Sunday, 16 March 2014

Geometric Bangle Refashion

Geometric Bangle Refashion
I fell across this interesting bangle in the Charity shop for just 50p, it shouted out "buy me please" in such a lovely way that I felt it would be rude not to!
Geometric Bangle Refashion
It had that brass metal inside that makes your arm green, but I like the little geometric shapes. (I am reliably informed that these are square based pyramids)

This bracelet has had two makeovers, You'll see why in a minute.

1st - Bright Nail Varnish

I'd seen ideas on good ol' pinterest where people have brightened up old jewellery with nail varnish so I took a selection of bright nail varnishes, some of these are my daughters (she's a good sharer!)
Geometric Bangle Refashion
The bracelet has 14 little squares so I needed a number of colours devisable by 14. I think that's 2,7 and 14 isn't it? Anyhow, I found 6 bright colours and one left plain makes 7 - sorted!
Geometric Bangle Refashion
 Each square got about 3 coats of nail varnish, some needed a fourth coat.
Geometric Bangle Refashion

Geometric Bangle Refashion
It looks pretty good doesn't it?

(what can go wrong) However after about 4 outings this happened:
Geometric Bangle Refashion - pin fail!
Geometric Bangle Refashion  - Pin Fail
Turns out this might be a teenagers project, you know people with plenty of time for messing about re coating their jewellery!

Time for another try.

2nd - Copper Enamel Paint

The nail varnish came right off with nail varnish remover, not that you would expect it not to of course. So the bangle was back to being naked again!

I had this copper enamel paint so tried painting every other square.
Geometric Bangle Refashion
Geometric Bangle Refashion
 This time I also painted the inside to stop the whole green arm thing.
Geometric Bangle Refashion
It needed 3 coats of the copper enamel paint and there are a few brush marks if you look really closely. I imagine using masking tape and a spray paint would give fantastic results, but I do like using what I already have whenever possible. 
So far this paint is a lot more hard wearing than the nail varnish. I'll let you know how it gets on over time.

  • Today I'm trying out a larger font size than I've used before - what do you think? Does it look like I'm shouting at you or is it just easier to read? Your feedback is very welcome!

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I'll be linking up at all these great link parties, why not check them out!


  1. Love the larger font! It looks good. The redo looks very nice. I like the copper and silver. Looks sleek. Thanks for sharing with Countdown in Style.

  2. I do like the font. I love the make over with the copper, I've used nail polish too same issue!

  3. Aw too bad the nail polish chipped that was pretty. The copper was a nice idea too! Thanks so much for sharing this with us also at Countdown in Style!

  4. Two lovely ways to update the bracelet, maybe a nail polish topper might protect the edges more? I love your new larger font, it isn't 'shouty' at all.

    1. Good idea Lucy, I was wondering if a varnish of some sort would have worked, maybe I'll have another go with the next "treasure" I find for 50p that begs me to take it home!
      I think I'll stick with the bigger font, it just looks so different on Blogger as I'm getting the page ready - it's a "just right" size then, when I publish it's either too big or too small. I was thinking about text messages, when you get one in CAPITALS it looks like they are shouting at you!

  5. Great look, especially the second time round. Wonder whether the bracelet had ended up at the charity shop if its previous owner had had your idea. ;)

    1. I guess not, still this way the Charity gets the 50p and I get a nice new bangle. win win!

  6. Beautiful job on the bracelet. I have some old ones sitting in a drawer and I really want to update them now!

  7. That's so creative! It really makes the bracelet all-purpose when you can change the color to match anything. :)

  8. I love that you wear-tested the results of your refashion!

    1. Hi Rachel. Oh course, I wouldn't want to be telling you something was a good idea, only to find a few weeks later it was a disaster. I always give things a few weeks/few washes just to make sure they are actually fit for purpose!

  9. Love it both ways! Thanks for sharing!

  10. I would never have thought of painting that bangle! Such a good idea! And I definitely like it both ways. I love that you didn't give up when the first try didn't quite work out. Good job!

  11. Awesome upcycle! Thanks for sharing at Do Tell Tuesday, and I hope you have a chance to link up again this week!

    Diane @ Vintage Zest


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