Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Washi Tape Phone Cover

Washi Tape i phone cover
I had a beautiful, very sparkly phone cover but when it finally broke beyond repair I started looking for a new one. Once your phone has been pretty it's hard to go back to it being boring!
I have an i phone but quite an old model so it's getting harder to get covers for it. I'm also not sure how much longer my phone will last, some of the apps don't work any more and tell me I need to up grade something or other that I don't seem to be able to do.
With this in mind I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a cover that I might not keep for long. 
Enter Washi tape!
Cute, pretty, inexpensive but how would it last, would this work for more than a day or two? I figured it was worth a try.
I just stuck it on, snipping it with scissors to go round the important phone buttons and bits and pieces. I spent all of 5 minutes doing this highly skilled and technical task.
Apparently I was so happy with it I forgot to take a photo! Never mind, lets move on..
1 week later it looked like this:
testing washi tape phone cover
The tape on the ends is not coping with being pulled in and out of my pocket, so off it came.
3 more weeks passed:
testing washi tape phone cover
Time for a do-over. It all peeled off without leaving any residue and I spent another 5 minutes sticking some more on. This time I went crazy with a diagonal pattern!
testing washi tape phone cover
So I conclude this is a great temporary way to fancy up something a bit boring. 5 minutes once a month doesn't seem like too much of a time commitment.
Over at As the Bunny Hops Amy has covered an i pad case and protected the tape with mod podge.
Seems like a good idea if you want to do something a bit more long lasting and Amy has a great step by step tutorial of what she did.
Krista at While he was Napping covered her phone cover and made it last with Nail Varnish. Isn't it pretty?

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Linking up at all these lovely link parties


  1. This is such a great idea! I'll have to go through my washi tape stash and do something with this boring black phone of mine. Thanks for sharing with Creative Spark Link Party. Shared on facebook this evening.

  2. Great minds think alike! My phone currently looks like your 1 week later photo, but its been at least two months. What I did to make it stay a little longer was just put the washi on the actual back cover of the phone and tuck the ends over so when I put the back cover back on, all the ends are trapped in the phone.

  3. I love the diagonal pattern a lot more than the original one you did, but the mod podge definitely makes it last a bit longer :-)

    1. Good advice Ang, I would Mod Podge over if it was on a cover I think, but maybe not straight onto the phone. I'd be sure to get it somewhere I shouldn't and then never get it to work properly again!

  4. Great idea! You can also buy a clear case for your phone, cut scrapbook paper or wash tape applied to paper to fit, and put it under the clear case.

    1. Ooo fantastic tip. My problem was that as my phone is such an old model I couldn't get a case at all. When I finally up grade for a swanky new phone I will be looking for a clear case to personalise, I think a photo would be cool.

  5. This looks so cute! I need to try this on my android phone cover because they don't come in all the cute patterns that iphone covers do. (Found you at On Display Thursday)

    1. It's so true isn't it, we just don't like our phones to be plain and boring now do we?! I see other peoples covers and get phone cover envy. I met a friend with a Hogwarts Express ticket cover which was awesome.

  6. Cool idea - my current one is falling apart - maybe some washi tape and clear nail polish will keep it going a while longer!

  7. First off I love washi tape and its many many uses! 2nd I love this post! This is so lovely!
    Nail polish is a great tip too!
    Visiting from Craftomaniac!

  8. That made the phone look so much better! Great job!

    1. Thanks Melanie, I guess it couldn't look much worse!

  9. What a fabulous way to brighten up your phone, thanks for sharing.

  10. Too cute! It turned out fantastic! I love how easy it is to change too.

    And thanks for the shout out!

    1. Thanks Krista, and you're welcome. I love that bird washi tape of yours, I might need to find some of that for myself!

  11. 5 minutes well spent. I think my phone needs to be a little prettier. I may try this, thanks for sharing!

    1. If you have a plain phone and some washi tape it's worth a go. personally I think all phones need to be a little prettier!

  12. What a fun project! I love this! I am always looking for guest bloggers on my website Blissful and Domestic. My blog is about creating a beautiful life on less and this post fits right in with that :) Check out my blog and see if it would be a good fit for you. I'd love to have you!

    Danielle@ Blissful and Domestic

  13. That really is pretty! I love that you can keep changing it as the washi tape is so easy to peel off. I have a cover for my phone but it's very dull, I'm going to add a bit of washi tape to brighten it up! #pintorials

    1. Glad you like it Jennifer, I love the way washi tape just peels off again with no residue, makes it idea for something like this.

  14. Think my love of washi needs to visit my phone! Thanks for linking up at the Creative Spark Link Party! I hope you will stop by again today to link up!

  15. I love washi tape :) Also tried it on my phone a while ago with similar issues lol! Thanks for linking with Tuesday Tutorials #pintorials

    1. It's a good excuse to invest in more washi tape too isn't it?

  16. What a fun easy way to change up the look of your phone. Thanks for linking up at On Display Thursday!
    -Leia at Eat It & Say Yum

  17. I love having a new look, this is a great way to do it often and cheap. Thanks for sharing. Hello from Fabulous Finds TGIF Linky Party.

  18. Great idea! Super cute! Thanks for sharing with us at Your Designs This Time!
    Emily & Erin

  19. Thanks for sharing @ Monday Handmade Linkup! Love this project.

  20. Love this idea! It's especially useful for things that won't last long :)

    1. Thanks Tarana, sometimes temporary is all you need isn't it!

  21. Loving the diagonal theme! And even though you're re-applying every month - there's a bonus! You're always updating your style!

    Thanks for linking up with the Creative Spark a few weeks ago! Sorry it took me so long to get to commenting. *shamed face*

    1. Just happy you stopped by!
      A once a month 5 minute job isn't too onerous, and you're right, I have a new look every month.


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