Friday, 9 May 2014

Dotty Card Tutorial

I like giving handmade greeting cards whenever I can and this idea dotty idea is so quick and easy.
Dotty Card Tutorial
Here in the UK we had a Bank Holiday Monday this week so I spent a whole day card making, got loads done, made loads of mess! 
One of the cards I made was a very simple dotty card inspired by this card by Katie Gehring
and this Sharpie Mug by My Blissful Space

It was so easy and I like it so much I thought you might like to give it a go to.
Start with a blank card, mine was a 5"x7". Cut another piece of card just a little bit smaller.
Dotty Card Tutorial
I had the extra layer because my pens bleed through the cardboard a little, see:
Dotty Card Tutorial
If your pens don't then you could just do your design straight onto the blank card.
Now I like to do a little coloured edge round the extra layer, seeing as I'm using it anyway. I recommend doing thing first - before you go any further.
What can go wrong This is the bit most likely to go wrong, so better to stuff it up at the beginning and have to turn the card over and start again, than mess up all over your lovely finished design!
Don't let that put you off, it's not difficult - just place the card on a bit of scrap paper and draw down the edge with a felt pen.
Dotty Card Tutorial
Maybe practice a bit first on scrap card, you want to be fairly quick and decisive with the pen. If you do it too gingerly you wont get a nice finish. If the pen slips onto the card you end up with a rubbishy line - been there, done that! Just turn it over and have another go. Or skip that step altogether!

Now add your wording.
I don't have lots of fancy die cutting machines or a Cricut or Silhouette (poor me!) but I do have a very cute little Quickutz squeeze with a set of alphabet dies (lucky me!) so that's what I used. I save coloured envelopes, which are a fantastic source of free coloured paper, and so punched my letters from them.
Dotty Card Tutorial
I arranged them in the centre of the card and glued them down. (I'm flicking from card to card in these photos, sorry! I've just picked the clearest pictures, it's all the same method)
Dotty Card Tutorial
You need to cut a circle of scrap paper big enough to cover your wording, this one is 8.5cm in diameter.
Pop it over the words, grab a pen and start dotting.
Dotty Card Tutorial
Dotty Card Tutorial
More dots near the paper, less further away.
Dotty Card Tutorial
Change colour and dot some more. Use as many colours as you like, stop when you think it looks done. Remember, you can always add more but once they are on you can't take them away!
Dotty Card Tutorial
What can go wrong Don't rush, when I got carried away some of my dots turned into slightly less attractive flicks.

Because it was so quick and easy, I made a load more and tried out some variations on the theme.
Dotty Card Tutorial
I used my stamps instead of the die cut letters, and added more dots on some, less on others.
Dotty Card Tutorial
Dotty Card Tutorial
I did one with my best "fancy" writing and added little gems to dot the i's. The colours on screen are a bit off on this one, it's pinks,purples and gold in real life.
Dotty Card Tutorial
Stickers would work well in the middle too. The kids could make these without too much bother I reckon.
Dotty Card Tutorial
Easy, quick, fun, do-able with stuff you probably already have & almost endless variations! Enjoy!

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I'll be linking up this project at all these lovely link parties, pop over for a look at loads of projects from other blogs


  1. Love the cards! Simple yet so pretty! Have a great weekend.

  2. These are so cute! Thanks for the great idea!

  3. Cute cards and thanks for the shout out! ;)

    1. Glad you like them Crystal, and Thank You for the inspiration!

  4. These polka dots rule! Love that you make cards. I am a paper/letter loving gal but I don't make my own cards, rather I drool over other's creations like yours. Visiting via SITSShareSaturday

  5. How simple and cute! I've pinned this. What a great idea!

  6. I love these handmade cards that you made! Have a wonderful weekend Julie!

  7. Adorable! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Visiting from Countdown In Style. Awesome and adorable looking cards! Have a great week!

  9. I love these 'dotty' cards!! pinning!

  10. Love this! The happy birthday card is so cheerful!

  11. Simplicity really is best! what totally wonderful cards! Fab tutorial! Jen xx

    1. Thanks Jen, I'm glad you like the tutorial. Sometimes I think I'm rambling on a bit, but I just have so much I want to say. I don't want to miss out some vital step or hint that I've learnt the hard way!

  12. What a great set of cards you've made, and thanks for sharing how to make them too.

  13. So fun! I do think kids could do this. I'm saving this for my Junior Girl Scouts for next year.

    Thanks for linking up at Motivation Monday!

  14. These are really professional looking cards for an at home project. If you never said anything, looking at some of them I wouldn't know the difference. That's pretty amazing! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Countdown in Style!

    1. Awh, thanks Brittnei. I aim for professional looking project whenever I can, sometimes they turn out great, sometimes not so much!

  15. I love how fun and simple polka dots are!

  16. Brilliant! Looks amazing, I think I might use this idea at school with the children. Thank-you for sharing, Jo x

    1. I think these would be great for kids, they might want to stick the paper circle down with a bit of bluetack or a loop of washi/decorators tape just so they don't slip around whilst they are dotting.

  17. Love it! I love when something looks like it was much harder to create - such a nice surprise to find out it's easy to replicate!! :) Visiting from C'mon Get Crafty, found you at The Life of Jennifer Dawn! :)

    1. I like easy projects! I don't mind having the old more complex thing on the go, but you have to have some quick successes too I think.

  18. Awe, they are so adorable!! I've always been a fan of pointillist work! Visiting from Judy's Handmade Link Up Party!

    1. I like the idea of calling it Pointillist, a bit more sophisticated than Dotty! Why didn't I think of that? Thank you for stopping by, I'm glad you like them.

  19. I love it, these are all amazing!! Thanks for linking up at Link it Or Lump It. Pinned pinned pinned!

    1. Thanks Sonnet, I have probably mentioned it but I do love a little bit of pinning myself!

  20. You did such a good job. I love this trend of dots. I think it's so adorable and easy! Thanks for sharing with Countdown in Style.

  21. Fantastic selection of cards. My favourites are the white and black card at the very top. The combination of colours look very elegant.

    1. Thank you Stephen, that was what I likes about this idea, it's very versatile so your cards can be elegant or cute and fun, or something else entirely. Glad you like them.

  22. Wonderful idea! Love the cards! Thanks for sharing at Your Designs This Time!

  23. These are SO cute! Thanks for the inspiration--- my daughter has a bunch of birthday parties coming up and she will LOVE experimenting with these ideas!

  24. This is a lovely idea! I must get one of those alphabet die cutters. #pintorials

  25. Great, easy to follow tutorial!
    Thanks for sharing at this week's #Pintorials


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