Tuesday, 7 February 2017

A little Tribute to Jenny - part 4

My Mum's birthday was 7th February so today I'm remembering her and sharing something she made.
This embroidered picture is one my mum stitched at some point in the 90's. It is a kit from Rowandean Embroidery and they still sell it today. In fact I saw it on a stall at a craft fair last year. 
I remember when mum bought the kit. About a year before, she had started a very large cat cross stitch picture and I'd ended up having to finish it for her because it was just too fine and detailed. When she chose this one she was determined she was going to finish and frame it and not let it be a 'forever' work in progress. The slightly more freestyle embroidery technique suited her much better. 

It is framed without glass as some of the embroidery is quite fluffy and textured.
To keep it clean I gently vacuum it now and again but I guess another option would have been a box frame. 
We've got it hanging on the wall on the landing in our house. 
There is a lot of stitches here - a lot of hours spent. 

So today I'm remembering my mum, someone who made lovely things and encouraged me to do the same, someone for whom this blog is named.

You can read more of the tributes to the women who encouraged all my crafty antics as I grew up here


  1. It's nice to have such memories of our loved ones.

  2. This is so lovely. A treasured memory of your mum.
    Its so similar to my own story as my Mum's birthday would have been on Monday 13th Feb and she too encouraged me to sew and made a lot of my clothes as a kid.

    1. Thanks Caroline, I find it really helpful to look out something to share here each year. It really helps me focus on good memories and to appreciate all the skills that I was lucky enough to have passed on to me. Sending hugs to you at this time of year.

    2. Hugs to you too x Thanks C

  3. That is so beautiful, and to have something to remember her. I feel the same way about cross stitch - it does feel rather repetitive after a while and I do prefer embroidery.

    1. It is beautiful isn't it? I love cross stitch, I think it's the maths element - all that counting, but I know it's not for everyone. How lucky we are that there are so many crafts for us to try!

  4. So beautiful Julie and an heirloom to treasure.

    1. Definitely, I try to take good care of it. It's hanging out of direct sunlight which I think will help. But I'd rather see lovely things everyday that have them wrapped up and tucked away and not enjoyed.

  5. What a beautiful way to commemorate your mom Julia. It is obvious she was a huge inspiration for you.

    1. She was Mary, plus both my nan's who were both prolific makers, though they both had different styles and interests. I'm lucky to have been brought up in a family where making things was the norm.

  6. Just beautiful, Julie!!! A memory you'll always treasure.

    1. It is isn't it Pam. I love the fact we have it up on the wall and get to see it everyday.

  7. It's beautiful, my mum always used to have lots of projects she'd started but never finished, she finally got around to finishing some (or throwing them out) and says she doesn't have the patience anymore.

    1. Thanks, I think most people who make things have a number of projects on the go at any one time - at least I know I do! I think it's ok as long as we finish them eventually.

  8. Love this Julie, especially the embroidery in the border. So nice to find out something about where your talents come from :D

    1. Thanks Chris, I love the border bit too, give it texture and dimension.
      All my family were/are makers of some sort, I was lucky to grow up thinking that was the norm.


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