Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Paper Cutting First Attempts

It was my birthday last weekend! I have wanted to have a go at paper cutting ever since I saw people making lovely wedding invitations on one of Kirstie Allsopp's "Come on people, have a go at making beautiful things" programmes. (That's not the actual name of the programme, but she's done quite a few now and I've watched them all and can't remember what I saw on which, sorry)
paper cutting for beginners from sum of their stories
Anyway, a decent craft knife was on my "what I'd like if you want to get me a present" list. I was lucky enough to be given a lovely set of X-acto craft knives and a Fiskars swivel blade craft knife. 
I've been playing with my new kit! This was the very first thing I did.
paper cutting for beginners from sum of their stories
It's kind of fun, I just drew a quick design on the back of my paper and started cutting. Not quite Rob Ryan but the techniques take some getting used to! I started looking on the internet to get some tips and found this great site and tutorial from Robin Wilson Owen.

I experimented a little more and made a little initial. I think I'll make it into a bookmark for my niece Faith.
paper cutting for beginners from sum of their stories
Then I got a bit more ambitious and thought I'd make a greeting card. First I drew the name Mia and a simple flower on a bit of regular scrap paper.
paper cutting for beginners from sum of their stories
I turned it over and placed it face down on a bit of nice thick drawing paper. Then I scribbled all over the back to transfer it to the drawing paper. This way the writing will be the right way when it's finished.
paper cutting for beginners from sum of their stories
Then I just started to cut it out. Slowly and carefully!
Robin Wilson Owen's tips are great so definitely check them out. 
I got a bit carried away so there are no mid process photos of that design, however I did think to take photos of the design I tried next. I did this in exactly the same way, so the photos will now jump from design to design, sorry about that!
paper cutting for beginners from sum of their stories
When it was all cut out it looked like this:
paper cutting for beginners from sum of their stories
Whatever you do don't try to rub the pencil lines out, those little bits of paper will pucker & rip even if you go dead gently (apparently!) It's the wrong side anyway so no-one will ever see.
paper cutting for beginners from sum of their stories
Turn it over to see the right side and the writing the right way round.
paper cutting for beginners from sum of their stories
I am not the tidiest person when I'm being creative, perhaps I should have taken my own advice and made an envelope bin!
I mounted the finished pieces onto coloured paper then card.
paper cutting for beginners from sum of their stories
paper cutting for beginners from sum of their stories
paper cutting for beginners from sum of their stories
I haven't worked out if there is a clever way to dot the i's yet so I added a little gem.
I am LOVING paper cutting. Yes, it is time consuming and very fiddly but the results are just so darn cute!
My first attempts are so far from the beautiful intricate designs I have started to collect on pinterest now but they are not too shabby either. I'm sure paper cutting experts can see all my mistakes, the lines are not very even or fine and there are a few little paper fibres in some of the corners.
I will practice, practice, practice because this is a lovely craft hobby and I just want to do more! Not one for the kids - those knives are really sharp and not for people who like instant results. However worth a try if you want something different with beautiful results and no big outlay on lots of equipment.
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I'll be linking up this project at all these lovely link parties, pop over for a look at loads of projects from other blogs.


  1. Wow! I love that. Looks fab to me.

  2. You did that by hand??? That's amazing, I couldn't get mine looking that good with my cutter, well done it's so pretty.

  3. this is truly awesome. i looove paper cutting. i don't do it, i mean, but i love the look of it!

  4. That's fabulous Julie! We did a paper cutting workshop with a graduate on Tuesday and we're having a live brief set from her! Will take your tips into consideration! They look extremely fab also!!

    1. Thanks Laurence, hope you are enjoying paper cutting as much as me! Just you be careful with those super sharp knives, we don't want any trips to A&E! Will you share your finished pieces on your blog/fb page?

  5. This is absolutely amazing!!!!!! I tried one time, however, I had no patience! This has inspired me to try again!! Found you via Be.You.Tiful

    1. Ooh yes Madaline, go for it! I just stuck the TV on and then just got lost in it. If you keep it fairly simple it doesn't take forever.

  6. That is so super cool!! You're making me want to try this now!

    1. I really recommend it. I know I like most crafts but this is really good fun and I love the results.

  7. I think this would make sweet wall art for my nursery. I like all your images, but I really kind of like your first attempt the best. It is so whimsical to me.

