Sunday, 21 May 2017

Handmade Monday #26

Hello and welcome to Handmade Monday, our weekly crafty linky.
It's good to have you join us for another Handmade Monday, the place to share your makes, bakes and other handmade craft ideas and find some new inspiration.
How has your week been? Any exciting craft projects on the go? I spent this morning finishing a birthday gift for one of my nieces. 
It's her birthday on Friday so I can't share the whole thing just yet. The frustrating thing is I started this way back in February and after the embroidery bit it just sat there until today. Is there a word for that? I was going to say I was procraftinating but actually I think procraftiation is when you make stuff instead of doing housework and chores!

Anyway, enough about me, let's take a look at the features from last week's Handmade Monday:
Claire from Pillar Box Blue turned an old window frame into a beautiful herb planter. It sounds like it was not a project without it's challenges but I like knowing how other people overcome problems when their ideas don't go immediately to plan. This turned out beautifully in the end too.

I love a good clothing refashion and Lina from Sew Historically has collected a whole bunch of ideas to inspire us to reuse old t- shirts. She has an ongoing linky added too so you can find even more inspiration or join in and add your own.

Congratulations, here is a "Yay! I was featured" button for your blog.

Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

We are all about sharing and caring here at Handmade Monday so when you do link up please take some time to visit some other links and leave a comment. Plus if you are able, do share a few on the social media of your choice. (I know the world of tweets, likes, shares and hashtags is not for everyone so whatever you can do will be much appreciated!)
We have a Handmade Monday facebook group, where we share news and helpful stuff we've found (now and again...we are not an overactive facebook group by any means!) If you are not already a member and you'd like to join just click on the link above and send a request.

The rules for Handmade Monday are simple:
  • Did you make it? Yes - hooray, we'd love to see it!
  • Add the link to a specific blog post, not your main site URL.
  • Link up to 3 posts each week.
  • Mingle - visit some of the other links - comment - sharelet's support one another and grow our craft community.
If you're not sure on anything, more information can be found here.


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my herb plante window. I hope you have a lovely week.

  2. Hello Julie, Thank you for hosting this party - I linked up with my tube necklaces :)

    1. Hi Maya, I'm so pleased you joined us and shared your beautiful necklaces.

  3. Hi Julie! I love the embroidery on your fabric! So nice to join in the link up after such a long time. The last time I did it was at Lucy Blossom Crafts! Xox Louise

    1. Yay, you're back! I'm so excited to see what you've been up to. Welcome back :-)

  4. Thanks for featuring my T-shirt refashioning ideas! :)

    1. My pleasure Lina, as I said I do love a good t-shirt refashion!


I love to hear your thoughts/comments, thank you for taking the time.