Sunday, 16 November 2014

Silent Sunday 16th November 2014

Autumn leaves


  1. The colours are amazing and I love how you got some crafting in too! (PS: your banner is super cool - I tried something like that and used it on my etsy store - not nearly as good as yours!)

    1. Thanks, I love the Acer tree in our garden, the leaves are pretty amazing for 3/4 of the year. I did have fun collecting up items for the banner, it was then I realised how much I like red!

  2. What a fantastic photo!! Perfect for this time of year x

  3. Great colours, certainly autumnal x

  4. That is clever cutting into the leaf like that. Thanks for your nice comment on my blog and have a great crafting week.

  5. Replies
    1. As much as I do love Picmonkey I actually just cut this out with a craft knife. As long as the leaf isn't too crispy it's pretty easy.

    2. And now I'm thinking you meant the colours! No, they really are that bright, I didn't edit this one at all except a little cropping - I'm always cropping my pictures, it drives my daughter nuts!

  6. Very clover - I like this! You commented on my picture wondering it it was honey or oil. It was in fact neither but was apple juice being pressed from our neighbour's cider apples! Thanks for popping by and guessing :)

    1. Aha, thanks so much for stopping by to let me know.

  7. Fab shot with great colours. Made me smile! :) xx


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