Saturday, 26 March 2016

Simple Embroidered Tote Bag

You don't need to know any fancy embroidery stitches to give a bag a new look.
Simple running stitch embroidery used to embellish a tote bag

This post contains affiliate links, I received free products from DMC to play with.
I've finally got round to finishing the bag I started to embroider at the CHSI Stitches Show back in February, hooray! The pre made bag was a gift from DMC filled with goodies from their range for those of us attending the Blogger's Breakfast. Whilst we enjoyed the breakfast and chatted we made a start on something using the lovely bits and pieces provided in our goody bags. I had just made this Running Stitch Embroidered Cushion Cover...
...and I'd been pinning some lovely Sashiko designs with the thought to have a go sometime. So with all this in mind I attacked my bag with some of the lovely DMC Coloris embroidery thread we had been given. 
What I have done here is not Sashiko. I've been doing more research and there is so much to the beautiful designs. The stitches don't cross, they are way more even, the patterns are geometric and neat. I can probably get away with calling this "Sashiko inspired", mainly because it was!

I did enjoy doing some hand stitching though. It is simple, very therapeutic and easy to do whilst watching tv. (Sewing machine and TV don't really go well together in my experience!)

There is no big step by step tutorial here, but it couldn't be much easier. Thread a sharp embroidery needle with all 6 strands of embroidery thread (mine is Coloris "Paris" 4515 from DMC), make a knot at one end and then start stitching straight lines.
I just kept adding until I thought it was enough, I used almost the whole skein of thread. 
I'm using it to hold my latest knitting project now, I find it easier to have each thing I working on in it's own bag and this is SO much nicer than a supermarket carrier bag!
Simple embroidery to embellish a tote bag
This bag is from the DMC Custom by Me range, at the moment I can only find a link to their French Site giving information, I'll update this when I can.
Of course this idea would work on any bag, pre-made or made by you, I just really like this navy fabric with the light brown handles and this thread.
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I'll be linking up at these great link parties


  1. You did a great job embellishing that bag.

    1. Thanks Meredith, I am very happy with how it turned out.

  2. I love what you did here, very striking. I have saved a couple of these embroidery images on pinterest thinking I will get round to having a go at some point. Good idea. xx

    1. It's really simple and a great "whilst the tv is on" project!

  3. Your bag looks great. I haven't attacked mine yet, I did use the variegated yarn to do some cross-stitch instead. Jo x

    1. Thanks. I really love this variegated thread, I've not done any cross stitch for ages so I fancy having a go.

  4. So effective, sometimes the simpler the better

    1. Thanks Carolee, I was pleased how it turned out considering how very simple it was to do.

  5. You did a great job here, lovely :)

    Pinning :) thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

  6. Replies
    1. Awh, thanks Julie (always nice to meet another Julie!)

  7. Very pretty. I've never seen that kind of embroidery before.Thanks for sharing with us on Thursday Favorite Things!

    1. Thank you Jennifer, always a pleasure to stop by your linky.

  8. I love the simple design on the bag Julie! It looks very upscale!

  9. "ONE-OF-THESE-DAYS", I'm going to have to bring "together" my BIN of thrift-store-yarn-sale Embroidery-Threads/Tapestry-Yarn and one of the OTHER BINS of heavy-cotton and DO some "stitching"!! - I've got a variety of old IKEA remnants that are just screaming to have a bit of crewel work done onto their "patterns"... Then, turned into TOTES or CUSHION-COVERS later...

  10. I love how simple it is, but looks super.

  11. Simple but elegant too, it looks great.

  12. This is so effective for such a simple design - I love it! Must be so relaxing to make too. xx

    1. It was, mostly becasue it took very little thinking, perfect for doing whilst catching up on some TV!

  13. Thanks for sharing over at the DIY Crush Craft Party. So simple, yet effective! We've added this to our Pinterest board. Don't forget to stop by next Thursday to add your tutorials to our next DIY Crush Craft Party!

  14. It's so simple but very very beautiful.

    1. Thank you, I struggle sometime with knowing when to stop but I think I managed ok on this one!

  15. Simple, yet so effective, Julie. Sashiko is on my To Do list. If I don't get to it beforehand, I'll be learning how at a quilting retreat next year.

  16. Hi Julie, I was wondering if I could use this project on a round up that I am doing this week. It will be for mother's day diy projects and I will use your blog name one picture and link back to your blog.

    1. Hi Mary, Yes of course that would be fine. thank you for asking.

  17. You are so careful to explain details.Thank you for that. Many experienced teachers forget that many of us are newbies. I especially love your bag straps. I will steal that idea for all my bags now =))


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