Saturday, 7 December 2013

Recycled Gift Wrapping Ideas

So, here is a round up of all my recycled gift wrapping ideas so far.

Just click on the photos to see the tutorial.

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  1. Cute ideas!! Love them! Now I'm thinking about what I can dig up to try!

  2. So creative! Now I'm kicking myself for getting rid of packaging material that would make great wrapping material.

    Thanks for sharing your ideas at Motivation Monday!

    1. I know what you mean Barb, I often think afterwards that something I've chucked away would have been just right, It's hard to get the balance because you can't keep everything - they make TV programs about people who never throw anything out!

  3. These are such great upcycling ideas! I especially like the cardboard tube turned pillow cute!! Thanks for sharing these because too many times great crafting materials are right under our noses and we don't even realize it!

  4. I do like the cardboard tube idea, and I have a whole bag of old kitchenroll tubes in my kitchen.

    1. Sound like a plan, I'm just hoping that you have lots of long thin gifts to give this year, so they fit nicely in your tubes!

  5. Great ideas! Sometimes I dig through the drawer of old kid artwork and use those sheets to wrap small things. Last year we colored plain cheap gift bags and we still have lots left. That was fun since it was a Christmas craft, too!

    1. What great ideas Christa, it's nice when the kids can get involved. Plain wall paper is good for the kids to draw all over but it is a little bit thick for wrapping present, especially small ones, and I found sellotape won't stick to it very well either!


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