Thursday, 11 February 2016

Celery Pinterest Fail

Growing a new celery plant from the leftovers of a previous bunch sounds fab doesn't it? So where did I go wrong? 
my celery pinterest fail

So today, a Pinterest fail - let's be honest, we've all had them! 
Last summer I saw on Pinterest that you can regrow celery stalks from the stubby end bit of a bunch. If I remember correctly the pin said "Never buy celery again" or words to that effect.

"What a great idea" I thought, and "I must try this" 
It all started quite well, see the photo above, how exciting.
Then the stubby bit started to go a bit mouldy and I thought it would be running out of goodness so I planted it up into a pot of compost. 
Then about 3 weeks passed and this happened: 
Celery pinterest fail
I'm not quite sure where I went wrong. I kept the soil moist, it was on the windowsill, it just sort of collapsed, withered and died.
Should I have buried the stubby bit in soil completely do you think? Should I have left a longer stubby bit? Did it need to be planted outside in the garden? 
Has anyone actually managed to make this work? I'd love to hear how. 
My fail hasn't stopped me loving Pinterest though, funny that!


  1. oh, my goodness! This made me giggle a bit, sometimes the things I see on Pinterest fail for me too!! I have not tried this... don't think I will. I have only grown celery from seed in the garden. I think that may work the best! Thanks for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop & Link Party

    1. Thanks Angelina, maybe I need to give seeds a try this spring.

  2. I tried it too and the same thing happened to mine :o(


  3. Oh dear but did make me laugh. We have all had these failures and as I do not have green fingers and kill every house plant available, steer well clear.

    1. I normally stick to house plants that are pretty tough and do ok with them, not this time eh?

  4. I think you can do the same with carrot tops and pineapple. It's never worked for me though. Still it could be worse, you could have melted wax crayons all over the radiator :)

    1. I could have done but luckily did not! I am so curious to know the story behind this now I'm off to investigate!

  5. I've seen these things done on fb etc, I've never tried, I like the idea but it all seems a bit to much for me... I'd forget to water it or I'd drown it. Good for trying though, maybe you'll be luckier next time. x

    1. I will try again as soon as the weather warms up here, I will not be defeated!

  6. Sorry no words of wisdom here - at least you gave it a go. I read about grow again vegetables and then never try!!!!

    1. I usually do ok with a few tomato plants and maybe some lettuce. There is a bit of a salad theme going on I think!

  7. Oh no! Honestly I never buy it although had been tempted just to try this pin lol. A friend of mine does I think, I will ask her how she does it. Really love your challenge! Xx

    1. I'd love to know your friends secret if you can find out, it is feeling like a bit of a quest now!

  8. Can't help but it seems like a good plan, I think one of my London friends did it with Spring onions.

    1. I will try again and if I master this I will write about my pin success!

  9. Ha ha I love that you shared this, "fail" story or not! :-)

  10. (but these people seem to have had some success and go into some detail so maybe that'll help you pinpoint what you did wrong) if all else fails, there's the handy produce section at the grocery store LOL

    1. I must do more research, and yes, a bunch of celery is about 69p at the supermarket so maybe I won't stress over this too much!

  11. It seems like what you did should have worked. Who knows what went wrong. There is a science to gardening whether it be in a pot or in the fields.

    1. Usually I'm ok-ish with plants, not too much dies if you give it food and water but this has me "stumped" !!!

  12. You are supposed to be able to regrow lettuce in this way, too. I've tried and it turned out about how your celery did! I'm glad I'm not the only one who had this issue. :-)

    1. I feel the same, for a little while I thought there must be a clever trick that everyone else knows that I'm missing out on!

  13. I tried this trick as well. I put my celery end into a muffin pan with just a little bit of water for it to set in. New celery grew and I was able to use it, but once I planted it in my garden (outside), it just fell over and died. You definitely HAVE to keep buying celery, unless you grow fields of it.

    1. Good to know I'm not alone, great that you managed to grow enough to actually use though - well done!


I love to hear your thoughts/comments, thank you for taking the time.