just feel weird - doesn't make any sense really does it?!
      The necklace is the one I made from a broken bracelet - I DO own other necklaces but when I'm wearing something I've made to show here on the blog I often seem to end up with that one just matching nicely!

  6. Great tutorial and fab finished top

  7. turned out totally awesome! Great tute as well :)

  8. Great one, Julie! Looks fantastic!

  9. That looks great and your instructions are foolproof! Love what you've done.

    1. I'm glad you think so Teresa, it's sometimes really hard to describe something - hopefully the photos help.

  10. This looks so fabulous! I bet it's really good for tall people to do something like this!!!
    Happy St. Patties!! :)
    x Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

    1. You're right Crystelle, I'm not especially tall or short (kind of middleing) but I don't like my tops too short - don't want a draught round my middle! I remember my Mum always struggling to get things with long enough arms - this solves that problem too.

  11. No surprise you're smiling. This is a truly amazing transformation! And to think you could have spent £35!!! Thanks for the detailed instructions. Very clear! And I DO love the matching necklace. Genius :)))

    1. Ah, part of the smiling is because I'm very happy with my lovely new top, part is because my hilarious son is taking the photos!

  12. I love these posts where you make your own clothes. I love pink and this is so cute! What a great bargain to just make your own. You look great! Thanks for sharing with us at Countdown in Style! Don't forget to stop by Friday to see if you are featured :)

  13. This is super awesome! Great job. I agree I don't understand the 3/4 sleeves, but they also look silly on me as I am pretty short and it really throws off my proportions. LOL

    1. Thanks Heather. I never thought about the proportions of a sleeve if you are shorter, I guess it just depends what you feel comfortable in at the end of the day. I did see a refashion the other day somewhere where someone had added lace round the sleeve, that looked pretty nice too.

  14. What a great refashion! I can't believe your luck with finding pretty much the same sized stripes for the second shirt. It came out wonderfully! I'm warming up to the color blocked stripes trend and you are rocking it :)

    1. I don't think anyone has ever told me I'm rocking a trend before (I'm sure I've told the kids I'm rocking a look, just to wind them up and make them embarrassed of their old mum - "working it, with a pop of colour" - I watch the fashion shows sometimes - I know the lingo!)
      The pink t shirt was a great find, it really helps that the weight of the fabric is similar too, as well as the stripe. Thanks for thanking the time to comment.

    2. Hi Julia! I loved this project so much I shared it over at Refashion Nation :D Check it out!

    3. Hello RaChil, thank you for sharing, I'm glad you liked it so much. I've just been over to see. What a lot of great projects! I feel very honoured to be in such great company.

  15. What a brilliant transformation! I love the color combination! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    Thank you for linking at Tuesdays with a Twist!

  16. You did a great job, Julie, and a smart use of those hems!
    I love 3/4 sleeves, but only on shirts, not on cardigans! They look like they used to be right size but now they're too short because I grew up, if you know what I mean LOL
    PS: I love striped colorblocking!
    MammaNene @

  17. A lovely new top, and a great charity shop find to help you. I hope you enjoy wearing.

  18. You're so creative Julie - I love this re-fashion. Sewing clothes is a really daunting idea for me but your tutorial is really straight forward. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Give it a go Jo. When you think about it, the worst that can happen is you end up chopping it up for cleaning rags, the best that can happen is you have something lovely and unique to wear!

  19. Cute refashion! Thank you for sharing at The Submarine Sunday Link Party!

  20. I'll be featuring this post at Tuesdays with a Twist tomorrow! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. Thank you so much, I feel very honoured, I know so many great projects get linked up at your party every week.

  21. That's so clever! Love it! I have a few striped tops and I might have to try this!

  22. SO great! I love your eye to details. That is what would trip me up!!

  23. What a super cute and clever idea! I love it!

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  24. This shirt turned out great. I would love to try something like this but mine would not turn out that great.

    1. Awh Michelle, you don't know, give it a bash, you might surprise yourself and make something awesome!

  25. That's awesome! I don't have much time for sewing anymore but I would love to hit the thrift stores and refashion some things. Happy SITS day!

    1. It's lots of fun Martha, but very addictive. I can't pass a charity shop without popping in just in case there is a gem in there waiting for me!

  26. Incredible! I'll have to try!

  27. Great idea! I wish I was that crafty!

  28. I didn't quite know what to expect when I read the title of this post...

    This is awesome -- and do-able!! Yay!

    Thanks for sharing! (Stopping by from SITS <3)

    1. Ah, interesting! I've not given my titles much thought really, I know what I'm on about, I guess I just expect everyone else to get it too!
      It is very do-able, I don't tend to do especially complicated if I can help it!

  29. I love your refashion! I know what you mean about the 3/4 sleeves: I have a sweater with 3/4 sleeves and I hardly wear it because it's either too warm or too cold. Thanks for sharing your refashion at my T-shirt refashioning link party.


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