Saturday, 23 November 2013

Scrabble Tile Christmas Ornament

Make Christmas decoration with scrabble tiles
I acquired an old scrabble set and have used the old tiles for a few projects. I have quite a few left and played around to see what words I could still make. Turns out I had the letters for a few Christmassy words:

I found these little signs in a charity shop for 50p each:

I gave them a quick spray of my favourite gold paint (this project has details) then cut out two pieces of scrap book paper, one just a little smaller than the sign and one a little smaller than that.

I inked the edge of the papers with a brown ink pad, I thought it helped with the rustic look - goes nicely with the string on the sign.

I spread PVA glue all over the back of the larger paper and stuck it onto the sign, then repeated for the smaller paper. I did try to photograph that but with my white scrap paper underneath it really didn't show. I'm guessing you all know what a gluey piece of paper looks like!

I then covered the whole thing in a layer of PVA glue (if you have Mod Podge I'm guessing it would work a treat)

I used my glue gun to attach the scrabble letters, just a little blob in each corner. I got my youngest to take these photos again, (this is definitely a two handed job) he took about 20 pictures and this was the best! 

 Ta dah!

Scrabble tiles Christmas Ornaments

I actually tried this project a month or so ago for a birthday present. 

(what can go wrong) I hadn't found the signs then so tried to make one from balsa wood. It worked ok except the wood I had chosen was a little bit too thin for the screw in eye things and the wood split a bit.

It was rescueable as I made that the back, but if you do try this, make sure your wood is at least 5mm thick. Otherwise I made it in pretty much the same way as described above. The differences here are that there is only one layer of paper, which went right to the edge, and I used a ribbon with some beads to hang it up.
DIY name ornament with scrabble tiles

The other thing I made with these tiles is a picture of all our names in a sort of scrabble arrangement which hangs in our hallway. (incidentally next to the Coin Picture) It looks great but it used the W's, the J and the K so I couldn't do any jingle bells or winter/snow words for this project!

If you can't get hold of any actual scrabble tiles for something like this there are sites that you can download them from, print them on card and fashion your own. I've not tried any myself but I know there are a few about. Just google "download scrabble tiles" and I'm sure you will find something.

I've had some feedback that some people are concerned that by putting Xmas here I have taken Christ out of Christmas.
The X is Chi, the Greek letter for Christ so He is still very much there and this is just a commonly used shorthand from as far back as the 16th century. It is not my intention to offend anyone, but personally I'm happy to use Xmas.
There are loads of website that go into way more detail if you are interested in further research.

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I'll be linking up at all these great link parties, why not have a little look?


  1. My daughter is a Srabble nut, she'd love these ideas. Here via CBC. For what it's worth.

    1. Hi Jeannie, thanks for the comment, it made me realise I'd forgotten to add the bit at the end about downloading scrabble tile pictures from the internet if you don't have any actual tiles. If your daughter is a scrabble nut it might seem like sacrilege to use real tiles!

  2. These are so cute! Thanks for the tutorial! Pinning!

  3. Scrabble games are hard to find in the thrift shops here. I have a jar of tiles and think I will make some of these for present tags. Thanks!

    1. Hope you have the right letters left! I'm getting quite limited now. It's the same here in the uk, any old scrabble sets get snapped up by other craft people!
      I've seen some people doing clever things with old keyboards which is pretty cool too.
      (I removed my first reply as I found it was full of typo's - again! honestly it's like a disease)

  4. I think these are adorable! Wish I had some scrabble pieces :(

    1. Since I posted I checked out the downloadable scrabble options, there is one here you have to log on to a free stock photo site to get this but the quality looks great. and also which I did download and they print out lovely onto card.
      Problem solved! Now what else can I make with them!

  5. I love the idea of using the scrabble letters. Great.

  6. These are just amazing. I love Scrabble and Scrabblecraft but your Christmas signs are absolutely gorgeous. Photographing yourself crafting is a difficult job at times!!

    1. You're not kidding Wendy! I struggle to decide to hold the camera in my right hand and try to do whatever it is with my left, or attempt to take the photo with my left. My lad is usually pretty good and he never moans, but we just had a very fuzzy day when glueing these!

  7. Those turned out really well - I have mod podge and love doing stuff with it - might look for some scrabble games in the charity shops! Kweku is an unusual name, what does it mean?

    1. Kweku is a Ghanaian name meaning born on Wednesday, and he was!
      Like others have commented, scrabble sets can be like gold dust now, you need an inside contact in your local Charity shop who will keep them to one side for you! Or print out some from your computer...

