Sunday, 15 June 2014

Patchwork Gift Box

Here is a fun and easy way to make a gift box using scraps of patterned paper.
Patchwork Gift Box
One of my lovely nieces is very creative and loves making things. I hoard crafty bits and pieces, and wanted to give her some of my stash, knowing she would be able to put it to good use. 
I needed something to put the bits in so I found a sturdy little cardboard box that a watch had come in.

Patchwork Gift Box
You can't tell from the photo but it was covered in a shiny paper. I wanted to pretty it up and didn't think anything would stick to the shininess so off it came. Only the lid, the base I left alone.
Patchwork Gift Box
Then I just Mod Podged (I think any PVA would work though) on a load of those tiny scrappy bits of scrapbook paper that I can never bear to throw away.
Patchwork Gift Box
Then I added a few punched out shapes, just because, and a layer of Mod Podge to seal it all in.
Patchwork Gift Box
Patchwork Gift Box
Then all it needed was to be filled with a load of little crafty goodies.
Patchwork Gift Box
Patchwork Gift Box
It was a great way to use up some scrappy little bits and pieces of paper that I hate to just throw away. 
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I'll be linking up this project at all these lovely link parties, pop over for a look at loads of projects from other blogs


  1. This is so pretty! I'm the same, I find it so hard to throw away lovely little things like this :) Popping by from Handmade Monday x

  2. What a lovely cheerful box. I like seeing the difference from the wet modpodge to when it has dried.

    1. It's like magic isn't it? - you think you've ruined it, but then No, all is well!

  3. This is such a simple but super creative project. My daughters love little boxes like that. Thanks for sharing with the Creative Style Linkup.

  4. Cute little box - what a great idea!

  5. I really like this and is a great way to use up pretty paper scraps. I'm the same way with saving all those lovely pieces. I've done the same type of application using fancy dinner napkins. It's so simple, but makes a gorgeous gift box!

    1. Ooo, napkins sounds lovely, I imagine you would get a textured finish.

  6. Lovely idea and I bet she grinned from ear to ear too!

  7. The box looks great. I've done the same with old coffe and syrup tins and love the way they come out.

    1. Coffee & Syrup tins sound good, It's great to rescue things from the bin isn't it?

  8. Just popping over from Handmade Monday. This is a great idea. I shall have to save some boxes to have a go!

  9. This is so cute and clever. I have lots of off cuts of such pretty paper that I can't bear to throw them away. What a great way to use all the bits up. #handmadeMonday

  10. What a fabulous box, its very pretty. I have some little heart boxes which i want to prettify, your images were a great inspiration x

    1. Ooo that sounds nice, let me know how you get on. If you post it on your blog I'd love to see!

  11. very lovely use of scraps:) I am sure she was delighted:)

  12. I love keeping good sturdy boxes, I find that jewellery and watch boxes are very well made and perfect for this sort of treatment. I love the way the colours are brightened by the pva. I'm sure your niece will adore it. :)
    Jan x

    1. They really are aren't they? Much to good to just chuck away. (and yes, she did!)

  13. Lovely idea and such a fun and bright box.

  14. This looks so lovely! What a great gift too, I'd love to get something like that :) #pintorials

  15. Lovely idea, I always end up with small bits of paper, this would be a great way to use them up. #pintorial

    1. I think those little bits multiple by themselves when we are not looking!

  16. This is awesome! You did a great job! Love the choice of patchwork! Thank you for linking it with us #pintorials

  17. What a great little box and a beautiful gift too, I'm sure it was very well received.

    1. Oh yes! It's always so nice to give a present that you know will be put to good use.

  18. I love that idea, it looks great.

  19. This paper loving gal is swooning! Just lovely. Almost too nice to give away. Maybe could be used to store your old letters? :) Visiting via "Wine'dDownWednesday" linkup

    1. What a fun idea Barb, I may have to make one for me too!

  20. It looks incredible! What a brilliant idea. Pinning this one! :) Thank you. Hope your niece loved her creative stash :)

  21. Super cute! Lovely idea! Thanks for sharing great tutorial!
    Hope you have a wonderful day!
    Hugs from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  22. Handy AND cute! Thanks for sharing on Hump Day Happenings : )

  23. I love this! I have a ton of little bits and pieces of scrapbook paper, not enough to complete a project, but I just can not bare the thought of tossing them. Now I can decorate my storage boxes, which I have a ton of. We would love for you to share at Party in Your PJs Link Party.

    1. Thanks, I'm exactly the same, just can't bear to throw something with any sort of potential away! I'll pop by your party now.

  24. Really cute. Something new that I can use all the cute paper I've bought and haven't used. Great idea.

    1. Thanks Patti, we all do that, pick up bits and pieces that just don't seem to get used straight away. It's nice to use them up sometimes.

  25. Super cute idea! Great craft for a Girl Scout troop. Stopping in from SITS. Have a wonderful day!

  26. Very cute idea! Want to try a version out myself!
    Marie @ In Our Happy Place

  27. What a wonderful gift, wrapped in a beautiful box! Thanks for sharing.

    1. It's the kind of thing I would have loved to receive myself when I was little!

  28. Love this! As a newbie in paper crafting I'm starting to accumulate scraps. This is a brilliant way to put them to good use and not waste them.

    1. Hi Melissa, Its amazing how quickly you can get a whole heap of little scraps and when you've taken time to choose lovely papers it's a shame to waste even the tiniest bits.

  29. Julia, I really want to hug you right now, like, I'm serious...

    I pride myself on always having enough wrapping paper in the house -- and although I never run out, I get kind of bummed about having to discard an entire sheet because it is not big enough for the package I'm wrapping at the moment.

    This post is the answer!

    I just got an idea: I wonder if I am ambitious enough to try this for the really special gifts I give for Christmas (not the toys that my kids will just rip through, but for the gifts I'll wrap for adults? Hmmm. I'm gonna try...

    Thank you SO MUCH for stopping by my blog to weigh in on my impeding Operation Naturally Curly. I appreciate it!


    1. You have time to start saving suitable boxes before Christmas, I think that would be lovely. Tied up with a beautiful ribbon would be lovely. You could even personalise them with initials or even names cut from coloured paper.
      Definitely something you want to start planning early so you have time to enjoy making them instead of a mad last minute rush.
      And it's always a pleasure to visit another lovely blog!

    2. Can I just apologise for my overuse of the phrase "would be lovely" clearly I shouldn't pause midway through my comment writing. However I still think your idea is lovely!!!

  30. This box is super cute! Thanks for sharing with us at Your Designs This Time!

  31. Such a great idea! I have a ton of scraps taking up precious space. Thanks for sharing with Creative Spark Link Party.
    Glenna @ My Paper Craze

  32. Fantastic idea! This is why I always keep scraps cause you can use them for anything

  33. Thanks so much for sharing this at the Say G'day Saturday linky party. I've just pinned this and shared on G+.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  34. Very cute! Thank you for sharing this post at City of Creative Dream's City of Links on Friday! I appreciate you taking the time to party with me. Hope to see you again this week :)

  35. What a fun idea. You know me and leftovers, this is right up my alley. I'm not crafty at all, but I'm assuming "Mod Podge" can be found at a craft store?


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