Sunday, 3 November 2013

Granny Square Scarf Tutorial

Granny Squares are so easy to crochet, great for beginners, and can make a super cheerful cosy scarf.

Turn granny squares into a cheerful scarf
I LOVE my new scarf because:
a) It's beautiful
b) It costs nothing (as its a stash buster only made with wool I already had)
c) It only took 2 weeks
d) It's really pretty...

Originally I was going to do a real sampler of all different granny square patterns but then I realised I couldn't possibly find enough different squares that would all be the same size so half of the squares are the most traditional pattern I know, the rest are a mixture of different ones.

Do you want to make one? Here's how:

You need:

  • DK Wool (worsted) - whatever colours you like, I had 7 different bright colours and plenty of at least 1 more colour for edging (mine is black) 
  • Crochet hook, mine was 5mm

My scarf measures 23cm/9" x 224cm/87" 

Make 38 granny squares.
I mostly used patterns* from Little Tin Bird (her tutorials are so clear) using basic granny squarecircles in squares, a tweaked version of bullseye squares where I only did 2 rounds then in my 3rd round just grouped the stitches I had so I would end up 12 "bunches" with a couple of chain in each corner, and a few I just made up as I went along.

As long as they come out the same size you can do whatever patterns you like. There are hundreds out there on 'tinternet (and even in books - remember them! )

*Just remember the patterns from Little Tin Bird are UK terminology, if you are in the US then where it says Treble you do Double. I print out patterns and write all over them if they are not UK versions so I don't forget what I'm doing half way through.

I did each square with 3 multicoloured rounds then joined them all together at the end with this joining technique from Make My Day Creative using black wool. I strongly advise saving this job for the daylight if you use a dark colour - If I ever make anything with dark colours at night I see all my mistakes in the cold light of day!
Once all the squares were joined I went round the whole thing with DC (SC in US terms) in black, doing 3 stitches in the same stitch on the corners. Then another round in pink, then a last black round. It curls a little bit but I don't care!
On reflection I think it would be better if I'd turned the work over and done the pink row from the other side, I have a feeling that would stop the slight curling.

Have fun, make your favourite granny squares or try a load of new ones. 

If you don't crochet already then this is a great way to start, it's quick and easy, and you could make your scarf half as long if you get fed up - it will still be lovely!

My hilarious son took the outside pictures, I said "take some close up so people can see the scarf" so he did:

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  1. Very pretty, I've never crocheted before, when you say it took two weeks, how many hours a day did you spend on it? I have no patience, that's why I stay away from things like knitting and crochet...I'd love to try this though

    1. Doh, I went and wrote another comment instead of replying - see my ramblings below! They are meant for you!

  2. Hi, I crochet when I'm watching TV of an evening, and the squares take me about 15 - 20 mins each. I did get a bit obsessed with this, I couldn't wait to finish and wear it! The good thing about squares is that you get almost instant gratification, each one is quick and not complicated. And your scarf could be only 1 square wide and no where near as long as mine if you get fed up!
    Crochet is way quicker than knitting, I would recommend just having a go - what's the worse that can happen? You make a few squares, get fed up and use them as coasters! or you might get "hooked" (sorry, couldn't resist)

  3. Hi there - I'm a new follower, found you at the Collective Blog Hop. This scarf looks beautiful with loads of lovely granny squares. I'm currently learning to crotchet and having a go at granny squares at the moment. I'd love to create something like this

    1. You should definitely give it a go, Granny squares are great for a beginner (its how I started) and there's nothing quite like wearing something you've made yourself.

  4. Never done these, but everyone says they are easy. Might have to give it a try:) Too cute.

    1. They really are the best thing for a beginner to start with, you just go round and round which means no keeping the sides straight to worry about.

  5. Lovely! Thanks for linking up on Hookin On Hump Day!

    1. My pleasure Tamara, it's always nice to find more beautiful crochet and knitting projects

  6. Hi I love this granny square scarf you made it's so pretty. I saw it on throwback thursday.
    Julie at

  7. I've never crocheted, but I've always wanted to try. I feel like I should finish my 6 year old knitting project first, though!!

    1. Nooooo, give crochet a bash, then come back to the knitting later! Crochet is way quicker so you get much more instant gratification. (now you can see why I have so many different things on the go at once!)

  8. Lovely scarf! It's been years since I have crocheted but this makes me want get me hook and yarn out!

    1. Oh yes, do it, you can even crochet while watching tv so it doesn't really take up any time at all!

  9. This is a great pattern, I have recently taken up knitting and I will have to try this at some point.

  10. So beautiful!! I am so impressed... maybe one day when I am a granny I will be able to make one for myself. :-)

    1. Maybe it should be the law that all granny's wear scarves that they made themselves from granny squares - we should start a petition!

  11. I can never make all my squares the same size. This scarf looks great though and love the pink and black edging.

    1. Hi Emma, sometimes even the type of wool can work up differently and mess the size up. You can block your work afterwards by wetting it and pinning the shape out to dry to even things up (I never bother but I know some people do with great results) Or you can just go with it and embrace the hand crafted quality of your work!

  12. I made a similar one for my daughter, unfortunately some of the colors began to come apart. Happy SITS day!

  13. Lovely! Visiting you via The SITS Girls, I'm an avid craftster too, a crocheter by preference, but I love other crafts as well, Wonderful to visit you. Wish you the best with your blog!


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