Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Bedside Phone Charging Tidy

Where do you put your phone when it's charging? Do you have a special place for it?
a home for your phone overnight
We have coasters on our bedside tables, for that late night or Sunday morning cuppa. Very sensible, very normal. Except someone had a slightly odd habit of putting his mobile phone on his coaster! When you're carrying two mugs of tea you really just want to be able to put one down, not faff about moving a phone first.
I thought if I made a place especially for the phone it might help so this is what I came up with; a "Bedside Phone Charging Tidy" 

It started life as part of some packaging from a nail varnish set. I'd used this in our old house on my bedside table to corral my bits and pieces (pen, bookmark, hand cream, nail file etc) It was just too nice to throw away! Any study flat box would work for this though.

But in our new house we have a classy cream/white and gold look going in the bedroom so for this to work it was going to need a makeover!
First I sprayed the inside gold. 
This was just a little left over spray paint from my geometric DIY art work and gold heart pot.
The base turned out a little lumpy so I decided to cover that with paper along with the outside.
Bedside phone charging tidy
This paper is just a sample bit of wall paper, left over from my "divide and conquer" drawer dividers. As you can see I just drew round the box (using my cup of tea to keep the paper from rolling up on me!) then I just trimmed a few mm inside the line and checked it fitted inside the box nicely. I drew round the sides of the box to and cut those out as well.

Then I just used a layer of Mod Podge to stick the paper in position and another coat of the Mod Podge over the top to seal. 
I left it to dry on a tin like this so it didn't stick to the table.
The last thing was to cut a little hole for the charger lead to poke through. Once the glue was dry I just cut this carefully with a craft knife.
Bedside phone charging tidy

Bedside phone charging tidy
And look - the coaster is free, all ready for a nice cuppa!
I made a different kind of phone charging holder a few years ago, in fact it was one of my really early posts. You can find it here, it's one where you use an old plastic bottle and it hangs from the plug socket. They worked great in the kitchen at our old house, the kids have them in their rooms now. 


  1. What a great idea! And you totally managed to match the rest of the decor too! Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party this week. Pinned!

    1. Glad you like it Teresa. There's so much you can do with a can of gold spray paint!

  2. Great idea! Much better than having cords visible that one could trip over in the night. Visiting from Party in Your PJs party.

  3. Julie the whole table set up is gorgeous, the table and the beauiful lamp. Making that box for your phone was very smart and it looks so professional on the table next to the coaster. Now everyone will be happy in your house!

    1. Thanks Mary, I love the lamps too, they were an impulse purchase at TK max but I'm pleased I didn't think about it for too long!
      This is actually my husbands side, I have pretty flowers on my side as well as the essential coaster!

  4. This is such a pretty little tray. Great idea. Thanks for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. Your post has been pinned.


  5. What a great idea! I put my phone in the bathroom so I'm forced to get up and turn off the alarm. I'm totally going to make a cute holder for it that goes with my decor! Happy Friday <3 Pinning, tweeting and stumbling this.

    1. That's a good idea. I'm afraid I like to snooze at least a couple of times before I'm ready to get up!

  6. Such a great idea. I never have a set place for my phone, but need one :)

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

  7. What a lovely idea, we leave ours downstairs over night, but they're often all over the floor so I might see if I can make one to contain them overnight.

    1. Thanks Victoria, I'd be worried I was going to tread on it if it was on the floor - way to risky for me!

  8. This is a great idea! I hate having too much clutter on the nightstand, but there are some things that just have to be there.

    1. Ah you're good Kati, I'm afraid I have the opposite problem with too much stuff, handcream, glasses, book, pen, notebook, alarm .... I need to be constantly vigilant that the "stuff" is not building up!

  9. And it fits your bedroom decor!

    Your headboard is to die for!
    I love all the gold touches-very soothing.

    1. I'm loving our headboard too, it took ages to find just what we were looking for, but now we have I'm very pleased with it.

  10. A good idea as charging phones etc can be a real pain, the tray looks greta

    1. It's a real pain if you can't remember which room your plugged it in to charge - been there done that!

  11. That's so creative. It's not something that would ever occur to me, I really ought to try this. My bedside table has no space whatsoever and I often drop my phone because of it!

    1. It helps to have a designated space, the important thing is to keep that coaster free for tea or coffee!

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks, it was just a wall paper sample so it didn't even cost anything.

  13. What a great way to keep the charging phone in the right place and in a safe place, it's so dangerous to put a charging phone under your pillow or in the bed, I've seen terrible pictures of the battery becoming hot and doing damage so this is a practical as well as a pretty way to do the job.
    (I have the cut down bottles in my kitchen) :)

    1. I's heard that too, I've never put my phone under my pillow - that's just a place for tissues and teeth when you are little I think.
      The bottle idea is great isn't it, very easy and very useful.

  14. Great idea to keep things tidy, mine gets in the way of the cuppa too! X

    1. And after all, nothing should get in the way of a good cuppa!

  15. I love the gold paint you chose. It looks totally chic and matches your bedroom decor perfectly!

  16. That's a clever idea. I could use one of those. One day, I dropped my phone into the frame of the bed while I was half asleep. We had to take the whole bed apart while it was merrily buzzing away the whole time!

    1. Oh No! They can be kind of slippery too can't they, all smooth and shiny with nothing to get hold of!


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