  8. Your signs look wonderful. What a fantastic idea.
    Ali x

  9. Scrabble Tiles are like gold bars! -- Try Yards Sales if you can. But even them there is difficult! The Tiles have now achieved the status of "Glass Doorknobs"...

    1. I need a "like" button on these comments - (like Face book) then I could "Like" this comment!
      Like I said somewhere else, I've seen some pretty fun stuff made with old keyboards - they might be more easy to get hold of, there's got to be other cute looking things with alphabets on them - think think think.

  10. What fabulous ideas... the really love the picture frame with all your names In!

    1. Thanks, it took a while to get the arrangement right, there were only a certain number of letters that each of us share with one another. I messed around for ages till I was happy (Didn't think of this when we were naming the kids!)

  11. so many fun ideas here! I love the little details like inking the edge of the paper, it gives a lovely vintage style finish x

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you like the inking. Tell you a secret I actually stuck the very first piece down without it and immediately knew something was missing so I peeled it off quick, inked it and re-glued it!

  12. What a great idea and a lovely tutorial too, thanks for sharing.

  13. definitely love the scrabble christmas sign!
    Bath Bomb Creations & Grumpy Joes Pet Emporium

  14. So these are just adorable. A great idea when you run across an old scrabble game at a tag sale. My daughter's name is Bethany, so I loved that:) (stopping in from SITS…)

    1. Thanks Seana, the Bethany that we gave this to loved it, she put it on her bedroom door. It's nice when a gift goes down well.

  15. Love your scrabble Christmas signs - so pretty! Glad I found them over at That DIY Party - definitely pinning these.

  16. I have been wanting to do some scrabble crafting for a long time now and these signs look amazing, I especially like your Christmas paper too! Popping over form Handmade Monday.

    1. Thanks Tracey, these papers were from Dovecrafts Back to basic Christmas pack, I got it last January in the sales!

  17. Love this idea! And the rest of your blog! Glad I stopped by from SITS!

  18. These are great! I love that it's so simple, yet so fun! What a great Christmas decoration!

  19. Those are really cute! I have some Scrabble tiles left over from another craft project that I could use to make these. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I seems that those of us with a few left over tiles are very lucky! The words "like" and "gold dust" seem to be cropping up a lot!

  20. I use scrabble tiles in vignettes all of the time, but I have never thought of attaching them to wood. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. I suppose the only draw back is that once they are stuck, that's it, and you can't change what you've written with them. Maybe you could use some of that sticky strip stuff that you can get for temporarily putting up posters etc, then you could change them for different things - darn it, why didn't I think of that before?

  21. My husband and I love scrabble. I adore this idea of incorporating scrabble letters with a Christmas craft!

    1. Glad you like it, I enjoy scrabble too but I'm not very good so it gets frustrating for everyone else when I clog up the board with 3, 4 & maybe 5 letter words!

  22. Very cute! I have lots of Scrabble tiles and an old sign I've been wanting to cover, so this is perfect. Thanks for the inspiration!

  23. Love these! I'm pinning this one to our board! Thanks for sharing on DIY Sunday Showcase!


  24. So cute and such a great idea! I love the Scrabble tiles! Thanks for sharing @ Submarine Sunday!

    1. Thank you, I always try to come by your submarine party every week, you always have such a nice mix of things.

  25. Love it! Thanks for sharing.

  26. This is so cute! I really love the family names sign--I made one similar to that in the past and I love how sentimental it is! Thanks so much for sharing this at Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop! I hope to see you back on Sunday night!

  27. I love this project, just love it! Pinning this. Thank you for linking up at the Wednesday Round-Up! Hope to see you back next week on Tuesday night!

  28. Absolutlely LOVE this! SO cute!

    1. Thanks Bethany, now you just need someone to make a Bethany sign for you!

  29. What a FUN way to use scrabble tiles! I love it!

  30. I see another word you can make if you still have all the same tiles. BELIEVE. I have that sitting on a shelf and really enjoy it. Just a thought. :0)

    1. Thank you so much Kathy, I've never been any good at scrabble, I annoy everyone with my tiny short words! I'm going to put them by now so I don't use them for something else by mistake.

  31. This is incredibly unique! I love it, and it caught my eye at the I Heart NapTime party--I had to stop by!

    I would love it if you stopped by our Facebook page, and said "hello!"

    Your fan,
    ~Cathy Mini

    1. Thanks Cathy, I've been have a little look round your blog, you have some lovely ideas and projects. Thanks for popping over

  32. Love these, Julie! Thank you for sharing. I hope you stop by to see the feature at Retro RePin! :)


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