Sunday, 4 December 2016

Handmade Monday #3

Hello, welcome to Handmade Monday, the place to share your adventures in crafting!
It's December ekk, what happened to November? Did no one tell it it's supposed to be 30 days long - I'm sure some were missing this year!
When do you do your Christmas decorating? We have an 'it has to be December' rule in our house, but I have to get some bits out of the loft early for blog photo purposes then it's hard to put them all away again and wait! We've made a start this weekend, with the tree. We have an 'if it's not broken it still goes on' methodology to tree decorating so it's an eclectic mix, with some homemade bits we calculate to be about 20+ years old now.
Let's get on with the features, the most clicked links at last week's linky were:

These fun Yo-Yo Christmas Tree Earrings from Jill at Creating my Way to Success, perfect for the works Christmas Party I think!

This beautiful trasformation from Vicky at Vicky Myers Creations. Believe it or not this pretty gift box started life as a plastic Celebrations tub. UK people will all know exactly what that is, others might have to click through to see what I'm talking about.

Congrats both of you, here is a "Yay! I was featured" button for your blog if you want to show off just a tiny bit. (You know you deserve it!)

Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

If you are new to Handmade Monday and are joining us for the first time we are really happy that you are here. Link up your crafty projects and then see what everyone else has been up to this week.
Every entry gets pinned onto our Handmade Monday pinterest board too.

The rules are not overly complicated:
  • Did you make it? Is it craft related? Yes - hooray, we'd love to see what you've been up to. This is not the place for shops, link parties or posts with just other people's work. Giveaways are fine as long as they are craft related.
  • Add the link to your blog post, not your main site URL.
  • Link up to 3 posts each week, but try to make sure it's something you've not linked up here before.
  • Have fun! Mingle - visit some of the other links - that's the whole point! Leave them a comment, maybe share on pinterest, twitter or your other favourite social media. Let's support one another and grow our craft community.
  • If you'd like to follow me in some way (buttons to find me are on the side at the top) then that would be just lovely. If you'd like to tell others about Handmade Monday then that would be just lovely too.


  1. Thanks for hosting, Julie. Have a great week!

  2. Your tree hold so many memories Julie, just how a family Christmas should be!

    1. It really does Josie, I dream of a beautiful colour co-ordinated tree but would never actually want one that isn't smothered with everything we've ever had. Maybe we should have 2!

  3. Thanks for hosting Julia and for featuring my yo-yo tree earrings - what a lovely surprise to start my week! Hope you have a great day!

    1. You're welcome Jill, I hope your week continues to be full of nice surprises!


I love to hear your thoughts/comments, thank you for taking the time.