Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Desk Tidy Tray

I've over at The Pinning Mama again today sharing a Charity Shop bargain tray makeover which I am hoping will help me keep my desk tidy!
Desk Tidy Tray
Tidy and me are not normally BFF's so time will tell how it goes. But we don't stop trying just because we fail now and again now do we?
This photo is the after, pop on over to The Pinning Mama to see the before (and the middle bit too!)


  1. I need to take some time and reorganize my whole craft room.
    Thanks for sharing on Friday Features
    Have a great day!!
    Karren @Oh My Heartsie Girl

  2. What a great makeover. I had a big tidy up before Christmas but alas my workroom has gone all messy again! Lol xx

  3. This is beautiful! What a good idea. My desk at school is hopeless. Mind you, it is just the side of a computer desk! I should make one to help me be tidy!
    And I loved your analogy for the charity shop! I think that's why I never mind if something doesn't fit, I've made a donation and that's more important!x

  4. Love the makeover, the tray is now so pretty

  5. It looks great. I love the idea of covering things in pretty paper to make things stand out.

  6. This looks great, perfect idea to keep everything together :)

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

  7. I hope you're right! It looks lovely but there's still plenty of space in there!!!!

  8. What a lovely make-over. I could do with something like that in my work room xx

  9. Love the idea. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I'd love something like this on my computer desk, thanks for sharing :)

  11. Your tray is beautiful! I love decorating my craft space and it inspires me to keep it neat and tidy. Thanks for sharing with Creative Spark Link Party. I hope you can join us again this week, the party is live today.
    Glenna @ My Paper Craze

  12. My office is a complete disaster right now. I could definitely use this on my desk to help keep me a little more tidy. Plus it's so dang cute! Thank you for sharing at Merry Monday!

  13. So pretty! I hope it helps you stay tidy.
    Thanks for linking up at the #HomeMattersParty! We hope you'll join us next week. :)

  14. Wow - that is adorable!! What a great way to make something simple look elegant! :)

  15. Turned out cute! Keeping things organized and tidy are great!

  16. This tray is so cute! Thanks for sharing at Totally Terrific Tuesday! I hope you stop by again this week. The party starts tonight at 10pm!


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