Thursday, 13 February 2014

Evening Cardigan Makeover

plain cardigan to evening cardigan refashion
This is the second of my cardigan makeovers, You can find the first one here.

I had this plain little black cardie with a round neckline and 3/4 sleeves.
I'm not a big fan of 3/4 sleeves, I figure either it's cold enough to need sleeves or not, however I do have a few things with them and sometimes I do push up long sleeves. I digress.

It felt suitable for a dressy "going out" makeover. Sometimes on a night out you need a cardie to go over a silly little party dress, what if the place you are going is a bit chilly?

I found this trim in Hobbycraft at 90p per metre. How much you need will depend on the style of your cardigan. I bought 2 metres and have a bit left over.

This was very easy, I just took some regular sewing thread and stitched the trim around the bottom of the neck edging.
  • I learnt as I went along that you want your needle to go in the direction shown in the photo, downwards, not upwards. It was just sooo much easier that way and I didn't keep getting the thread stuck on the beads.
  • I stopped every 5 of so beads and did a little casting off stitch, that way if I ever catch this trim on something it won't all come undone.
  • I worked quite slowly making sure the knit fabric was laid out on my knee without being bunched up or stretched out so it will lie flat when finished.
  • Don't use a long length of thread, be prepared to cast off and start again with a new length several times. A long thread will only wrap round and catch on the beads and end up taking longer.
That's it, easy as that. 
plain cardigan to evening cardigan refashion

plain cardigan to evening cardigan refashion
The buttons were already nice little shiny round buttons which went really well with the trim so I didn't even need to change them.

And finally, just to give you all a laugh, a selfie!
How on earth are you supposed to do these? Where do you look? How do you not end up with the camera in the way?
This was actually the best of about 6 selfies I took - enough said I think, back to photos taken by our youngest out in the garden!

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I'll be linking up at these great link parties.


  1. So quick and easy, and what a fabulous difference it makes in the cardigan! Dressy enough to wear with the silly party dress but still casual and pretty enough to wear during the day. I love it!

  2. Thanks April. We all do that don't we, have a silly party dress then feel just a little bit chilly for the first 2 hours of an evening out - until the dancing starts of course!

  3. What a brilliant way to bling up a simple cardigan. Thanks for the wonderful tutorial.
    Ali xx

  4. A lovely upgrade to the cardi, I agree you often need one on a night out and yours looks stunning. Have a good week.

  5. Love the new look for the cardigan. Very sophisticated.

  6. Great idea. You've given the cardigan a real lift. And the selfie is lovely too. :) x

    1. Thanks Mecki, but I think you are being kind about the Selfie!

  7. It looks really nice, really makes a difference to just being plain black :)

  8. It's really pretty and such a bargain too. I've never 'done a selfie' so I can't help you with that :)

    1. I do love a bargain, and I may well not be doing selfies again after this - the young people make it look so easy though!

  9. I love the idea of dressing up simple clothing. I haven't tried that yet, but I love it! Thank you for sharing with Countdown in Style Julia!

  10. I love this cardigan. I'm just starting to upcycle my clothes and I'm addicted.

    1. It is pretty addictive isn't it? It's nice to know your clothes are unique though, and it's really not an expensive addiction either!

  11. This is some serious glam! It really is perfect for evenings!

  12. I love the detail you added, just lovely. Thank you for visiting me at Tea Cottage Pretties....

    1. Awh, it was my pleasure, I love visiting other people's beautiful blogs!

  13. I <3 this! Some sweaters just need a little something:) Pinned

  14. I just hemmed hubby's belt loop back on! I can totally do something like this! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Countdown in Style! Don't forget to stop by Friday to see if you are featured :)

    1. Very impressive needle wielding Brittnei, I'm sure something like this would be no problem at all!
      Isn't it nice when you can fix something, instead of having to replace it or pay someone else to do a repair?

  15. What a simple idea to dress up a cardigan! Some cardigans are just too plain to wear with a nice dress for an evening out, but you need something to cover up with if it gets chilly--this works great!
    Amber @

  16. I love the look that the beads add to your cardigan! I love clothes with a little bit of sparkle so this is definitely my style! Thanks for linking this up at Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop!


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