Thursday, 30 January 2014

Owl Granny Square Cushion

I mentioned this months ago when I showed you the little Crocheted Owl Brooch. Well here it is at last, my Granny Square Owl Cushion. (Actually not mine because this was one of our daughters Christmas pressies!)

This is not my own pattern but I've added links to the various elements I used and information about how I went about it, in case you want to have a go at making your own.

This was made using up left over bits and pieces of wool from my stash, but it was all DK (in the US I think you call it light worsted) It turns out that some DK is thicker than others, so my squares varied a little in size but not so much that it matters too much, and it's nice to use up all your leftovers.

I used the lovely pattern from the brilliant Sarah at Repeat Crafter Me to make the owl squares and matching plain granny squares for the other squares, you can use these super clear instructions from Little Tin Bird if you don't already know how to make them.

This is my diagram for how to position the colours - wow what an artist I am!

I made all the squares first then joined them using this join as you go method from the very talented ChiWei at OneDogWoof.
 Once you have tried this joining method you may never go back to any other!

The back is one big granny square for two reasons:
1) I didn't have any more navy blue to go round the smaller squares
2) Those owls would get squashed if they were on the back!
All the colours are the same ones used on the front, with the exception of navy blue (as I had run out!) You just make your normal plain Granny Square but don't stop after 4 rounds, just keep going until it's the same size as your front. (well, not your front, the front of the cushion!)

I found the ears of the Owls were starting to fold forwards so I caught them down with a tiny stitch on each one.
French knots for eyes made of wool seemed like a good idea so the cushion stays soft (I didn't have enough little black buttons anyway)

I joined the sides together with a dc (or sc to those in the US)
After joining three sides, I inserted an inexpensive plain grey cushion from Ikea and joined the fourth side. If it needs washing I'm thinking a gentle hand wash just as it is, rather than worrying about taking the cover off.
Owl Granny Square cushion

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  1. Lovely cushion Julie, welcome to stashbusting for stashaholics. :)

    1. Thanks Linda, I do love a good stashbusting project!

  2. Those are seriously cute. What fun owls

  3. Hi Julie, I love it! The cushion came out so pretty and nice. You did a great job making this. I saw this at T'onna's party. Have a great day and week.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  4. Such a lovely cushion <3 I will have to check out the join as you go tutorial as i'm new to joining, so interested to see an easier way x

    1. It is brilliant, I used to try to sew them together, but it's hard to get the tension right. This is SO much easier and I love the way it looks too.

  5. Very sweet ! Love your colour choices & the owls are super cute!


  6. They are really cute and colourful. I bet your daughter really loves it.

  7. What a fabulous cushion! I'm tempted to pick up a crochet hook after many many years....

    1. Ooooo do! Crochet is such a portable craft, that's what I like best about it. When you are waiting for the kids/or anyone else of course, watching tv, even sitting in the park - your crochet can come with you!

  8. This is adorable!!

  9. Crocheting is so beautiful. I said when I have another baby I would try to crochet something. I never made anything. I just learned how to do it and would crochet and crochet using this yarn my grandma gave me. I plan on making a blanket once I find out the gender of the baby to start. It seems like that could be an easy project. Thanks for sharing these lovely pillows with us at Countdown in Style! Don't forget to stop by Friday to see if you are featured! xo

    1. Crocheting really is lovely isn't it. I'm pleasantly surprised how many people I find (on blogs and pinterest) who all love it. A baby blanket sounds lovely, you could do squares and start them all now with a neutral colour for the centres, then join them in another colour (pink or blue if you are feeling traditional) once you know. That way you could get started! Ooo, I might use that idea for a post one day!

  10. No squashed owls - what a relief ... lol. Looks lovely!

    1. Exactly- these things are important! How sad would it be if you found a whole bunch of squashed owls one day, Their ears could be all folded over and everything!

  11. Super cute cushion! I love the owls! Thanks for sharing @ Submarine Sunday!


    1. Thanks T'onna, that means a lot coming from a fellow crocheter! I've seen your lovely work.

  12. Very creative and cute. I wish I would sit down long enough to make something like this, but for now, I'll just have to admire from online. Thanks for sharing and linking up with Countdown in Style! Don't forget to come back on Friday to see if you were featured!


  13. So much cuteness! I think this would be great for a nursery

    1. Oh yes, it would, I've seen these squares made into bunting too, they'd look lovely together.

  14. Cute pillow Julie! Thanks so much for sharing this at Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop :)

  15. This is too cute!! We were considering doing owls for our nursery at one point and I could totally see this as an accent pillow on the glider!

  16. Lovely cushion, great idea. I could see this being a good fundraiser for groups etc.

  17. I LOVE this! If I were crafty I would start making one right now!

  18. Super cute, Julie - taking the traditional granny square and adding modern whimsy! I love it! - Deanna {sewmccool}

  19. This is so cute. I absolutely love it!

  20. This is a fantastic granny square pillow! Love the owls!! :)


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