Sunday, 12 October 2014

Silent Sunday 12th October 2014


  1. That reminds me of harvest festival :) Lovely x

  2. They look yummy!! Love the contrast of colours!

  3. Yummy, Clio popping by for Coombe Mill

  4. Pretty photo! Looks quite tasty!

  5. i love all the colours in this photo. and they look delicious too!:)

  6. Lovely colours! Did you know that some green tomatoes will never ripen. Apparently they have to reach a certain stage in growth (which you cannot tell by just looking at them). If they are picked after that point they will ripen but if picked before they never will! Then it's time for green tomato chutney in our house!

    1. Good to know, thanks. I left them on the plants for as long as possible but this weekend they had to come in. I'm not a massive fan of green tomato chutney, my nan used to make it, but I'm not chucking these in the bin after all the trouble I went to to grow them so maybe I will give it a try! All the larger ones seem to be turning so I'm optimistic!


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