Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Sheet Music Gift Card Envelopes

Repurpose old sheet music into pretty envelopes for gift cards.
Sheet Music Gift Card Envelopes
I needed to make a cute gift bag of some sort for the embroidery scissors from last week's giveaway. I came across an old sheet music book when tidying up that came in handy.
Old sheet music
I bought book of music in a charity shop at least 30 years ago (eek) when as a teenager I was learning piano. My ridiculously optimistic teenager self thought I would be able to play anything if I practiced enough. Ha ha! The reality was I didn't practice enough and certainly never got to the point where I could play anything in this book! I had used a few sheets for card making a while ago and then forgotten all about it. 
I made this simple little flat gift bag and slipped the scissors inside ready to send to the lucky winner.
gift bag made from sheet music
The gift bag turned out pretty cute and made me think a smaller version might make a nice envelope for giving gift vouchers.
To make you own sheet music gift card envelopes you will need:
Old sheet music (any old books would work nicely too)
Sewing Machine with an old needle
Sewing thread
Hole punch
Lace or ribbon
Optional - stamps and ink pads

Cut 2 8cm x 13cm pieces of sheet music.
Sheet Music Gift Card Envelopes
Stitch round 3 sides, leaving 1 short side open. 
Sheet Music Gift Card Envelopes
If you start stitching an inch or so down the side and immediately go backwards to the top, then stitch down the side you won't have to worry about the ends undoing but at the same time you are not perforating the paper more times than necessary.
Sheet Music Gift Card Envelopes
If you want to, add a design or 2 using any stamps and ink you might have. I don't have masses of stamps, mainly ones that have been free gifts on magazines.
Stamps and ink
I found bolder, thicker designs worked best. Anything too fine and detailed didn't show well on the busy background. These were my tests on scrap bits of paper.
I like how the brighter colours came out too, I thought gold would be lovely but really it was just a bit disappointing. Maybe embossing it would work ... I'll try that next time.
Sheet Music Gift Card Envelopes
Next use a hold punch to make 2 holes at the open edge. You could measure, I just eyeballed it. 
Sheet Music Gift Card Envelopes
Pop in your gift card then thread a length of lace or ribbon through the holes and secure with a bow. A length of about 42cm should be about right. 
Sheet Music Gift Card Envelopes
I tried lace, thin ribbon (those ribbon loops you get in new clothes are idea), embroidery thread and raffia.
Sheet Music Gift Card Envelopes
I'm not sure which I like best, the ones with a stamp or the ones without. 
Sheet Music Gift Card Envelopes
I suggest keeping a sewing machine needle especially for sewing with paper. I used the one I had wrecked a few weeks ago when I made my cork and fabric key ring. I'm now keeping it separately especially for projects like this. Don't ruin a new one!


  1. What is it about sheet music that makes it universally appealing? I love your envelopes, both with and without the stamps.

    1. It really is isn't it, and much better than just sitting in a cupboard in a house full of people who will never be able to read it!
      I think I'll try some book ones too next, I have a few old books where the spine has gone or they have some water damage.

  2. These are really stylish and look such fun to make too. What a great idea Julie.

    1. They were fun Caroline, and quick too. I had a bit of a production line going!

  3. As the very fortunate winner of those scissors I can say that your upcycled envelope was gorgeous and it felt very special to be the receiver of it Julie. It was the personal touch :)

    1. Awh, thanks Shaz, after revealing you used your kitchen scissors for crafting I was quite relieved when you won! (Rafflecopter picks the winner randomly)
      I'm going to be making some more little music gift bags I think, maybe in different sizes as I really like how they turn out. I'm so pleased you liked it.

    2. :) I found out a couple of nights ago that my pair are magnetic. I went to put my needle on the table and it gravitated! No alcohol involved :) You have no idea how pleased I am - I'm still excited and have used them lots. And the kitchen scissors stay in the kitchen :)

  4. What a great idea! I can only sew by hand so it would take longer for me, but I will give it a go :).

    1. You could use a simple running stitch, that shouldn't take too long - or you could try something like a washi tape instead, that would look cute.

  5. Julie this is adorable. I love anything having to do with book pages or sheets. They always give such a rich look to whatever the craft is.

  6. Lovely idea. And I thought I was the only one who saved those thin ribbons from my hanging clothes for crafts!

  7. What a very cute idea. I also snip the ribbons off new clothes too.

  8. What a neat idea! I feel much better about my craft stash knowing you have something from 30 years ago (I probably do too!). Thanks for linking up to #HomeMattersParty

  9. The proof of a real crafter, having something for years and years, just waiting for the perfect project and keeping those little ribbons. My youngest daughter is always nagging me about all the "stuff" I keep. Hard to make person, not a crafter, understand why we keep all those little things.
    Love your gift card envelopes using sheet music, gives them special look, as well using book pages. Like with stamped images but just as well without, think material used to secure envelope is pretty on it's own. Printing this out so I won't forget.
    Have enjoyable weekend

  10. You've done a fantastic job with the gift cards! personally, I love using music sheets in projects although here I cannot find any old ones, but one can always download printables from the internet :)

  11. These look great. I have been covering a box with old sheet music :) Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays, Iwill be featuring your post tomorrow :)

  12. These are really beautiful! Thanks for sharing at the Pleasures of the NW's DIY Party!

  13. This is such a good idea! Love it! These are being featured today at My Busy Beehives #BeeParty! Thanks for sharing!

  14. You taught me that you can sew paper, glad to know that little tidbit. My favorite is the one with the lace, its so vintage looking with the music paper. What a wonderful little gift wrap, really really nice and different as well.

  15. Such cute enveloped and I would have never thought of sewing them !!


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