Friday, 21 July 2017

Inspired by - Comfy Flip Flops

Today another idea I've tried, inspired by another blogger. This time it's super comfy flip flops.
comfy flip flops
This was inspired by Kristen of Down Home Inspiration, she shared a little video back in 2014 showing how to make flip flops more comfy by swapping the plastic straps for stretchy fabric.
I have a love/hate relationship with flip flops, they are great for summer but some just really hurt my feet. It doesn't seem to matter what style, some rub and some don't, you just can't tell before you buy them which way it's going to go! 
I had a pair that were definitely in the 'rub my feet' category so with nothing to lose I chopped the plastic bits off and had a go. 
I used some jersey fabric left over from this top and just had enough. I didn't have quite enough to include the knot in Kirsten's version, my fabric wasn't quite long enough but it still worked out ok.
And here they are on my feet, on the beach last week.
comfy flip flops
 This is how they look without my feet in them!
comfy flip flops
They are SUPER comfy, it's amazing.
My only downside is I'm not sure how long the fabric with last before it wears through on the underneath where the knots are.
I wore these to walk down to the beach for 5 days and they are holding up just fine for now. You can see I didn't trim the fabric very close to the knots. You'd think it would make an uncomfortable lump but it doesn't seem to.
I think another time I would choose a fabric that actually matches with the foam flip flop bottoms! This time was an experimental 'just use what I have' situation!
If I want to take them on holiday for more than a week, I might take a few strips of spare fabric with me, just in case repairs are necessary. 
Get the full video tutorial on how to make them from DownHome Inspiration here.
My conclusion - definitely worth a go.


  1. Love your version of the comfy flip flops! Glad that you enjoy yours like I do mine. :)

    1. Thanks Kristen, I'm really happy to have found your tutorial and to have given them a try.

  2. Good idea, I've got the same problem with flip flops. must give it a try...
    And thank's for the tip of Kristens blog, didn't know her yet.
    Have a great weekend,

    1. Definitely worth a go Sigrid, if uncomfy flip flops are a problem for you. I actually couldn't believe how much better my feet felt.

  3. What a clever idea, I wouldn't think to make my own flip-flops/ sandals. Very pretty indeed!

    1. Thanks Teodora, I've seen a lot of make your own espadrille ideas around too which I do fancy trying one day but this was MUCH simpler!

  4. What a difference and a good idea when those plastic bits break.

    1. I didn't even wait for mine to break either Caroline, I just chopped those uncomfortable b****rs right off!

  5. That's such a great idea. Thanks for sharing your version Julie and I'm glad you mentioned about the knot at the bottom, I was wondering about that

    1. Thanks Michelle, I thought I would feel the knots under my feet, especially as I didn't trim them very close, but I could barely feel them at all.
      I did feel a bit like the princess and the pea though, I'm pretty sure I'm no princess!

  6. I avoid flip flops because they always rub and cause blisters. This is a good solution and I like that you could match them to an outfit.

    1. If you have some old un-comfy flip flops and a little stretchy fabric these are definitely worth a try. I'll be making myself some more in the future.

  7. I always get blisters between my toes from flip flops, I'll have to give this a go!

  8. Very cool! Will have to try this with my daughter's flip flops as it's an inexpensive way to get the look you're going for. Visiting from Really Crafty Party.

  9. Such bright and cheerful flip flops Julie !

  10. They look great! Judging by the photos you shared, I would say the fabric should last through the summer, and even if it doesn't, you can easily change it again. Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link PArty. Pinned!


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