Tuesday, 10 June 2014

The Make it Yours Clutch Bag Contest

The "Make it Yours" Clutch Bag contest over at So Sew Easy is now closed and voting has started - actually it started last week but better late than never and all that!

If you pop over to So Sew Easy you can see all the entries and bucket loads of inspiration.

There are two categories, Bloggers Entries and Readers Entries with lots of amazing bags in each. Honestly, there are so many creative people out there!
It's really interesting to see how many different variations can be made from the same basic pattern.
You can vote before the end of June (I don't even mind if you don't vote for me - to be honest I didn't, but I won't tell you who I went for as I don't want to influence your vote at all!)
You can still download the pattern and make your own version from here too if you are inspired by all this creativity. It's a great pattern, one of many from Deby.
Full details of how I made my version are here if you want to know more.
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I'll be linking up to all these great link parties, why not go and have a look!


  1. Cute! Thanks for sharing with Hump Day Happenings.

  2. Even after seeing all the entries, yours and the fox are my favorites! I voted :) What a fun contest!

    1. I'm so pleased you went over to see the others, it's really amazing isn't it? So many completely different bags from the same pattern.

  3. Darling!! I can't believe you designed that. So great!!

  4. Your bag came out great! I love the little cluster of beads that makes up the center of the flowers. Thanks for linking up at Creative Spark!

  5. Wow, your finished bag is lovely - thanks for sharing! I especially like the detail of machine embroidery & beads x

  6. It loks lovely, you did make me smile when you stated you had not voted for yourself though!!

    1. I thought it would be weird to vote for myself, and some of the other entries are pretty amazing!

  7. I think I remember you sharing this wonderful fabric and pattern with us before at Countdown in Style! I had no idea that you entered a contest or that there was one. I hope you win! :)

    1. Hi Brittnei, I did share the bag when I'd finished it. I know we don't really share the same thing at a link party twice but I wanted to promote the contest - I hope you don't mind.

  8. I love your bag. The fabric is really pretty.

  9. A lovely bag, I love the little bead details too.

  10. I love this clutch. Thanks for sharing this.


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