  8. You are so creative this is amazing, your Dr Who tie was one of the most clicked links in the April Stash link party, congratulations! http://lindacraftycorner.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/summer-stash-link-party-and-your-april.html

    1. Thank you Linda, and thanks for letting me now about the April stash party. I've not had time for much knitting or crochet recently - so many different crafts to try out there and ordinary things like work,cooking the tea and hoovering to get in the way!

  9. Your cuttings are beautiful! I admit, I would much rather just do it on the computer with my silhouette cutter, but I have like no patience and a lot of projects, lol.

    1. Ah Rachel, sadly I am silhouetteless! Maybe one day....

  10. If those are your first attempts I'm certain it won't be long before we see the really detailed papercuts, they look fantastic and I love the two finished cards - simply beautiful.

  11. Oh, my goodness.... this is such a great craft idea and you did a great job with your paper cuts!!! I actually am obsessed with the German art of scherenschnitte (hope I'm spelling that right) and this gives me some great ideas (though I'm not sure I'm nearly as creative as you are!).

    1. Hi, I'd not heard of scherenschnitte so I've just googled it! So many amazing designs our there mine look very amateur still Rome wasn't built in a day and all that!

  12. Ooo they are totally fab hon, well done. This paper cutting thing really is contagious isn't it!!! Can't wait to see more xx

    1. Thank you so much Jen, Your paper cuts are beautiful so it means a lot coming from you! And yes, very contagious!

  13. Wow, super job with the paper cutting, especially for your first go-round! Thanks so much for sharing over at Creative Spark Link Party! Hope to see you again Wednesday!

  14. The Mia one looks brilliant :D

  15. I love you end result, I've never tried paper cutting, it looks a lot of fun. I think your program name could work!! #pintorials

  16. Awesome project! Your cutting with the X-acto craft knife is beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing @ Monday Handmade Linkup Party. Have a great week, Julia. :)

  17. So cute! I've never seen paper cutting before but I am definitely going to try it, the results are so beautiful! #tuesdaytutorials

  18. Wow such talent! Have you ever looked into a Silhouette? I love mine! Thanks so much for stopping by Creative Spark Link Party! We loved having you and feel free to link up again tomorrow!

  19. Wow, these are first attempts? You did a great job, well done!
    Thanks for sharing at #Pintorials

  20. These are amazing! We're about to move house and I'm looking for DIY projects for the kids rooms, pinning this for inspiration :) #Pintorials

  21. This turned out lovely! Great job!

  22. Hi Julie! Just wanted to let you know you have been a feature this week on Weekend Craft's Creative Spark Link Party! Congrats! Hope you link up again this week! http://bit.ly/1uhJzgE

    1. Thanks Michelle, that lovely news.Glad you liked my paper cutting attempts.

  23. 1. When you said it was an attempt at paper-cutting, I figured there would be a tale of woe and mistakes (and hopefully no disabling flesh wounds).

    2. Very impressive. I wonder if you can make MLB logos and stuff.

    3. I kept wondering ... what's she going to do with the dot in the I?

    *-Glad to have found you through the Hump Day Happenings linkup.

    1. Hi, glad you found me through the Hump Day Happenings.
      1. Happily no major injuries!
      2. I'm so English I have just had to google MLB just to see what that stands for (and yes I imagine that would be do-able)
      3. I was wondering the same thing myself when I was half way through!

  24. Beautiful! Great job! So cute! Thanks for sharing with us at Your Designs This Time!

  25. My favorite is the "F" initial. As your first attempts are great! If this is the beginning, your future projects will be gallery worthy! :) Thanks for sharing with <a href="http://www.100lbcountdown.com/tag/creative-style/>Creative Style</a>!

  26. I love the "F" paper cutting. If these are your first attempts, I can't wait to see the ones that are more complex! Thanks for sharing with Creative Style!

  27. WOW! I cannot believe you did it by hand! AMAZING job for first attempts :)

  28. Paper cutting is so very beautiful and very creative; it has inspired me to give it a go but probably when I have time in Sept when the children are back at school - I think I'll need plenty of concentration time


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