Thursday, 22 June 2017

Watercolour and doodle cards

I have had so much fun recently getting a watercolour effect just using regular kids colouring pens then doodling over the top when they were dry.
Watercolour and doodle mandala cards
I'd seen on Instagram a few people using Tombow pens as watercolours and it got me to wondering if those regular, inexpensive felt pens the kids had loads of over the years for colouring would work to. What I discovered is, that if they are the ones that say they wash out of clothes, then yes, they do - huzzah! 
I do have a pack pf pastel coloured Tombow's as well and I can confirm they work really nicely too. 
fake watercolour and doodled mandala cards

To make your own watercolour and doodle cards you need:
Washable felt pens
A fine line permanent pen - mine is a sharpie
Paint brush
Watercolour paper
A card blank & envelope
Watercolour and doodle cards

For the mandala cards I started by drawing round a tin lid, then filling in concentric circles with colours of your choice.
Watercolour and doodle cards
Then wet it with your paint brush until it's all smudged, the colour will start to spread immediately but your circle will still be pretty "line-y"
DIY fake watercolour and doodle cards
Leave it to dry, after about an hour mine looked like this:
water colour effect with felt pens
Nice, but still a bit lined. At this point I thought it wasn't going to work with the cheaper pens.
fake watercolour
Next morning when it had completely dried I was super pleased to see the lines had almost disappeared.
Now you are ready to doodle with your fine pen. Mine is a sharpie but i think other fine liners would work too.
These ones I did freehand, you can see they are a little wonky but I'm not unhappy with that look. 
Watercolour and doodle cards
You can see my tutorial about drawing more symmetrical mandalas here if you want some more ideas. 
Next I simple cut them out and glued them onto card blanks.
fake Watercolour and doodle mandala cards

Next I tried a more rectangular shape of felt pen 'watercolour' and drew feathers on top.
fake Watercolour and zentangle cards
I added the greetings with stamps.
fake Watercolour and zentangle cards
There are no step by step photos here but they are done in exactly the same as the mandala ones. Scribble with the water soluble felt pens, wet with the paint brush and then leave to dry completely.
Then doodle whatever you fancy. I did feathers filled with doodle but I'm thinking they could easily be tweaked into leaves.
fake Watercolour and zentangle feather cards
fake Watercolour and zentangle cards
The colours don't blend quite perfectly but I love that you can get this effect with something as simple as a kids felt pen or two.
I do have some bits and pieces of actual water colour and some water soluble colouring pencils that I had as a teenager (never throw anything away that might be useful!) so I'm going to do some more experimenting soon. 
There are millions of ideas online for zentagling and doodling (I have a board on pinterest if you want some more inspiration). If you are not feeling very artistic then you could use stamps, but honestly the doodling doesn't have to be complicated to look pretty. It's all about overall effect rather than expert drawing - have fun! 


  1. These are so great Julie. Such a fun and achievable idea for everyone to try!

    1. Thanks Caroline, I was so pleased the felt pens worked so well. It's actually a great way to use any that have almost run out too.

  2. I love these so pretty and different. Have you tried the new Chamelon pens they are fantastic. Have a good week

    1. Hello Caroline, the Chameleon pens look amazing and are on my Christmas present list! I used just regular kids ones for this but I do have a few lovely Tombow brush markers and a set of 6 promarkers. They are the ones I selfishly don't let anyone else touch!

  3. What a lot of fun! Your mandalas are very pretty, too. Thanks for sharing with us at Creatively Crafty #ccbg :) I'm going to keep an eye out for the kiddie markers and give this a try!

    1. Thanks Lydia, it was such fun to play with, I was so surprised I was able to get this effect without having to buy lots of new products.

  4. This looks so easy and fun!! Thanks for sharing on the Pleasures of the NW's DIY party!

  5. Julie these are so pretty and they do not look wonky at all. Your wonky would be my best job ever!!

    1. Ha ha, thanks Mary. It was only when I cut them out I realised they look very strange it you turn them sideways. The answer of course is not to turn them sideways!!!

  6. These are really fun and pretty. I love how the colours blend together and really appreciate the tutorial. Pinning to try.

    1. Thanks Leanna, they are pretty easy and lots of fun so I hope you enjoy if you do decide to try this out.

  7. You make it look so easy with your beautiful black ink overlay #TheRealCraftyLinkParty

  8. What a clever idea Julie and I love the effect it gives

  9. They look great, so pretty. I could never draw that freehand, so I really admire your work. Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party this week. Pinned!


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