Saturday, 16 January 2016

Rainbow Crochet Heart Garland and Carnival Cushion

It's now safe to share some of the things I've crocheted as presents recently, now that the relevant birthday and Christmas is past and the gifts have been safely delivered and unwrapped.
Rainbow heart crochet garland
Oh Pinterest I do love you! You help me to find such lovely ideas and sometimes, just sometimes, I actually make some of the things I pin! (shocker I know!) 
I completely fell in love with this beautiful heart garland pattern I saw from Planet Penny. The pattern is free (there are links to donate to a UK charity Little Hearts Matter whom Penny designed the pattern to raise awareness for) and I found it really easy to follow. 
Rainbow heart crochet garland
I didn't stray too far from the directions given by Penny and I LOVE the garland I was able to make.
I made 12 hearts in all, 2 of each colour (red, yellow, green, blue, pink and purple) and laid them out in a rainbowish order.
Then I got super technical and made sure each tassel was the colour of the next heart in the sequence. I added little plastic glass effect beads between each heart as I joined them with a few stitches, again the colour of the next heart.
To make the chain at each end to hang it up I threaded 6 beads (one of each colour) onto the yarn then crocheted a simple chain just incorporating a bead every 8 stitches then chaining a little more for luck. It finished up about 30cm (12") at each end.
Rainbow heart crochet garland
 Look at it, it's just so pretty! 
I'm curious, would you call this a garland or bunting? I've called it both so I'm obviously not sure!

I actually splashed out and bought new yarn for the garland/bunting, I just didn't have enough of the bright colours I wanted to make it in my stash.
The good thing was I then had plenty of leftovers and was able to make this cushion too (or do you call it a pillow where you are?) 
carnivale cushion cover
Photo credit Carla Nyanyo
This is the beautiful Carnivale Cushion crochet pattern from over on My Poppet. Another free pattern with great step by step instructions and photos of every stage so you can't really go far wrong. It was originally done as a CAL so the tutorial is in stages which breaks it up nicely.

I made the cover first then measured it and made a very simple round cushion pad to size from an old sheet and some wadding. You join the 2 sides of the cover with single crochet and then make the pom poms, I did about 3/4 of the way round, stopped and made the cushion pad, stuffed it in then finished off joining the cover.
Photo credit Carla Nyanyo
The back of my cushion ended up a bit wavy so whether I made a mistake with the increasing or just my tension if not great I don't know, but once it was all padded out with the cushion pad it was fine. I had the same number of stitches for joining the back and front so I don't THINK I miscounted but maybe I miscounted on both!
round crochet cushion cover
Photo credit Carla Nyanyo
So in case you missed them further up the link for the heart garland pattern on Planet Penny is here and the carnival cushion on My Poppet is here.
If, like me, you just want to pin for another day then the pin links to the original posts are here: Heart garland Carnivale Cushion on my Crochet it Board

Happy crocheting!
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I'll be linking up to all these great link parties, why not go and have a look!


  1. I know a little girl that would love these ;) Thanks for including the links for the patterns!

    1. You're welcome Jenny, both projects are pretty quick (got to love that about crochet)

  2. Julie, The heart garland is just fabulous . . . and then I scrolled down and saw your beautiful pillows! Love them all! So colorful and perfect! Thank you for sharing with us at Snickerdoodle Sunday. Pinning and tweeting to share!

    1. I was really pleased with how the garland came out, I will definitely make it again some time.

  3. I've just picked up my hook again and looking for a new project Julie and those hearts are just beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    1. They are nice and quick once you get the hang of them and the tutorials for both projects were really easy to follow with loads of photos to help.

  4. I love your heart garland! How fun! The pillow - cushions turned out great, too - love the colors.

    1. Super bright aren't they? I was happy that both turned out as I was hoping, but if I do the cushion again I'll give it a white border as in the tutorial as I think that makes the pom poms stand out nicely.

  5. Lovely garland and cushion, my kind of colours!

  6. I would call it a heart garland, so pretty and your pillow looks great to

    1. Heart garland it is then! Bunting is more for the triangles I guess.

  7. I love your heart garland, what a wonderful present to receive:)This year I have made a start on learning to crochet, rather than just talking about it!!

    1. Crochet is so quick and really not difficult to master the basics, you'll be great at it Vicky!

  8. The garland is so pretty! Love that cushion too, it's so fun and colourful :) #creativemondays

    1. Colourful is right, almost put your sunglasses on before viewing, but nice for a bright splash of colour on a cushion I think!

  9. Wow, this is so pretty!! I love it! I have chosen this DIY as one of my favorite three! Come see it being featured tonight (Thursday 7pm EST) and link up your latest project!

    1. Oh, thank you, how lovely. I'll pop over a see later.

  10. I love how this turned out! My daughter just learned to crochet & would love this. Pinned & shared. Thanks for joining the Inspiration Spotlight party! See you again soon.

    1. The cushion is actually super easy for a beginner and because it looks fancy it is a real confidence boost too.

  11. Those hearts are absolutely adorable, I REALLY need to learn to crochet this year!

    1. Yes Vicky - you do! It's perfect for when watching tv on these dark winter evenings.

  12. When I see this beautiful things made from crochet I feel so kind of envy... I would love to know how to, maybe this will be the year I decide to do so. Anyway, I am in love both with the garland and the cushion (we call it cojín here ;-) ), so it will be featured next Tuesday at the party. Don't forget to stop by and grab your button.

    Thanks for sharing it, have a wonderful week!



    1. How lovely, thanks Pili. I learnt to crochet from a book, it really is quite straightforward to do the basics (I'm sure there are lots of fancy thing that I wouldn't even attempt too) and there are masses of great tutorials of You Tube. It doesn't take long to be able to make nice things - honest!

  13. love all the colors and adding the beads just sends this rainbow heart garland over the top. This will something I want to have up year round!

  14. So pretty! I love the colors!

    If you have time, I would also love for you to come and share this post over at the Really Crafty link party that is live right now! (

    1. Thanks for the invite Teresa, I'll pop by next week and join you.

  15. That is so cute and I love the colors!

  16. Lovely to see what you have done with the pattern!

    1. I'm so pleased you approve, your step by step instructions are great. I'll definitely make the garland again one day.

  17. Gorgeous! I love the colours ! & the tassels

  18. I love this! It will be my reason to learn how to crochet. :) Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home.


    1. Crochet is way easier than most people seem to think, I used a book to learn but you tube is full of great videos too. It's one of my favourite crafts as it's pretty quick and there are so many lovely things you can make.

  19. I was so excited when I saw these. I'm getting a corner ready for a new grandbaby and these will work perfect. Now, I just need to get them done! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Ooo, how lovely, perfect for a new baby. Congrats!

  20. Ooh, I love the garland! That would be so cute in a baby room! Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty!

  21. This post will be featured this week at My Flagstaff Home!


  22. I adore this colorful heart banner! I also love the pillows! Gorgeous!!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ The Submarine Sunday Link Party


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