Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Pom Pom Scarf Refashion

Giant Pom Pom Scarf from sumoftheirstories.com
Another wool based project, it must be winter! My lovely Sister-in-law (same one who gave me the extremely useful tea towels) made me a beautifully soft grey scarf for Christmas year before last.

I've worn it quite a bit but as a "bright colours" kind of girl I thought I might give it a quick upgrade for 2014. I must stress that I had my sister-in-laws permission for this, we spoke about it this Christmas and she is completely on board.
It is made of a lovely soft bouclé type wool, and looks like it was made in garter stitch. It measures 30cm x 134cm (12" x 53")
I am going a bit pom pom mad at the moment. I learnt the quick, wrap round your hand technique from Creature Comforts Blog youtube video just before Christmas and taught our daughter whilst she was home from Uni. I came home from work one day and she'd spent the day making loads, using up all the little bits of wool we had that wasn't really any good for anything else. We used them to finish off all our Christmas gift wrapping this year.

I digress. I wanted to make BIG pom poms for this scarf and found this brilliant method from www.vintagerevivals.com.

I used one 100g ball of bright blue DK wool to make 2 big pom poms... 
... following Vintage Revivals instructions
I took one of the long ends, threaded into onto a big old needle and did a big running stitch along one end of the scarf.
I pulled it tight and tied a knot with the other long thread coming out of the pom pom.
I gave it a couple more knots to secure and trims the ends off to match the rest of the pom pom.
On reflection a chunkier wool might have been better, certainly quicker I think, but I just love this vivid blue with the grey.
giant pom pom scarf from sumoftheirstories.com
This was a really quick project, I did it start to finish whilst watching The Incredible Hulk with my boys (apparently they were shocked to discover I'd not seen it yet and thought it needed remedying asap) 
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I'll be linking up at these great link parties


  1. Cute!! I love the color combination too

  2. Hi Julie, I love the way that you refashioned the grey scarf, so creative of you with the pom poms! I saw this at submarine sunday party. Happy Sunday to you!
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  3. I love a good pom pom! Fantastic method, I often use the 'wrap round the hand' one myself. I am now off to find that embroidery hoop I know is lurking somewhere in my house. Thanks for sharing.

    1. It's great isn't it. I would have probably gone back to the old cardboard circle method if I hadn't seen this on vintage revivals, but this is so much easier. I love learning new techniques from other clever crafty people!

  4. A great idea! You can never have too many pom poms x

    1. I agree Natalie, I have a pinterest board dedicated to them and I know I'm not the only one!

  5. Cute scarf! I love the blue pom poms. Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!

  6. Soooo pleased i'e read this post. Have just knitted a scarf and got stuck at the pompom making stage. I want them to be thick and full. Seeing the way you attached yours is really helpful. :)))

    1. Perfect timing! Like I said in the post I think I would use a thinker wool if I was making them again, but the method of tying them regularly as you go really does seem to stop them all falling apart, I've had no moulting of threads at all. Good luck, I'm sure your's will be lovely!

  7. I spent hours as a child making pompoms with the cardboard rings - so pleased to find there are quicker ways to do it!

  8. Adorable! Pompoms are such happy little things. :)

  9. What a fun scarf! Thanks for sharing at Throwback Thursday. I have a new party button if you could add it to your party page ;-)


    1. Thanks Denyse, I've picked up the new button now.


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